part -14

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Today episode
Both swasan reach home both headed to their room ..after freshn up both came down and sat chit chatting .
San:swara y u told laksh u live in flat.?
Swa:sanskar dnt want they knw im married and i live with u ..and even when laksh told that ur flat and badi is opposite so i was confuse i toughts somthing fishy so dnt wanted to create scene so i told like that.( guys swara wearing mangalsutra with look like chain so no one guess it mangalsutra only after seeing from near it look mangalsutra and swara hide her sindoor with hairs so no one know that she is married).
San:and y u dnt want to tell ur marride?
Swa:bcz i dnt want bcz of people bad mouth abt u ..bcz before they given illigal child title and now characterless girl title ..i dnt want to ruin ur Raputation ..untill i prove innocent i ll nt tell anyone that im married..
Sankar was overwhelm by her thought for his respect that were chit chatting ..swara feel safe and happy with sanskar company..she liking sanskar bt unaware of her feeling that she is falling for him..they talk disturb by swara call she saw caller id and a bright smile came on her face ..on call
Swa:hey baby
Os:hi di are u busy .
Swa:no ayu tell
Ayu:after 2 days my exams are starting and i want u to be with me .plz come na.
Swa:when ur exam complete.
Swa:ayu hw can 1 week i ll come..
Ayu: plz di ..i ll ask jiju jiju is there
Ayu:then put cell on speaker...swara putted cell on speaker.
Ayu:hi jiju.
San:hi buddy..hw r u long time
Ayu:fine jiju ..jiju i want ur permission.
San:for what.
Ayu:jiju frm after 2 days my final exam will start and u knw my lucky champ is with u . So i need permission to send her 1 week here ..plz im requesting u
San:i ll nt accept ur request .both swayush was shock.
San: if u request me then i ll nt send her ..if u want u can directly tell me or order me bt not request ..
Ayu(excited):then u ll send her.
San:ofcousre buddy ..u helped me yaar.
Ayu:wt i helped jiju..
San:acutly i was going USA day after tmrw night so i was thinking abt her only hw i ll live her here alone bt u solved my she will not stay there 1 week bt she stay der 15 days..i ll drop her there day after tmrw .
Ayu:thank u jiju..ok bye jiju..and bye di
Swasan:bye buddy/baby.
San:so swara be ready tmrw ..before going i ll prove u innocent..
Swa:thank u .. both had there dinner and went sleep..
Nxt mrng its a new day for our cute couple with new hope and determine..both got ready and had bf ..
San:swara its time to play back time .
Swara smile..
Both went to temple near bridge were ragini pushed swara .in mean time laksh came.
Lak:hi bhai..hi swara.
Swasan:hello lucky/mr.laksh.
Lksh feel bad fr swara calling him as stranger..
San:now Excute plan .swara ready ...swara noded and called to some one.
Os:who is this.
Swa:O u forget me so easily mrs ragini laksh maheshwari...
Swa:o so u remenber me
Rag:y u called me wt u want ..
Swa:chill my so called sister..u want ur husband alive or nt .
Rag:wt do u mean.
Swa:if u want ur husband alive then come to the place were try to kill in 30 mim ..and come alone no smartness.other wise next moment u ll see a dead body infront ur door step.
Rag:no swara i ll come dnt do anything to tgis they ended call..
San:good job .
they are waiting for ragini..laksh was staring swara . Wer sanskar was fitting camera and stealing glance of swara and swara was blankly staring ground ..after fitting camera..sanskar moved near were laksh also coming to her before he reach sanskar reached to her..both smiled to each other other..laksh was burning in jealousy he came near them
Lak: bhai hw u knw swara?
By this question both are shock .
Swa:non of ur bussiness mr saying this she went frm there..laksh feel bad ..soon they saw ragini car and composed them self..
Sanskar hided behind the pillar so that he will nt capture in that video. .
Rag:swara wer r u .
Swa:here ragini .swara came behind the pillar .
Rag:wer is laksh.She shouted laksh laksh .
Two man whose face are coverd with cloth broght laksh by holding his arm who is in semi Consious state seeing she run to laksh bt stopped mid way by swara..who show her hand to stop..
Swa:so mrs maheshwari for him only u try to killed me na see what can i do ..
Rag:no swara leave him.
Swa:its late ragini.. by saying this she guester man they left laksh and went.she hold laksh collar and stab the knife in his stomach ..again she stab and left his collar ..he fall down with thud ..ragini who was in shock after hearing thud sound came to sense and run towards laksh ..took his head in lap and patted his cheek.
Rag:laksh wake up .laksh..
..nothing happen to u ..laksh breathing heavy and last closed his eyes
Rag:laksh open ur eyes ..
After no movement she shouted
ragini saw swara with anger and came near her ..and told.
Rag:why u did this swara u knw na how much i love him...u wanted revenge with me na then y u killed my laksh..for laksh only i maling ur character ..for laksh only i druged u ..for laksh only i try to kill u ..for laksh only i pushed u in river if no laksh then no use of u only..for laksh i try to kill once then for laksh i ll try to kill u agian one save u by saying this she took knife which if on floor and stab to when swara didnt move she saw swara stomach..which is nt injure ..swara took knife and press the tip of knife after pressing the tip go inside is a toy..ragini was confuse and look toward laksh for her shock laksh was not there ..soon she feel burning sensation on her cheek yes someone slaped her when she turn to the direcrion she was shock see the person
Rag:laksh ..yes the person is laksh..guys its an plan ( Sanskar putted red ink on laksh shirt and red paint on his forehead and lip coner..and a dark red stain on stomach as it look like some on stab him.):laksh called some one and and told to come badi ..and drag ragini and pushed in car..and turn to swara.
Lak:swara come he opened passenger seat for her for his disappointment swara walk forward and sat on sanskar car..laksh compose himself and sanlak drove the car to badi ..when they mm family also reached at same time ..all mm are shock to see laksh condition..laksh drag ragini in badi and throwed her on floor center of badi..all are shock by his this behaviour..dadi and shekhar came running and helped ragini..dadi with furios.
Dadi:aye chore what is this..
Ap:laksh what is this and this blood .what happen to u ...
Lak: u ll get to knw soon...he turn to entrance .all followed his direction and saw swara was standing ..she came inside....all badi people gm mm and bose family present there..swara went near her mother and hugged and cried her heart..all are panic ..
Shomi:shona what happen beta..
Dida:shoru did that nagin did anything hearing nagin both mm and gm are angry
Dadi: aye bangalan shut ur mouth .how dare u to call my ladoo nagini.
Dida:did i told ur granddaughter nagin u only told her nagin telling this she started laughing ..shomi is looking her in disblief and sanskar who was hidded behind pillar hardly controlling his laugh and swarayush also controlling them self seeing dida laughing ayush did nt controll he too stared laughing ..swasan and shomi controlloing thier laugh .
Ayu: dida ur impossible..and again stared laughing .shekar who was furious for laksh not again anger level peak.
Shek:ayush shut ur mouth..other wise its not good..swasan and shomi controlling laugh .now they are furious.
Shomi:who are mr gadoddia to warn my son..dp who was seeing this drama is fustrated
Dp:lakah y u called us here .and what this see ur condition and y ur behaving like this with ragini.
Laksh:u ll get knw papa..
Laksh:adarsh bhaiya laptop..he handed laptop to laksh...laksh inserted camera chip in laptop and on the video ..and showed video to all...all are shock to see the video.. They can't imagine their innocent dil do like this.. laksh came to swara
Lak:im sorry swara i didnt trust u..i havr done wrong with u.
Ap:swara we are sorry plz fogive us .all mm family ask forgiveness..ramta are very happy bcz thier dil provded innocent ...
Swa: its ok the situation made u all plz dnt ask forgiveness..shekar who was having guilt came front.
Shek:shona sry beta..i didnt trust u ..i was blind in ragini love ..forgive me.
Swa:its ok mr goddodia.
Shekr feel bad swara calling him by name ..shekar went near shomi.
Shek:mishti im sorry i have done wrong ..plz i ll promise this time ill trust u and daughter ..come we will be live happy ..
Sho:mr gododia my name is sarmishta bose..ur none to me ..and she is not ur daughter she is my daughter.
Lak:swara u forgive me ..
Swa:im nt angry on u ..and for forgiveness ..i forgive u all bcz my mom said that a person needs a lot of courage to ask for forgiveness and if someone ask for forgiveness then we should forgive them at once.i just act upon my mother advice. This is my mom upbringing and her value..shomi ,dida and sanyush and ramya felt proud on her and all mm and gm are bow thier head down due to guilt.
Lak:papa im giving divorce to ragini ..
Dp:beta i dnt have prblm.
Rag:laksh hw can u do this....maa plz u tell na maa plz .
Ap:im with my son.ragini was total broken.
Laksh came to swara and held her hand.
Lak:swara i did mistak ..u forgiven me. I ll give her divorce and we will start new life .i know u love me ..
Swara jerk his hand and step back.
Swa:i dnt love u laksh ...its jst Infactuation which happen. I never loved u .i thought after being with u spent time with u i fall for u it didnt happen ...
Lak:swara plz give me chance ..
Swa:enough mr maheshwari telling u politely then u cant understand or what..all are shock to this shade of swara..ragini came sat on her knees infront of swara
Rag:swara im sry plz forgive me ..swara made her stand wiped her tears and comsole her..
Swa:ragini calm down..dnt cry its nt angry on u ..(to laksh)..laksh do u remember u promised me u ll do what ever i ll tell..laksh nodded..ok then forgive ragini accept her ..all are shock .
Lak:swara hw could u tell this she try to kill ur supporting her.
Swa:i knw whatever she did this is all bcz of u..foru she try to kill her own sister then how much she loves u...if u ever consider me as friend then accept her.....(to shomi) ok maa i ll go..
Sho:bt shona stay for sometime..
Swa:no maa i ll come telling this she took shomi and dida blessing and hugged ayu ..and left out were sanskar is standing..soon both left to home ..

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