part -21

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Let start.
Its evng ..shomi was cutting vegetables.then a swara called her..on call
Swa:hello maa
Shomi: han shona
Swa: maa I ll come late on night .i have important surgery... have ur dinner .

Shomi: ok beta take care. .bye
Swa:bye maa
Its night and shomi sitting out side and seeing at door .ragini saw her came to her .
Rag:maa y r u sitting here..

Shomi: nothing ragini waiting for shona and ayu.
Rag:what ..maa they still not came.. Ayush is boy its k bt swara she is girl maa .roaming outside at late night is not a sign of a good girl ..maa still swara have to marry who will marry her if they got to knw that ki she is interested in late night party and all.

Shomi after listings this was in deep ..she is thinking something deeply ...ragini who saw shomi lost smile winingly unaware of what shomi is thinking ...soon her thought is broken by bike horn she turn and saw ayu came ...soon after ayush swara also came...shomi feel relief after seeing her children safe ..after all she is mother ..
Ayu saw swara and asked .
Ayu:hi di today too late any emergency

Swara parking the bike
Swa:ya baccha . today was hectic day .continues surgery ..I'm full tired ..
Ayu:ok let's go take rest its quite late and durga maa is waiting at entrance to warm welcome u ...and winked.

Swa: no worry bacchu I already informed her.winked back .
Ayu: wow .nice played today ur saved ..both laughed and went to shomi and hugged her .
Swayush:hi maa.
Sho:hello come get fresh I ll arranged dinner ...both nodded and went inside ..will going inside shomi turns to ragini and told
Shomi:I think ur father forgived u ..then better u stay with ur family .. Gn .by saying this she closed the door ..ragini was hurt by her behavior bt some where she is thinking her plan is working that's was Shomi behaved rudely with her..
After dinner swayush went to there room and shomi was kitchen ..dida came to her and asked.

Dida:ye shomi what happened ..since mrng I'm seeing ur r lost somewhere ..what's the matter .a lone tear escape from her Shomi eyes ..she told to dida abt parvati and shekar talk...she saw ragini crying in front of god so went gadodia home to tell shekar to forgive ragini bt she saw shekar is with dadi so she turn to come back bt stop hearing shona name ...she listen there talk .parvati manipulating shekar..and the she told hw ragini is manipulating her against swara ..
Shomi: maa shekar kept quit he didn't told a world after knowing my shona is innocent ..and ragini shona always wanted good for her she never hurted her bt Ragini is finding a way to hurt shona ..(guys shomi was in deep thought when Ragini was instigating shomi against swara ..shomi was thinking abt ragini hw she is instigating her against her daughter ..the girl who was innocent nw turn to devil ..she is not doubting swara .)dida console her .
When both shomi and dida a turn they saw ayush was standing their with hatred and anger without listing he went to his room and bang his hand on wall in frustration ..shomi came and saw his hand is bleeding ..

Shomi: ayu what's us this beta see ur hand is bleeding ..are u mad ..
Ayu(crying): y maa always di .I ll not leave that blo*dy Gadodia.. Shomi console him . and both went to swara room .Swara was sitting on bed in India style pillow on her lap and hand below the chin with angry pout and gazing mobile ..they both saw each other and then swara ..they never saw swara in this way ..they went to her
Ayu: di what happened y r u angry.
Swa:I hate him .he don't have time for me always busy in work ...both shomi and ayush was confused
Shomi: who beta.

Swa: mr akdu malik ..
They heard laughing voice all turn to the source dida was laughing .ayush didn't control he to starts laughing ..this made swara more angry ..she took her cell went to balcony and start to listing music .shomi was observing her behavior ..shomi glare both dida and ayush and they stop laughing ..
Shomi: maa ayush it late night I think we should sleep ..
Dida: bt shomi shoru is not in good mood let Cheer's her .
Ayu: ya maa dida is right.
Shomi: can u plz both stop ur no use ideas in ur mind ..she got More angry bcz of u both ..nw before I do something u both get out .both bowed their head Down .and went out like obedient student

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