part -7

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Recap:sanskar planing, interns intro
Today episode:
Swara was sitting in her cabin and studing patient file she got call..after seeing caller no. she was shiviring and sweating
Swara: he..llo
Caller:hello miss swara ..still half an hour der .im wating dnt be late..and dnt tell anyone or dnt show ur smartness ...i want u here exact on 5.
Swara:ok ..i ll ending call she took her belongings and left frm their . She went to gibeb address and rang the one responsed she saw door is open she went inside ..and saw a man is standing in balcony facing his back ..
Man:welcome miss swara
Swara(in fear):who are you y u called me
The man turn and he is non other than our hero sanskar
Sanskar:u look so innocient bt ur are a cheater
Swara:who are you and what u want?
Sanskar:i want u
Sanskar:so coming to the point ...marry me
Sanskar:cant u hear...i said marry me
Swara : no

Sanskar shows video in his mobile were ayu was in parking he was gng home and shomi is leaving frm jwelery and dida was watching tv..
Sanskar:if u want ur family should be safe then .do what say ..he gives a pack and tell her
Sanskar:wear this and come to temple ..near the flat.
If u show smartness then..u kniw what i can do
Swara:why r u dng this .what i have done wrong with please leave me.
Sansker with anger hold her by her shoulder
Sanskar: u dnt knw what u have done...u played with my brother emotion ..u played with his heart..u cheated him and betreyed him.u are the reason for his tears..
Swara:ur brother?
Sanskar: haan my brother
mr laksh maheshwari.
Swara was shock she request him
Swara:please leave me ..its hurting(crying with pain)
Sanskar:then imagine hw much pain my brother is having
Swara:please turst me i havnt cheated him
Sanskar:jst shut ur mouth ..y should i trust go and get ready and come to near by temple im telking this he went to temple
Swara was crying badly ..sanskar went to temple tears are flowing from his eyes
Sanskar(thinking):i cant see her crying ..i hate tears in her eyes ...i lost in her when i first saw her near river ..i have fallen for her she is the reason for my lucky this condition ...he closed his eyes and tears are on its swara was crying
Swara:why god ..why alwys u do this to me ..what wrong i have sone please help me ..aftrr some time she got up and took the pack and got ready...she went to temple.sanskar looked at her and lost in her beauty.she is wearing red saree with golden heavy work golden earing and a chain no make up ..simple and beautiful..she came and stood there ..sanskar came and hold her hand took her to near prerist
Sanskar: pandit ji start.

Prerist nodede and they exchange garland and took seven round..and sat ..prerist handed mangalsutra ..sanskar tied on her neck .and took sindoor and filled in her hair line ..she closes her eyes a tear drop frm her eyes ..prerist declared ..marrige is over u both are husband and wife..they both took blessing..
They both went near car ..swara was life less body tears are making there way ..sanskar was feeling bad bt he want revange
Sanskar: lets go to home.
Swara:i want to meet ma and dida.
Sanskar:ok let go evn i want to meet them .after all they also get to know who is there son in lae..they went and left to badi..swara was seeing out and sanskar was driving bt he is seeing swara with guilt..soon they badi and they steped out frm the car..sanskar came near swara handed water bittle and said
Sanskar:wash ur face and be normal..
Swara nodded and washed her face and he handed handky she wipes her face ...he hold her hand went inside ..they enter house ..saw ayu was busy in cell and shomi and dida are having tea..suddenlr ayu turned and saw swara and shock to see her in bridal dress
Ayu:shona di..all turned to her and all are shocked..shomi came front and hold swara by shoulder.
Shomi:shona what is this u married?
Dida:ye shuru if u love some on then u should inform us.
Ayu was observing swara and thought something is fishy..
Shomi:u knw na shona we always with u ...and u love someone married him then we are u should inform us na ..
Swara:sry ma ..and ahe hugfed her mom and cryied ..
Ayu: by the way di where is jiju?
Swara turned and sanskar came in all are shock to see him
Shomi:Mr S M
swara was confused..
Swara : ma u knw him
Ayu:di he is the one who saved u and admitted in hospital ..suble shock to swara..sanskar cam frnt and took blessing frm shomi and dida..
Sanskar:actuly aunty i was fallen for swara 1st day only..and i wanted to lose her . So i married her..
Shomi:its ok beta im happy for my shona that she is in love with u ..she is lucky.
Sansksr:she is nt lucky lucky and saw swara with evil smile ..
Shomi:beta dnt call me aunty call me ma.. after hearing ma.sanskar was numb and tears are came in his eyes he wiped without notice..
Sanskar :ok ma we will leave now..its late .
Ayu:jiju ur taking di also?
Sanskar: ofcourse she is my wife ..and holded her by her waist ..swara was shock with sudden touch and both have a eye lock.all are smiking seeining their pairs..
Ayu:ahm ahm .. we all are present her ..both came to sense and sanskar removed his hand ..
Sanskar:swara lets go
Swara: wait i want to take my things
Sanskar:no need u i ll buy new
Swara: i ll take imprtant things
She left and brought her bag and both took blessings and went to SM mansion .

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