part -2

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There are lots of spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes plz if u found mistakes forgive me...
Recap: raglak marrige ..swara missing
Today episode
Uttra opend the door and shock to see ayush
Ap:uttra who is there
Uttra:badi ma babhi's brother came
All shock ap welcm ayush in
Ap: are ayush come inside
Ayush enter the house.
Ayush:aunty call ur daughter in law
Ap:what happened beta ..
Ayush : aunty u r Calling or I should call
Ap: but
Ayush (shout): miss ragini gadodia
Come out.. Opps sry mrs ragini maheshwari come out.
All come out frm their room
Dp: ayush what happened y r u shouting
Ayush: call ur daughter in law.
Laksh and and ragini came down
Ragini ( fake concer):ayu u here at this time what happened ayu.. Everything is OK na
Ayush:where is my di
Ragini(fake cry):ayush I don't knw ..swara still not found where is she how is

Ayush:miss ragini don't do drama and dont call me ayu..
Laksh: ayush how ur taking to ragini is this way to talk
Ragini:laksh ji it's ok
Ayush(shout): tell where is my di if something happens to her then I ll kill u..
Ragini: ayush y I'll do anything to swara she is my sister. .
Ayush: she is not ur sister u r no one to us don't try related to us
Ragini(fake cry): ayu y are doing like this.
Ayush:stop ur drama miss ragini..
Laksh:ayush be in limit she is my wife..
Ragini:laksh ji he is my brother let him tell what he want to tell
Ayush: shut ur mouth miss ragini..tum meri kuch nahi ho.....remember if anything happens to my di then I ll not spare u..
Ragini:ayush listen to me
Before ragini complete ayush left the mm..ragini act to cry
Ap and laksh consol her
Ap: laksh take ragini in room
Laksh takes ragini to room..
Ap: how manner less boy he is
Dp:ap don't tell anything about anyone without knowing
Ap:ji haven't u saw how he is taking with our daughter in law
Dp: it's too late everyone go and take rest..
All left to ther respective room..

Screen shift to girl who is lying unconsious near end of the river..
The girl face is full of blood ..that girl non other than ..our swara..

Precape:sanskar entry ..

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