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Now start..
2 days passed like this. Mf are facing Lose business.. In mm all are sitting in living area... Dadi and shekar came to take ragini bcz they are making her work like a robot ...ap doesn't want to send ragini Bcz they removed all servants bcz they can't afford them and Pari is least present in home she always busy in her kitty party .. ragini was doing all work alone.. Before sujata was there to do work but now she to left ..if now ragini also go then who will do work.. At that time Paridarsh came and sat..
Adr:papa I want to talk with u..
Dp:ya tell.
Adarsh saw Pari face then saw dp with lots of courage told..
Adr:i and Pari are leaving this house.
Adr:yes maa we can't stay here anymore..
Dp:if u decided then leave..lil bit burden will be less for us.. This words hurt Adarsh.. He got to know one thing his father is very selfish. He told directly.
Adr: OK then we will leave.. But before that give my share in property..
Dp: which share.. U don't have any share in this property  ..if u want to leave this house I'm OK.. But I will not give u single penny also.. Get lost from here.
Adr:papa u r doing wrong. I want my share and ill not leave until u give my share..
Dp: what u do with this property Bcz u can't be father then whom will u give this property after u..
Adr:i have decided to take treatment ..for that I need money..
Lak:are u sure after treatment u ll be cure.. No na why to waste money..
Pari:laksh he is not asking money to u.. Just shut ur mouth..
Ap: how dare u to rise ur voice to my son..
Pari:mummy is this is the way to talk with his elder brother.. U didn't told him anything  and u r  telling me..
Ap:what wrong he told.. He is correct and if  Adarsh take treatment then everyone will get to knw about his this defect we have to face humiliation... Adarsh will not take treat
Ada:maa what are u taking
Dp: ur mother is telling correct.. Now go.. Paridarsh was hurt by thier behaviours.. They left to their room.. Seeing environment gf also left to their home  without talking ragini..
Here in sm mansion all are busy..
Sujram is very excited bcz their beloved daughter is coming back after 5 years so they start preparation before 3 days only.. Sanskar went to office bcz he have to see the project and he is instructing everyone about security and all Bcz that deal is going to sign in sm office only.. After that deal    international award function will be held and sanskar was nominated for best youngest Bussiness man.and sonakshi for best young business women.. ..and that day world will come to knw who is sm and owner of as group that is Aryan singhania group of companies.. And Raj will come Infront as owner of SWADIYUSH group of companies..and SB AND AS  also coming in front of world. .bcz it is international award function of famous personality of India.. Who earned name all over the world.. That day all will get to knw who ruled the business world and medical field.. So sanskar was preparing for deal.. But he have given strict instructions to swara that she will not do any work.. Told uttra to keep eye on her..
Swara was sitting on couch with cute angry face.. Bcz no one is allowing her to do work.. Sujata is instructing to servent to clean sonakshi room and decorating it  according to sonakshi choice and wall is filled with all sonakashi pics. Ram is busys in study he isn't reading file and taking with his lawyer  about karma groups.. Uttra is giving fruits, juice to swara in Every 5 mins.. Even  sujata visiting swara to ask about her health and does she need anything..  After sometimes Swara got bored using mobile   she switched  on TV and started to watch movie.  It is horror movie.. She was watching it very deeply that she doesn't care about surroundings.. She so engrossed in screen.. Suddenly TV was off she saw refection of person in TV screen who is holding remote and glaring her.. She turned and saw angry young man...
Swa: sanskar why u switched off the TV.. On it.. I want to see
San: what u were watching.
Swa: Gurdge 2 movie. It's very interesting..
San:u r watching horror movies.
Saw: yes I like horror movies.. Please give me remote  I want to see it..
San: no.. U will  not watch horror movies.
Swa:sanskar Please give me remote..
San: OK I ll give but u will not  any horror movie.
Swa: no I will see this movie only..
San: no means no.. Both started to argue.. Sujram came hearing their voice..
Ram : what's going on.
Swa: dad sanskar is  not allowing me to watch movie.
Ram: y sanskar..
San: dad she is watching horror movie.. Mom u only tell  is it good to watch this type of movies in this period.
Suj: Shona  beta  sankar ia correct  u shouldn't watch this kind of movies..
Swa: mom please..
Suj: beta sanskar is telling correct  ..
Swa: dad please u only tell na..
Ram: sorry beta I can't help.. Bcz everyone knew  about sanskar anger and in swara matter his very strict..swara saw everyone they give helpless  look. She saw sanskar angrily and left to kitchen.. .. Sanskar went back to her  which irritate her more..
San: do u need anything . Tell I will tell them to prepare.. She went and opened the fridge and about to take bottle.
San:jaan don't bend let me take it.. He took water bottle and handed her she kept bottle on counter she went to take glass before her he brought glass and filled the water and handed her.. She drank it.. She again went to keep bottle he took from her hand and kept in fridge ...swara saw him angrily and went to her room he to follow her.. Swara saw him coming  before he enter she slammed door on his face.. Due  sound of door slamming Sujram and uttra came running and saw sanskar who  was seeing door.. They trio laughed seeing his face.  Bcz the day when sanskar got the news he always restrict swara from doing things which irritate her and she always slam door on his face.. This was their daily routine.. .sanskar went and sat on sofa holding his head  sujata brought water and handed him.. He drank water..
San:usually everyone get mood swings after few months but she got in her starting month only..
Suj:its not mood  swing.. U r irritate her..
San: mom I'm not irritating her.. U only saw na..
Suj:ya but if u do restrictions like this she will get irritate..
San:then what should I do. Let her do stupidity.
Suj:no..just give  her space.. Sanskar saw sujata confusingly..she came and sat beside him and told..
Suj:let her do what she want.. In this time she should be happy.. I m not telling u to let her take work load or tension but let her do her Lil work.. Like let her go to hospital may be she will feel good treating people.. It's her dream to treat people.. Don't force her to sleep early and wake late. Sleeping early is good.. And if she want to wake early let her bcz she have habit to wake early.. That time u acompay her to do exercise it's good  in this time.. She want to come out of room let her come walking is also exercise.. If u restrict her in every matter she get irritate.. Don't treat her like glass doll.. If she want to do shopping take her want to cook  help her in cooking let her do work and if u help her in work she feel happy and if u restrict her she will feel as she was caged and get angry in this condition getting anger also not good then don't make her angry... She want to go hospital then drop her and pick her she will feel good to meet her Friends and in hospital every one Is there to take care ..let her go freely and now it's her starting.. After few month she will take full rest.. Now u leave her alone don't irritate her anymore and concentrate on ur mission and about Shona me and uttra will be always there with her.. Sanskar understand. His mother is right he given too much restrictions to her... He felt bad..
San:u r right mom.. Now what should I do she is very angry..
Suj:pacify her..she caressed his head and left..
San:lets go sanskar now pacify ur wife.. He came to his room door was open and swara is sitting on swing and listening music putting headphones by closing eyes .. He came near her  and sit beside her. swara saw  sanskar she off the music and kept her mobile a side and seeing her hands... Sanskar felt bad.. He understood how he restricted her that she have to live her life according to his rule she forget her life.. Sanskar took mobile on the music put one headphone in her ears and other one in his ..swara saw towards him shockingly.. He put his hand around her shoulder and pulled her near him.. She fall on his chest.. He closed his eyes swara smiled seeing him and kept her head on his chest and both enjoyed the music.. After sometimes sanskar and ram went to study to discuss the next step .. Suju and swara in kitchen..
Suj: Shona what u want to eat.. I ll make ur fav food.. Swara saw sujata sadly.
Suj:what happen beta .
Swa:mom plz not u  ..im already fed of sanskar at least u give some space...
Suj: are beta I'm asking u bcz  from last 4 days we prepared everyone fav dish now it's ur turn so I'm asking..
Swa:o I'm sorry.. Actually I got irritat Bcz of sanskar over protective and over Caring nature. That's way.. I'm sorry mom..
Suj:its k beta.. I understand..no need to sorry even I'm getting irritate by seeing his over protective nature..
Swa:mom y dint we prepare everyone fav one one food and  most common food which we all like. ..
Swa: like  papa like sweet  and sanskar like kheer. So we will prepare kheer in sweet  sanskar uttra and me like rajma chawal  ..u and sanskar like mutter paneer ..and we everyone eat chapati..
Suj: that's good idea... So everyone will enjoy bcz we all like. And we will surely enjoy it..
Swa: OK then it I'll make kheer and mutter paneer u make rajma chawal.. Chapti we will make in dinner time...
Utt :then I help u both in cutting and I will Knead the flour ..
Suj:ya that's better  ..OK let's  make...they prepared the food....soon it's dinner time.. Ladies arranged the table.. Sanskar and ram came and sat...

As usual sujram fed first bite to swara then uttra.. Sanskar to did same.. Swara fed uttra ..uttra to fed swara.. Uttra never felt bad that her parents and brother first fed swara... Infact she is happy Swara didn't got father love since childhood and now she getting that.. And uttra always share secret with her  some time uttra sleep with swara only while taking and swara always help her in study and whenver Swara goes shopping she first  so shopping for uttra then for herself.. They always buy same dress and do twinning.. Being with uttra swara forget ragini.. Bcz she got sister in uttra.. ..
Here in mm ..Dp didn't stop insulting Adarsh bcz of his weakness.. Even laksh talk him rudely and ap always support him... Adarsh felt very bad.. He understood his parents only love money....laksh always busy with his gf ..Dp is facing prblm but he is sure that sanskar innocence will be not prove and rp will not become head.. So Paridarsh shoud open thier mouth dp blackmail Pari that if she open her mouth..they will kill her mother.. Dp kept man behind them to keep eye on them..
As always laksh went to party Paridarsh in their room thinking about thier parents and how they used them.. They were in deep thought that thier tought was broken by a call.. Pari saw caller ID it's unknown number.
Pari :it's unknown number.
Adr:recive and put it on speaker.. Pari did what he told
Pari :Hello.
Un:hello it's pareenita maheshwari..
Pari: yes who is this.
Un:hello I'm Doctor priya from sanjeevani hospital..
Pari: ya tell y u called me..
Dr: actually I'm a gynecologist.. And I'm treating  ur sister in law ragini maheshwari..
Pari:ya but y u called me..
Dr:as ur sister in law is my patients I went through her history and family background to knw about family and all details Bcz baby will get family heriditi.. Then I came across ur profile and I have learnt that u are not convincing.. So I thought if u want treatment may be I can help u..
Dr: if u r ready then I will some test and will learn about what actual problem is according to that we will start ur treatment.. May be result will come.. If u r interested then u come to my hospital Tmrw we will do check up..
Paridarsh saw each other face..
Pari: sorry its not possible to meet u Tmrw.. If u don't mind can we meet some other day.
Dr:ya sure but inform me before u come to me bcz I need to schedule timing .
Pari :ya sure I will call u when I ll be free..
Dr:no problem.. But I suggest u to take treatment.
Pari:ya  ..thank u.. And call ended.
Adr:pari what u r doing..
Pari:what adarsh ji.
Adr: Pari u don't have problem.. Problem is in me..
Pari:ya I knw.. But I'm treating my self..
Pari:its u.. Adarsh ji even we are dieng to have ourselves baby. I have decided u r going to take treatment.. We will meet that doctor..
Adr:but we don't have money for treatment and Papa also kept his man behind us. If he get to knw then he will not allow.
Pari :dont worry Adarsh ji.. I have kept my jewelry in maa house I will sold that.. And about papa ji he can't stop us for this.. He don't have right.. Wait till this week when this samaj meeting will get over..after that they don't have any relation and we are no more under thier control.. We will leave this house infact this city.. Just onc chance.. We will meet this doctor...
Adr:pari I'm very bad husband na.. I feel ashamed of myself I need to earn money and look after u but u r doing that. U r ready to sold ur jewelleries bcz of me.. I cheated u but still u r thinking about me... I promise now I will never cheat u.. I ll be loyal to u..
Pari:no Adarsh it's not ur fault.. We both are fault.. From now I will never play cards and do kitty party.. I will be ideal wife like u always wanted....
Adr:we shoud thank our parents  Bcz of their taunt and insult we understood each other importance in our life.. From now we both will be each others priority.. Both hugged each other...
Here After priya disconnected Pari call she talk to other person who is in conference..who listened their talk ..
Dr:ur work done mam..
Op:well done.. Now u knw what u have do..
Dr:yes mam.dnt worry. Then priya disconnted call.. They each other face and smiled.. And that smiling face revealed that is non other than our cute sm family 
Swa:our half work is done.. Now we have to wait for Pari bhabi to come for check up.
Suj:they will.. Bcz I have saw Pari eyes.. She is longing for baby.. She was not like this before but not getting conceive for which Adarsh cheated her made her like this ...may be after this she will be like before..
Ram:dont worry suju.. Everything will be OK.. They talked for some time and went to their room hopping for new good day with good start..

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