part -5

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Recape:raglak conssumtion..

A morning a ray fall on a girl who is sleeping peace the ray she got distubed she woke up and saw her mom is sleeping on chair holding her hand ..her bro is sleeping on couch and dida went to home..suddenly shomi woke up.. and ayu also wake up
Shomi: are shona u woke up ..
Ayu: i ll bring tea for u telling he left..
In S.M mansion.
Sanskar was sleeping peace fully..his slerp disturb bye nock on door..sanskar sat on bed
Sanskar: come in..
A man came holding a coffe he is sanskar sevent his name is raju
Raju:bhaiya coffee..
Sanskar took coffee and told him to leave

In mm
All are sat on dinning table and having bf.ragini was happy .she gt her love.ap notice her smile and she too happy ..after all men left to office all ladies are sat in hall.uttra and pari saw rigini lost in some thought and blusing they start to tease her
Uttu:pari bhabi someone is lost in my bhai thought..
Ragini started blusing
Pari: ya uttu someone is looking red ..they both start tease her
Ap:pari uttu stop teasing my bahu
Pari:are ma we are nt teasing her. .. they all had fun and all are laughing
Ap:ragini you have to go to badi for paghphera rasam..kakisa called mrng ..go and get ready laksh will come..
Ragini: ji ma ..
They all went to get ready all came down all mens are already came ..they left to badi.
In hospital.
Doctor came and checked swara and told she is fine she need some rest ..and discharged her bose family also left to badi..

All mm family came to badi and shekhar and parvati greeted them..raglak took blessing ..they turn to went inside ragini saw dida on the door and went to her
Raginii:how r u nani ma?..
Dida ignored her and staring at entrence..ragini confusingly looked at entrence
Ragini: nani ma are u waiting for some one?
Dida: dnt call me nani nt ur nani ..
Ragini was hurt and she want to say somthing she saw dida is looking entrance smiling brightly ..ragini confusly turn to see she was shock .
Ragini(shockingly): swara
All mm and gadodia family turn to entrance and shock to see swara there.. ragini was fear of her truth came out the...swara enter the badi along with ayu and shomi
Shomi:what are u doing here?
Ragini:ma ..i came to meet u ..and swara hw r u ..whst happen
Shomi:ragini go frm here
Ragini:ma..before she complete
Shomi:dnt call me ma .im nt ur ma ..
Shekhar:mishti what are u talking
Shomi(anger):mr shekhar gadodia im nt misti i am sharmishta bose dnt call me misti
By telling they went in side..whike swara entering in home turn to ragini with teary eyes and looked to laksh and all and went inside ..
In bose home swara was sitting in her room dida and ayu came sat with her.shomi came gave juice to swara. She was lost in some thought
Shomi:shona wt happen beta take this juice...swara took glass ...aftr some time they were talking and swara told all story hw she druged her and hw she pushed her in river all are boiling in anger(guys in this no malingh of swara character) this day pass and all mm family went to maheshwari mension.and went to respective room.
Nxt day
..laksh came to a S M company and went to sanskar cabin..sanskar was busy in his laptop. Laksh went without knocking all staff are confuse bcz in sanskar cabin only dev enter no one enter laksh enterd without knocking
Sanskar liffted his face and a smile came on his face
Sanskar:lucky hw r u ..when u came
Lucky: that time when ur lost in bhabi
Sanskar(confuse): bhabi???
Laksh pointed to lapotop
Laksh:yes my laptop bhabi..mrs laptop sanskar maheshwari.
They both brust into laugh.
Sanky:congrats lucky
Laksh(confuse): congrats?
Sankar:ya fr ur marrige...after hearing marrigre lakah face turn to pale .this is noticed by sanskar
Sanskat: lucky everything is ok

A tear fall frm laksh eyes .he tell every thing..hw swars left marrige hw she cheatd.hw his marrige ended with ragini..sanskar was boiled in anger
Sanskar:lucky who is that girl
Laksh: swara gaddodia.
Sanskar was shocked.he dnt knw hw to react.

Sanskar: dnt worry lucky .. i ll teach her lesson
Laksh: no bhai
Sanskar: no lucky she is the reason for ur tears i ll nt leave her
Laksh: bhai wt ur going to do
Sanskar:chill bro u ll come to knw. A sound of door knock came..
Sanskar: come in
Dev: sir meeting will be start in 5 min
Sanskar: ok i ll come.. .. ( to laksh) ..ok lucky need to go talk u ltr ..beeding bye both left form there..

Precap:sanskar revange on swara

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