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Next morning swasan got ready and went to their  work... At that time ap, laksh, ragini and Dadi came to hospital for ragini check up.. As doctor suggested to come to hospital ...they are waiting in waiting area   for their turn... They all have confusion in their mind ..
Laksh took ap aside.
Lak:maa this is famous hospital  and charges will also high who will pay the bills.. I suggest let's go to government hospital...
Ap:im also thinking that only.. But yesterday they only called this doctor na.. Let them pay thier bill...
Lak: maa don't u think they have that much money to pay this bill...
Ap: I don't knw..but I m not gonna give a single penny to them.. They only called that doctor na let them pay for her expenditure.. I just want to get rid of this ragini once we will get all property Bcz now we don't have money to pay to servants  so ragini will do all that work..
Lak: but I don't want this baby..
Ap:even ur papa and I also don't want ..if it's a boy then he will be hier of this family then u and ur gf u both get marry and adopt him.. If it's girl then we will send her along with ragini... They were talking this but this all heard by someone.. That person had tears in his eyes.. He whipped his tears and went to swara cabin and sat there... Here Dadi and ragini side..
Dadi:ladoo this hospital is so big...then expenditure also will be high na..
Rag: Han Dadi maa... But why u called this doctor.
Dadi: I didnt called before we call she was there..
Rag: may be laksh ji have called..
Dadi: no ladoo damadji was not thier..
Rag: then how she came thier..
Dadi: may be some badi members called.. And I think they address u as ragini maheshwari that's way they sent famous doctor. Bcz u r dil of maheshwari family and now u r carring thier hier..
Rag: may be.. But Dadi maa this hospital is very costly.
Dadi: don't worry ladoo damadji is thier names..
Rag: yes  Dadi maa  ..laksh ji loves me lot that's way he brought me to this big hospital.. they both are praising maheshwari  but they don't knw that they are planning to get rid of them.. Soon ragini no came.. Dr priya eximine her and prescribed her some medicine... After check up they all came to billing counter  but no one is ready to take out the cash. They are seeing each other face.. Then Dadi eyes fall on swara who went inside the  Dr priya cabin ...swara is not wearing apron bcz she just came from ot and direct went into priya cabin for some work and she didn't saw maheshwari..
Dadi: swara  what she is doing here.. After hearing swara name everyone turn towards her.. Dadi  holded one nurse hand who is passing by thier..
Dadi: what that lady doing here..
Nurse : who madam.
Dadi:that just went inside that cabin..
Nurse: I dnt knw.. May be she came for check up.
Dadi: what check up..
Nur: can't u see its gynecologic room so obviously she came for her pregnancy check up.. This was bomb for them.. Laksh was more shocked Bcz he wanted swara..
Dadi: hai khatusham ki this girl Chiiii..
Receptionist: mama here is your bill..
Laksh : maa  i m going I have urgent work u go by taxi after paying the bills..
Ap: wait my legs are paining I ll also come I can't stand more.. Kaki Sa u go to Badi with ragini in taxi.. Let's go laksh..
They both left. Now only Dadi and ragini left. They saw bill they don't have that much money for bills and medicine.. They both are now worried what to do at that time swara came she saw them but ignored Bcz she didn't forgot what Dadi did with ayush yesterday.. She came to receptionist and given a file an told to give this to Dr rohini.. And got busy in checking files.. Then she saw thier worried face..
Swa: whats their problems.. Is everything OK.. Receptionist told everything to swara.. Then swara saw the bill..
Swa: write it paid..
Recep: but they haven't paid..
Swa: it's OK.. Tell them it's thier  1st check it will be free..
And swara left from their..
Dadi and ragini didn't heard what they are talking... Receptionist told that thier fees are free then they left to home.. Swara came to her cabin and saw ayush was sitting thier but was in deep thinking..
Swa: baccha  when u came. Ayush didn't answered.. Swara put her hand on her shoulder.. Ayush came to sense..
Ayu: Han  di  when u came.
Swa: just now.. What happened were u lost..
Ayu: di  actually when I was coming here I saw ragini laksh ap and Mrs gadodia  and he told what ap and laksh talked ( yes it's ayush who heard them talking)..
Swa: laksh and ap also  came.
Ayu: yes  but they are planning something bigg against ragini and Jiju..
Swa: I knw this already..
Ayu: what... When..
Swa: me and sanskar knw everything about this and mom and dad told this.. they are keeping eye on them.. Bcz they are planning to snatch all property which is on dad and sanskar name..
Ayu: then what next..
Swa:nothing let them do whatever they want.. Then atlast they have to see hell..
Ayu: but what about ragini and baby..
Swa: mom and uttra will be there for her... As soon she get to their real face it's good for her..
Ayu: may be she will understand who is her family....
Swa:hmm..ok leave it now  come let's have coffee...
Ayu: OK let's go
Both swayush went to cafe all their friends also joined them... At lunch time swara went to badi to meet dida and Shomi ..
Their already maheshwari family was present... When she entered badi Dadi started her drama...
Dadi: see how shame less girl is she..
Swayush saw her confusing and then shomi and dida... They both are making uninterested face told it's their regular drama.. Shekar came to swara and asked.
Shek: swara where were u..i haven't saw u in Badi since so many months..
Swa:who are u to ask me.. Swara answerd him rudely and move to go but shekar pulled her and gave her a tight slap.. Due to sudden slap she loosed her balance and fell down... Shomi and sujata came running and made her stand..
Shom:how dare u shekar..
Shek:shomi ask ur daughter where she was.. U knw her deeds...
Suj:shekar ji what are u talking talk clearly.
Shekar :sujata ji u stay out of this it's our family matter..
Suj: I have right to ask she is my daughter..
Shek : the girl who didn't become daughter to her own parents then how she will  be Urs..
Shomi:stop shekar.. What all this drama..
Dadi: Ye sharmista  ask ur fav daughter whose sin she is carrying in her womb..
Chiiii how shameless she is..i saw her meeting gynecologist  and when I asked they told she came for her pregnancy check up.. This is bomb for everyone.. Swara stumbled back..
Shk: who is the father.. Tell me  I will kill that bastard...
Dadi: shekar first kill this girl who ruined our image.. It's not that boy mistakes it's her.. Boys are like butterflies they taste all flowes  but girl should be careful na.. And she is characterless girl  she is expert in driving the boys crazy.. Who knw when she will be home our where with whom...chiii  I m feeling disgusting. Now see how she is roaming as nothing happened...
Ap: ya Kaki saa  u r right even we saw her kissing a boy ..dont knw what all she do
Shek: I'm ashamed to call her my daughter.
swara was shock.. She never thought in her dream also her family put this type of allegation on her... Swara saw toward shomi and nodded no..
Swa:what are u talking...
Dadi:that only what we got to knw.
Swa:its not true..
Dadi: then what u were doing in with that doctor..
Swa:i don't feel to answer u all..
Shek : u have to answer..
Swa: who are u that I should answer u...
Dadi:leave it shekar she is characterless.. She is same like her mother.. She also got pregnant before marriage only.. I have doubt whether this swara is ur child or she also done same like daughter roaming and sleeping with boys..
Ayu: Mrs Parvati mind ur language..
Shek: ayush how can u speak like this to maa.. He rised his hand to slap ayu  but 2 hands holded him.. It's none other then his 2 mothers.. Shomi and sujata...
Shomi :dare u touch my son.. Otherwise I ripe ur body..
Ap: sujata  y r u supporting them  leave shekarji hand.
Suj: jiji I can't see something wrong.. And that to with my children and my family.. So Mr gadodia never dare to do this stupidity again..
Dp:sujata what are u doing.. Ram tell her.
Rp: what i should tell Bhai Sa...she is right.. Like sanskar and uttra  ..ayu and Shona Are our children... I can't see them in tears.. And shekarji this is last warning to u ..next time I won't leave if u do anything to my both son and daughters...
Dadi: what wrong I said I told what is truth this girl is charecterless...
Dida:marvadlan shut ur mouth..
Shom: Maa ignore them  and come let's go shomi holded ayu hand and took him inside.. Dida to follow them  but swara  was not in sense she start walking out side the badi.. But this people didn't left  shouting and blaming.. Swara ignored them and left the badi..sujram saw swara with teary eyes and sujata called someone and told whatever happened and told that person to take care of her.... She went to hawrah bridge and started to cry.. Someone came and put hand on her shoulder without seeing that person face she hugged that person and started to cry bitterly..
Swa:why...why they hate me this much.. I'm that much bad..
Person :jaan u r not bad... They are bad that's way they always think others bad..
Swa: but my own father also didn't believe me he slap me..u knw sanskar I always wished my father should take stand for me he should fight for me with all the world but here blame me for everything( I think u guys guessed whom suju called) . Sanskar clutched his feast.. Bcz he can't see a single tears in her eyes but this man crossed his all limits..
san:jaan let's go to home he took her and went to sm mansion.. All the way swara was crying.. They came to home Swara already slept ..he carried her to their room and placed her on bed.. .
Here in badi when dida Shomi and ayush came inside shomi sat on sofa with angry face then she saw everyone but she didn't find swara..
Shom:where is Shona.. Then everyone realized that swara didn't came.. Shomi  came out side shouting swara name ..everyone saw her but she started to shout her name.. All mf gf family also came.. Then only sujata came after discounting call.
Suj: shomi what happened.
Sho:bhabi Shona.. She is not here.
Suj: I knw.
Shom: u knw where is she..
Suj: yes she is there only where she have to be.
Shomi:what u mean..
Suj:i Mean she there where she get peace ..where she  get what she deserves. The love the care and respect...
Shomi :bhabi Hw is she.. She is OK na..
Suj: shomi don't worry.. I called him and now he with her only.. Sujata came and whipped shomi tears.. Shomi hugged her and cried.. All mf and gf are confused.. Y shomi calling sujata bhabi and their bond.. And about whom they are talking. ..who is he.. Sujram console shomi and ayush and left to home without talking to mf and gf.. Bose family went to their home.... They knw that that now thier princess is in safe hands..
Here after swara slept sanskar called Sujram and Shomi and informed that swara is all right and she is sleeping now.. They felt relifed.. Then he called someone and told something and smiles evilly.. He came Near swara sat beside her and caressed her cheeks..
San: now it's ur time gadodia  u have done very wrong.. I will take revenge of every single tears of my jaan ...i taught to take ur class after maheshwaris but now I will  first start with u.. ..he kissed her cheeks and slept beside swara talking her in his embrace.. It's night swara woke up with her sleep saw sanskar beside her. She hugged him and started to weep... Sanskar sleep got disturbed when he felt wetness on his neck.. He sat and made swara sit properly  .swara didn't rised her face  .he took her face in his palm and wiped her tears..
San:now stop crying.. No more crying..
Swa:i dnt knw sanskar y today his words affecting me this much.. The day when they all didn't believed me that day only I decided that I ll never let thier presence their words affect me..
San: then do what u decided y r u wasting ur tears on them ..ur tears are very precious jaan don't waste them on that useless people..
Swa:i dnt knw y today I'm feeling to cry...and u what happened today in hospital.. She told everything whatever happened in hospital.
San:dont worry jaan.. Now it's their payback time... And can I say u something.
San:u look joker while crying.. And ur red nose and pluffy eyes..
Swa: sanskar... She started to beat him and he continued to tease her..
Swa:thank u..
San: for what..
Swa: for changing my mood and making me smile.. And
Swa:thank u for coming in my life and making it more beautiful..
San: well in that case I need to thank u..
Swa: me.. Y?
San:bcz it became more beautiful bcz of...u r an angle of my life who made me life heaven... I love u
Swa:y u love me this much..
San:thier is no particular reason to love ur life.. .
Swa:i love u too.. Sanskar kissed her forehead and told
San: OK now get up change ur dress.. I will bring dinner Bcz u haven't ate anything from morning.. Swara nodded and went to get fresh sanskar went down and soon came with food tray.. Till then swara also came.. Both had dinner teasing each other and pulling each other legs.. After dinner both went to balcony and enjoyed the cold breeze after some both came inside and slept hugging each other...

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