part -6

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Recape: swara tell ragini truth to ma dida and ayu... sanskar gt knw laksh and swara marraige..

Today episode..
Sanskar was standing in balcony of her room ..he was thinking abt swara and wt laksh told abt her ...he is nt able to belive swara cheat someone...his mind supporting laksh and his heart supporting swara...he was hell confuse... he took deep breath ...
Sanskar(monologue): i ll take revenge fr my bro tears y my heart is telling she is innocent ...
After some time he finaly decided to take revenge ..he took phone and called some one and told somthing and and endede the call..
sanskar(evil smile): u time start knw miss gododia..count down start ..i ll make ur life hell..

Day passes and after a week ..swara is fully recoverd
All bose family having brkfast
Swara: ma i m want to join duty.
Shomi: beta still ur weak ..
Swara :mom already i took long leave for marrige and after that this accident ..
Dida:shomi let her go ..
Shomi:bt ma ..before she complete
dida:shomi she need to go out meet new people and it help her to heal her pain
Shomi:i think ur right ma.
Ayu:ok then di lets go i will drop u to hospital and then i will go to college
Swara: ayu i will go bye scooty..u drop mom to shop
Shomi :no shona u are not well go with ayu
Swara: mom im ok .
Shomi: ok bye take care.
Dida:shuru bye tc.. bye patner.
Ayu and swara: ok bye ma bye dida ..
They both left to there destination..
In S M office
sanskar is planing to take revange..then door knock sound came
Sanskar: come in
Dev:good mrng sir
Samskar:good mrng dev got details
Dev: yes sir .she lives with her grandmom ma and brother..before she lived with gododia famil..she is a doctor works in sanjeevani hospital( its my assumption name dnt search in google).her mom work in jewellary shop and brother studing mbbs in national medical clg.. here her address amd contact no..
Sanskar:good job. ..u may leave now
Swara reached hospital and met all staff and went senior doctor (doctor rohini-this role played by nirmala frm swabhiman kunal and karan mom)
Swara: good morning doctor
Doctor rohini: hello doctor swara good are u?
Swara: im fine mam ..hw are u ..?
Rohini:im also fine...i heard abt ur marrige .
Swara face turn pale and eyes are full of tears
Rohini: im sorry swara beta.i didnt mean to hurt u .
Swara: no mam y u r saying sorry.its ok
Rohini asked what happen that day ..swara told all story and tears start to flow from both eyes
Rohini:i trust u beta seeing u frm last 15 year ..i know my daughter never do wrong ...
Swara: thank u mam.
Rohini:ok swara now back to work .new doctors are joining today so u have to lead the list
Swara : ok mam
Swara came to her cabin..and sat on chair ..she is lost in some thought.suddendly her phone rang.she picked the call
Swara: hello
Caller:hello miss swara gadodia
opps sorry miss swara bose .
Swara:who are you?
Caller:if u want to know then meet me
Swara:i ll not
Caller:ok ur mom work in xy jwellary shop and bro study in national medical clg and ur grand mom is alone in home
Swara: who are u?
Caller:come and meet me in xyz flat at 5..if u ll not come .then ur bro ir ur mom never reach home
Swara:ok i ll come dont do anything to them
Caller: good girl ..see u in saying that he ended the call..
Swara are full tense .she is sweating .. aftr 1/2 hr she came out to recioption table and waiting for juniors .. then her juniors came everyone came and stood and they dont knw that swara is there senior..they making fun of her and swara was smiling by listning there talk
Girl1:hw our senior will?
Boy1: he will old wearing big big glasses
Girl1:if our senior is lady means?
Girl2:wearing saree wearing bangals and wearing big glasses
Girl1: if our senior is young man means?
Girls:ofcouse our chances are more handsome dashing
Girl1:if our senior is young lady means?
Boy2:then our chances are ..she will be pretty and angel.. like her ..he pointed to swara her back is facing to them.Suddenly swara turn and asked them.
Swara:if im ur senior means then ?
All are shocked and saw each other face.
Swara(smiling):ok let me introduce . Im DR swara bose ur senior
All are gulp with fear ans bow down their head.
Swara: ok guys introduce ur self..dnt worry im nt a monster or devil . So dnt fear .. and given a cute smile to them then they smiled back
Girl1:im dr smitha gupta
Girl2: im dr sneha malhotra
Boy1: im dr siddhart oberio
Boy2: im dr rahul mehera
Swara:nice to meet u all ..soo some rule are there u should follow them...i will tell that rules after words every go to ur locker room keep ur stuffs ..and come to conference room in 10 carefull ..dr malhotra hate late comers go
All juniors rushed to locker room .swara went to round.

Precap: swasan meeting and sanskar revange

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