part -8

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Today episode:
Swasan reached SM mansion..its big and not less then a palace.surronding garden is there...its a peace enviroment..
They went near door and rang the door bell.a lady opend the door ..she sita kaki she is maid in that house ..she saw swasan and shocked.then sanskar said.
Sanskar:kaki meet my wife swara sanskar maheshwari
Sita smiles and tell them
Sita:baba wait here i ll come back

She went and came back with a kalash and red water(sindoor water).she kept kalash in the door and water lil far frm kalash and told
Sita:bahu rani .push the kalash inside with right leg and again put ur legs in this plate and come in..swara does as she said and both went inside.
Sanskar holded swara and they left to thier room ..they went inside the room

Sanskar:swara u r tierd go and fresh we will have dinner.
Swara looked at sanskar with teary eyes..
Sanskar:what happen swara?
Swara:i didnt brought my cloths.

Sanskar(cups her face) : so u r crying for this small thing..i knw u didnt brought dress so i alredy brought for u.. he went near wardrob and opend it and told .wear which feel comfortable and be comfort ..if u want anything tell me aur sita kaki ..okk
She nodded yes.sanskar took his dress frm wardrob and told.

Sanskar: u get fresh i ll back and left the room .
Swara was confused and thinking swara(mono):he wanted to take revenge why he is very nice to me..y he is caring me this much...i confused by his behaviour..she went near wardrob and stunt to see the dress..the cupboard if filled with of lots of fancy dress and beautiful dress and sarees ...she took dress and went to wash room ..after freshen up sanskar came his room and then he hear door sound ..he turned and jst swara came out frm the wash room..he lost in his simplicity .she was wearing white short kurta 3/4 sleeves and pink patiyala pant ..and mangalsutra in her neck and a sindoor in her hair line whis is coverd with silky hairs only lil bit can see..she was looking like angel.. she feel some gaze and looked at sankar and both had cute eye look which is broked by swara .after coming to sense sanskar told.

Sanskar: u sit here i ll bring dinner .by telling this he left the room and after 10 min he came back with dnr..
He make her sit sofa he sat beside her and given her plate ..he also took plate and abt to eat bt he saw swara who was lost in thought and tears are making their way...he wiped her tears and took a bite and kept near her mouth ..she was confusly looking at him..then he composed himself and told

Sanskar:open ur mouth and eat this ..she didnt respond then he told with anger
Sanskar(anger): swara eat or else u knw wt can i do..she gt scared and and opened her mouth ..he smile and feed her dinnrr after dinner ..he went and kept plate and came back to room .and swara was standing near bed..he came and went near her...she gt scared and steped back and he moved forwed

.she moved back and stop there when her legs touched bed and she was hell scared ..he came near her ..make her sit on the bed and and wiped her tears and cupped her face and told..
Sanskar: dnt worry swar ..i ll nt come near u ..untill u will accept me..u live her freely ...dnt fear .i ll nt harm u if u do what i tell..u sleep here ..i ll sleep on sofa
.he took pillow and slept on sofa..swara was staring him..she feel relif..and slept..
Swara(mono):y he was caring me and why he is doing this im confused he may be rude bt somewer he have soft heart thinking she selpt.
Sanskar turn and saw her ..she was sleeping peacefull and he went near her sat beside her caressing her hairs and tear marks are visible .

Sanskar(mono): im sorry swara ..i hurted u i cant see tears in ur eyes ..when i see tears in ur eyes it like someone is stabbing in my i have to do this ..wait fr the time ..i ll give u all happiness u deserve..he kissed her forhead and came back to sofa and slept.
Beautiful Morning a r sun rays made there way and fall on swara ..

And her beautiful sleep was disturbed by sun rays ahe woke up and sat on bed and opend her eyes ..she saw sanakar who was sleeping innocently and a smile came on her face she woke and went to wash room..after sometime sanskar also wake up..he saw on bed nt he didnt find her .
Suddendly he stand and search the room he heard a door sound frm wash room .he turn and mermerrised seeing his beautiful wife..wearing pink anarkali and water drops are falling frm her wet hair...he was staring lovingly ..and came into sense whe he heard phone ring..he lift the call and after endding call he went to fresh . And aftr getting ready he came down and saw swara ..who is busy in talking with sita seeing sanskar sita left frm there and they both sat on dinning table.. sanskar called raju.

Raju:ji bhaiya ji
Sankar:clean my study and empty one shelf ..and keep ur bhabi files their
Swara was seeing him with confusing look
Samskar:swara i talked to ur senior doctor u take rest after 2 days u join hospital.
Swara(happy): thank u
Sanskar smile seeing her happy..

Sanskar:dont go out without my permission ..swara nodded her head ..and after bf sanakar left to office and swara was sitting in hall alone.. days passes like this ...
After a week swara join the hospital ..

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now