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Let's start..
Next morning everyone came it's already 7 in morning  due to continues functions everyone is tired  ..all had bf and sat in living room...
Ram: Raj ji  Tmrw we are returning back to India .
Raj:what ..so soon.
Ram:actully we have planned for only 1 week holiday but it's almost 20 days.. We have to go back.. And if we stay more days then it will prblm for us..
Raj:i understand.. OK when is flight.
San: Tmrw early morning.
Shom: then we have to do packing we don't have time.
Dida:shomi ur not coming.
Shom:y maa.
Dida: have u forgotten ur married now u will stay here only....
Raj: maa  u ll also stay here only  Bcz it's ur house also.
Dida:even I want to spend time with u but I need to go...
Swa:can anyone tell me who all are going and who is staying.
San :we all are going except maa.
Swa:ayu also coming.
Arn: yes he have to join hospital.. And doll I have one surprise for u..
Arn:soon we will shift to India.
Swa :really..
Arn:yes..swara was very happy bcz now she don't need to stay away from her family.
Arn: Raj bhai is shifting his business in India and soon I ll join  u to hospital.
Swa:its sound interesting..
Sona : that's way papa and chachu allowed u and ayush to go India  other wise they will never let u go...
Suj:its really good news. Sujata had tears in her eyes  bcz she stayed away from her daughter this much year now she will be near her...
Sona:mom y are u crying.
Suj:no I'm not crying ..im very happy.
Sona:ur wait is over mom.. Soon we will be together and no more hide and seek.. Now Maheshwari will pay for their deeds...everyone is enjoying but Shomi and ayush was dull.. Bcz ayush never stayed away from Shomi either swara or Shomi should be with him.. Now Shomi Is staying here and swara will go to smoke mansion.. He was sad for that and Shomi in sad Bcz she knw y ayush is sad and even she also thinking that only and how dida will manage everything ... Swara is seeing both of them.. She knw what going in their both mind...arnav saw swara who is seeing both Shomi and ayush simultaneously.
Arn:doll what happened.
Swa:papa can maa also come with us ..u will shifting their only but till then can maa live in Badi.. Everyone understood y she is telling like this.. Arnav smiled and nodded.
Arn:yes ..Shomi go and pack ur bag.. Ayush jumped on arnav and hugged him..
Ayu:thank u papa..
Raj: actually we all are kidding u and Shona to see ur reaction  .and I thought u ll ask Shomi to send but u kept quiet and ur sister who undstoood ur inner trauma she asked... Shomi will not stay her she will come with u only.. When we will shift there then we all will stay together... And doll u knw we have brought mansion beside smile mansion...swara was beyond happy she ran and hugged arnav..
Raj: this is not fair I told u this good news but u hugged arnav.
Swa: Bcz I knw papa have given u this idea.. Raj and arnav is confused how she guessed.
Raj: how u knw..
Swa:bcz papa love maa more and maa love us more so basically maa happiness is we  so staying away from us is impossible for maa  she will be upset and Papa can't see maa upset so for her happiness he decided this.. Arnav  and raj are shocked bcz they never knw that swara understands arnav this much that to in short time . And  arnav was on cloud nine bcz whatever Swara told is  correct ..
Raj: doll  it's true that only daughters can understand her father's feeling and u proved it right.. . He caressed her hairs she hugged Raj.. After lunch everyone went to park  then they did dinner out side and came back night and packed thier bag..early morning everyone went to airport Raj arnav and sona came to drop them.  Soon they hugged and  got emotional soon they enter in airport  and after flight take off arnav Raj and sona came back to home.

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