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RECAPE: ayush warning ragini...swara found uncouncious

A girl lying uncouncious on ground near the river end ..full face is coverd with blood ..
A man came there to take fresh air ...wacthing the waves and enjoying the fresh air ..suddenly his eyes fall on a that girl..he goes near and turn her and saw the face ..that girl non other than swara.

He moves her hair strends for her face and tucks behind her ear..he feel somthing annoyon feeling...he mermrrised seeing her beauty..
He lift her in his arm took her to hospital
In City hospital
The man(shout): doctor ,doctor
By his shouting doctors came their
The man: doctor plz treat this girl
Doctor: ok sir ...
Doctor order ward boy and took swara in OT..
The man is roaming here and there in tense after 3 hrs doctor came out ..
The man : doctor how is she ??she is ok na?
Doctor: mr S.M due to heavy blood lost she us uncounsious ...her injury is deep in head ...we cant say anything..if she didnt regain her sense the she ll sleep in coma..
(Yes that man is sanskar)
Doctor: mr SM do u knw her??
Sanskar: no ..i found her near river ...
Doctor: sir we have to inform her family.

Sanskar took her phone .and call some one and told somthing..
Sanskar:doctor can i take her to my home.?
Doctor: sir she is still uncounsious..she need rest after gaing counsious i ll inform u..
Sanskar: thank u doctor ..i ll leave now..
Sanskar left and reached S M COMPANY..all empoylies fear by his name .they all stood and wished him ..he went in his cabin and sat on chair resting his head to chair and closing eyes..he she swara face.. then suddenly open his eyes.. then went near window and watching out..
Sanskar(thinking): who is she ..i nvr felt like this before for any girl ..infact i hate girls ..then why im feeling so rest less..why im fleeling some connection between us...
His thought is disturb by a door nock ... he turned and saw his manager taking a deep breath and answerd

Sanskar: come in
Dev: sir i found abt that girl
Sanskar(bossy tone): ok tell
Dev: sir she is swara gadodia..
Sanskar(in mind and smiling):swara
Dev: we informed to her family
Sanskar:ok now leave..
He stood ther watching out and thinking abt swara ...and smiling ..

Precape: swara gain concious .. bose family are happy..

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