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Next morning in sm mansion..
Now swara is OK..everyone having brkfast at that time swasan phone rang.. Both move aside received the calls and talked something came back with smile..everyone is watching them.. They both saw each other ..
Sho: what happend why u both are smiling..
Suj: whose call it is.. U both got call at same time and u both are looking happy..
San: it's dev call and dad our work done..
Ram:thats great.. Shona beta switch on the TV.. Swara nodded and on the TV and saw the news.. She turned and saw ram and sanskar both they are smiling seeing her expression  she came and hugged ram..
Swa:thank u dad..
San:this is not fair jaan  ..i did work and ur thanking dad.. He made fake sad face..
Swa: ya u did but dad told u to do this so.. I'm thanking him..
Ram: I promised ur mom that I ll punish them..see suju now u r happy our first step completed.. The fame for which they are proud now it will be no longer with them..sujata with happy tears..
Suj:thank u ram ji.. Today  I saw my daughter happy face.. I'm very happy..But Shona u also got call and u r very happy what's the matter.
Swara saw toward sanskar and smiled.. All are confuse seeing her.. Before she tell she felt vomit sensation she ran from there .
Suj: what happened to her..
San:let me check.. Sanskar went behind her  and saw her vomiting.. After vomiting sanskar cleaned her face.
San: are u OK jaan..
Swa: ya.. She holded her head.she was about to fall sanskar holded and picked her in his arm .. Sankar brought her out..made her sit on sofa...
Suju :sanskar what happened to Shona
San:uttu bring water.. Uttra brought water he made her drink..
Sho: Shona are u OK  beta..
Swa: yes I'm fine..
Suj:sanskar Call doctor ..she is not OK..
Swa:mom I'm OK it just she stopped in middle.
Suj:what just  tell na.. I'm feeling very restless.
Swa:mom it just that someone is going to come to trouble u more..
Suj: ya that's OK but what happened to u.. Sujata didn't realise what swara told then suddenly she got what she told.. She saw swara face who is blushing ..
Suj:is it true.. Swara nodded yes with teary eyes  she hugged swara.. But only ladies understood what they are talking.
Ram: does anyone care to tell what's going on..
Suj:ram ji now u r old.. U going to be dadu..
Ram:really ..Ram hugged swara  everyone was beyond happy.. Ram pulled dida and started to dance.
Ram:maa I'm going become dadu.. He was on  cloud nine
Utt :wow I'm going to  become bua thank u bhabi  she hugged swara.. Sujju brought sweet feed everyone...she came near sanskar and feeded him sweet.
Suj:have sweet soon to be papa. now u got one more responsiblilty .... Sanskar hugged suju..he took elders blessings and everyone wished him then he came to swara and kneel down and holded her .
San:thank u for giving me this beatiful news..and kissed her hands.. Ram given money to servants..
Ram : today I got best news take this money and have sweet ..
Dida:we should tell good news to Raj and arnav..
Ayu: wait I will call.. Ayush called Raj and told about good news  arnav sona and Raj congratulated them..
Raj:doll I. Have one surprise for u.
Swa: what badepapa..
Raj:we r coming India  next week..
Swa: I knw that..
Raj: Ya.. But doll we  r permently coming there.
Swa:what really..
Arn: and one more surprise I think  sanskar didn't told u..
Swa: no he didn't told me anything  he just told that he have one surprise for me but what he didn't told..
Arn:ok I will tell u.. We are going to be ur neighbor... The mansion which is constructed beside ur mansion is ours.. Lil bit work pending we will complete it when we will be there.
Swa:what really.. I asked sanskar so many times whose mansion is this. He always use to tell me u ll get to knw soon..
Arn: ya doll and interior will be of ur choice. ..u all decide ur room interior  and Shomi u  decide kitchen interior..
Sho:y me u only decide na..
Arn: actually Bhai wanted kitchen should be u ladies choice so  sona suggested to let u choose  Bcz u have good taste in kitchen.
Swa:garden will be of choice..
Sona:ofcouse doll  papa already told that u and he will take care of garden..
Raj:yes doll we both go nursery and bring different different kind of plants..
they all talked for some time ..today sanskar and ayush took leave and they all are enjoying family timing  they all are busy in pampering swara..
Now in mm
Let's see what going on here..
Dp is shouting on someone on phone.. Ap is crying... Gf also there ragini also crying and Parvati consoling her.. Adarsh also trying to call someone.. Pari is sitting and filing her nails as nothing happened.. Ap saw this and got angry.
Ap:pari don't u have shame here laksh is in jail and u r sitting as nothing happen..
Pari:then what i should do mummy ji.. Who told him to take drugs...
Adr:shut up Pari.. How are u talking maa
Pari: y should  I... It's his karma then y should u care.. Mummy ji u always insulted me Infront of  ragini  then y should I care for u..
Ap: how shameless  u r that's way ur husband have affair with other girl Bcz u can't give him happiness of being father..
Pari:see Adarsh now also ur mother insulting me u never tell anything to ur parents they always taunt me for giving them hier y don't u tell them u have defect  u can't be father ....
This is like bomb for maheshwari ...Adarsh bowed his head down..mf felt insulted Infront of gf. Dp was helpless his one son is can't be father and other son is in jail ..he is trying to take laksh out..let see y laksh is in jail....Actually they are crying Bcz of laksh news only for which ram family happy.. Let's watch what is news that made swasan family happy and Mf and gf  sad..
It's a news of a bar which is raid by crime branch bcz they got information that there drug smuggling is going. And they arrested all who all present there  and laksh also present there so he also got arrested and news headline is..  THE RENOWNED BUSINESS MAN DURGA PRASAD MAHESHWARI SON  LAKSH MAHESHWARI GOT ARRESTED BY CRIME BRANCH KOLKATA THEY TOLD HE IS INVOLVED IN DRUG SMUGGLING WHICH IS TAKING PLACE IN  R. K. BAR ... And full footage of laksh getting arrest who is fully drunk..
Dp:ap I'm going to police station  ..i have talked to lawyer  don't worry..
Adr:papa I will also come..
Dp: no need... U first handle ur persnol issue.. He told angrily and left Adarsh felt insulted he saw toward ap she turned her face then he saw towards Pari she left to her room.. He to left behind her back..
In sm mansion
It's best day for them.. Bcz they got best news of their life.. Everyone is pampering swara..
Shom : Bhai bhabi actually we wanted to go badi.
Suj:y shomi what happened..
Shom:arnav and Raj bhai coming so we need to do some arrangements..
Ram: but y there they will stay here with us and u r not going anywhere.
Dida: beta let us go I wanted my Shomi husband come and stay with us there  only for some days when their mansion will complete they will go there ..i wanted to do my Shomi bidai from that house.. They understood her emotions it's shomi father house she must be dreamt of doing bidai from there..
Suj:ok when Raj bhai and arnav bhai come we will send Shona also..
San:y mom.
Suj:not permanently..just for 2 to 3 days Before bidai  and  along with shomi we will Shona bidai.. What say.. Swara saw suju and hugged  she always understand her feelings.. Suju kissed her forehead..
San: no I will not send her.
Suj:sansksr only for 2 days and she is not going now only..
San:i can't leave without her 2 mins also  now u r telling 2 days no means no...Finally after lots of request ram and sanskar agreed... They all had lunch and Shomi dida and ayush left to badi... Swasan left to their room.. After sometimes let see in swasan room
Swara is sitting on bed and sanskar is lying on her lap talking with baby..
San:hi baby it's me ur Papa ..im very happy when I got to knw u r coming in our life.. I promise u I ll always take care of u and ur mamma.. i love you but not more than ur mamma bcz she is my life  .if ur mamma is my heart then u r my heartbeats... I ll be best father I ll never let anything to happen u.. Then he kissed her tummy.. He sat and holded her hands..
San :jaan thank u for everything.. I ll try my best to become a f
Good father if I do any mistakes then please tell me... I will never let my baby suffer.. I always do best for them..but I need ur support Bcz it is impossible for me to do...
Swa:u r best sansksar u don't need my support.. U knw what u r the world best son, best brother and best husband and I knw u ll be best father also.. U r  best in everything...don't worry I'm always with u.. Sanskar moved her hairs from face slowly caressed her lips with thumb then went close to her his hot breath is touching her face .feeling his hot breath swara lost he saw her shivering lips she closed her eyes giving him permission he placed his lips on her kissed her.. Swara allowed to enter his tongue in her mouth and both played with each other tongue and explore each corner of her mouth.. Due to lack of oxygen broke the kiss.. Both are breathing heavily... Swara pushed him on bed and came above him.. She traced her finger on his face and followed by neck.. She opened his shirt bottom.. Kissed on his neck and bites on his neck then kissed his chest and bited his nipple..she was teasing him.. It's hard to him to control he move her side and came above her.. He kissed her. Then kissed her neck.. Was going to open her top but stop in middle and lied beside her taking her in embrace.. Swara saw her confusing.. He saw her confusing face.
San:jaan sleep..
Swa:sanskar I want u.
San:no..it hurts baby.. U r not alone now...
Swa:nothing will happen please.. Sanskar saw her face he can't see her sad but he is worried about baby.. .
Swa:sanskar I wanted u to ask u yesterday only but I was so lost that I didn't asked... I was feeling disgusting since that laksh touched  I want u to remove his mark from me.. Make me urs once again please.. She told with teary eyes  that he could not see.. He came above her without putting weight kissed her eyes, cheeks then lips then opened her top and kissed on her neck then on cleavage. Sanskar was soft and gentle keeping swara health in mind. Soon both are naked and covered in  duvet... Both got busy in their love session.. After sometimes they got tired.. Sanskar made her wear his shirt and sleep  hugging with satisfied smile..
Here Dp brought laksh on bail...
Ap  pampered her as he came from war or won medal..
Ap: ragini go and prepare food for laksh.. My son haven't ate since night..
Parv: ap ji  u tell servent to prepare food can't u see she is pregnant u r tell her to work...
Ap: so what  even we did work when we were pregnant.. Ragini still u are here.. Go fast..
Rag: ji maa she went to kitchen to prepare food shekar and Parvati saw ragini helplessly.. After sometimes Dadi also went to kitchen to help her.. Ragini prepare all laksh fav food and arranged the dinning table.. Ap  fed laksh with her hands.. Dp was having food when he got call from samaj members for urgent meeting.. He left the table ..
Ap:ji you left food in middle.
Dp: i need to go I have urgent meeting..
He left to meeting..
Soon he reached to office there all samaj members are sitting including Ram.. Dp came and was going to sit on head chair but one member stopped him..
Mem1:stop Dp ji  u can't sit on that chair.
Dp: what y?
Mem2: we called this meeting to discuss this only.. We all have decide that u shoud resign from ur authority ..
Dp:what nonsense..
Mem 1:yea as we all know about ur son deeds so we think u r not capable to sit on chair.
Mem3:yes the person who can't teach his son manners and whose son being married have extra marital affair and daughter in is found of playing cards and doing party... He can't able to handle his family then how can he handle this samaj..
Mem4:leave about son and daughter in law the person who himself is on wrong path how can he teach his son correct..
Dp:What do u mean
Mem4: what i mean is let me show u.... That member showed some photos in which dp is with one lady..
Dp:what rubbish  ..this lady was in some trouble she asked me help so I helped her..
Mem4:we had belived u if u met her only once  but u have met her so many times..
Dp:yes she met me coincidentally so she thanked me for my earlier help..
Mem4:o is the new way to tell  Thank u by Having lunch, dinner  together. And going to trip with her.. Dp was  now speechless..
Mem1: dp ji anything u want to say about this all..
Mem2: what he will tell now.. His all deeds are out.. And we heard when his brother got to knw about this  he threw his brother family out of  the house.
Dp:no it's not true.
Mem2:then what is true.
Dp: he himself left the house..
Mem 1: can u explain y..dp kept silent.
Mem2:ram ji can u tell y u left the house..
Ram: his son molested my daughter in law  that's way I have slapped him.. That's hurt bhaisab so he told me to leave the house..
Mem3: what wrong he did dp ji.. If I were in ram ji place I would have killed him..
Mem1:as we call  here to remove u from this samaj and select new head for this samaj we all decided that  Me Ram mahewari will be our new head.. Bcz we all saw him. Unless he is  not like his brother ..
Dp: but his son also molested his sister in law..
Rp:its false allegations.  And I can prove it.. I will prove my son is innocence not for becoming this samaj head  but for removing that black mark from his name..
Mem: OK  Rp ji..we will give u 1 week time prove ur son innocent and u ll be our next head..
Dp:y are u giving him time.. His son is rapist.
Rp:mr durga Prasad maheshwari hold ur tongue.. My son is not like ur son... Now I'm determine I ll prove my son innocent and that time I ll blacken ur face that's my challenge mark my words.. And thank u all for giving me this opportunity.. .rp left the meeting and went back to home..
He reached home and saw everyone is sitting in hall.. He came and sat..
Swa:dad were u went.
Rp: I had meeting beta.. How r u.. Did u had anything.
Swa:im perfectly fine and mom is feeding me since morning I'm full..
Suj:how was meeting...rp told everything to them..
Rp:now we have to make them to spill the truth..
Suj:but how it's possible.
Swa:i  have an idea.. She told something which is muted.
Ram:does it work..
Swa:yes dad.. Even papa and badepapa will also there it's best chance to excute our plan..
Suj:great then we will do this.. But for that we need more time..
Rp:i will talk with samaj member and ask for some time..
Swa:willl they agree.
Suju: Shona they will.. Bcz ur dad is good person and he is kind to everyone that's way they have given time to ur dad.. They planned how to get truth out.. And disccused plan with Raj arnav and Shomi.. They all agreed..
Here in mm Dp came angrily and told whatever happened except about his gf..
He blamed Paridarsh and laksh For everything..

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