part -22

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After dida and ayush went Shomi came near swara who was listeng music and staring sky eyes are welled up with tears she careses her hair .
Shomi:shona what happened ?
Swara who share  everything with her never hide her emotions ..looked at her mom with teary eyes.. Shomi was shocked to see tears .
Shomi: shona what happened beta y r crying ..say something beta ..
Swara wipped her tears.and told.
Swa:mom i dnt knw what happened to me ..I m Missing sanskar ..since morning I’m trying call him its not reachable and I have msg him bt he didn’t replayed ..I’m getting scared..shomi who listen her daughter talk understand that she was fallen in love deeply that’s way she is upset that sanskar havnt called her .
Shomi: may be he is busy.

Swa: once he should talk me or msg me .this much busy that he dnt have to rply msg or at least call me and tell he is busy .
Shomi: so what shona y its bothered u ..u dnt love him na then y u r caring for him
Swa: maa I like him he is my best friend he always supported me I dnt knw what’s happening me.
Shomi: ye my paglo beti u r in love ..u fallen for him
Swa: maa what are u talking ..I knw I like him bt love hw it possible..
Shomi: ok answer my some question ..u ll get ur answer .
Shomi:k when sanskar is around u hw u feel ?..
Swa: I feel safe and secure I dnt care abt the world when he is with me.

Shomi: does this feeling came to u when u r with laksh?
Swa: no ..I don’t feel anything ..infact I feel like going away from him
Shomi: hw u describe sanskar and laksh ..
Swa: maa sanskar is gem he is true meaning of friend ..he has huminty understanding nature and I feel special with him bt with laksh I feel insecure he is not mature and selfish..
Shomi: ok Hw u feel when he tell abt his angel.
Swa(Teary eyes): I feel bad ..I dnt knw bt y I feel like that..
Shomi:close u eyes and whose face u see..

Swara closed her eyes and saw many faces ..
Swa:maa their are many faces ..shomi palm on her for head.
Shomi: o god y u have given me dumb daughter..
Swara: maa
Shomi: ok no listen …close ur eyes and keep ur hand on ur heart and see whose face come and whose name is ur heart beat is beating.
Swara closed her eyes after some time she shouted.
Swa:sanskar .. Maa its means im in love with Sanskar .

Shomi smile finally her daughter realised her feeling .
Swa(teary eyes): Bt maa he loves some one.
Shomi: shona u jst tell ur feeling to him ..later he will decide ..don’t knw if god written ur name on his heart and destiny …
Swa: maa if he reject me I ll loose my frnd to.
Shomi: no beta.. I knw he will understand u
Swa(innocently): pakka
Shom:han go and sleep
Swa: ok good night maa.
Shomi: good night ..

Its been a week swara have realized her feeling and her love is getting more stronger and even sanskar got to knw that she have fallen for him ..nt she didn’t confessed it he got to knw by his source … and ayush exams also over and swara guest lectures duty also over ragini never miss a chance to instigate shomi bt shmi dosnt care abt her non sense. Bt fool ragini think her plan is working

.its Sunday ..
Ayush was sitting on lobby using her laptop and swara came sat with her using her mobile and cup of coffee .soon shomi came and sat with them ..this is there every Sunday routine.. Ayush took cup from her hand took a sip and passed the cup and swara took one sip and passed the shomi took sip like this they finished their caffee with their chit chat ..shomi went inside nw only ayush and swara is sitting ..ayush mobile is continues ringing and he is cutting the call swara saw this ..again phone rang she saw caller I’d ..ayush againt cut her call.
Swara: again u both fought ..
Ayu: nope
Swa: then y r u not receiving her call.

Ayu: she is not understanding di week she have exam . she is not at all prepares and doing party and roaming with friends
Swa: then talk with her ..make understand.
Ayu: she is not listening ..

wa: ayu talk with her with love and dnt talk rudly our like strict school teacher.. She will understand ..if not u then I ll talk to her.

Ayu: no di I’ll talk ..u dnt worry ..both started talk and soon both got fresh and all sat on dinning table except ayush and and swara bcz its Bose family schedule that every Sunday older will take rest and younger will make brkfst lunch ..and dinner is outside and they enjoy every Sunday like this..they go to shopping movie and enjoy this ..soon both swayush came with dishes prepared by them..set on the table ..
Swa: so here ur bf is ready let’s attack ..
Everyone is eating and doing fun .swara mobile rang and she smile brightly after seeing I’d ..
Swa: hello mr sm gm.
San: gm Mrs sm .

Swa: u called everything ok .
San: ya everything is ok ..I called to tell that I ll be there till the evng .
Swa: wow ur coming back ..
San: seems someone is happy
Swa: y not after all my best friend is coming I should be happy.
San: only friend or something else ..
Swa: yes.. Friend and my dear hubby
San: is it .
San: ok bye I need to go see u in the evng bye tc.
Swa: bye .she hang the call informed all abt sanskar return..all are happy ..swara got call from one of her friend she took ayush with her and went ..
Ragini who saw swara going ..came and stared her drama
Rag: maa where swara went today is Sunday then today she have holiday na then where she gone.
Shomi: she went to meet her Friend ..

Rag: maa dnt leave her like that she will spoil ..dida came to call shomi and heard all that nonsense
Dida: ye dare u talk abt my shoru like this . ye marwaran take u r granddaughter with u other wise I ll break her bone.
Shomi: maa ..pls..ragini u go to ur home ..shomi took dida inside and closed the door ..ragini smriked and turn saw shekar on badi entrance ..ragini again starts her drama with fake tears she went in gm and started to cry ..dadi followed her and console her.
Dadi:see shekar hw they insulated our ladoo what wrong she told ..
Shekar went inside his room…
Ragini to went to her room cryingly

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