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Lets start its beautiful morning ..
Everyone was having breakfast ..after breakfast sanskar took everyone to basement leaving dida,aryan and uttra bcz they both are very small and dida stayed with them to tkae care..sanskar told swara and raj to not come but both denied after lot Argument as usual swara win ..he accepted and took them to basement ..
He made swara and raj sit on chair ..laksh voice is echoing all over the basement .swara holded saskar hand tightly ..he assured her .after some time sanskar men brought laksh out who was full exhausted and no energy left...laksh was  not able to stand fell on the ground ..
San:di,bade papa,papa mom,dad,maa,shona and ayush here is ur Culprits ..punish them as u want ..shona went near dp.
Sona:i also devoted u like a god but u r monster u took my life separated me with my adi and made my son fatherless .she took belt and started to beat himEven ap to both were shouting due to pain sona stop when she became tired..next suju came.
Suj:i always listened u but u both sbatched my children happiness ..suju took her slippers and started to beat them..ayush came near laksh and kneeld in front of him..
Ayu:my di is my everything u hurted her for that i will not leave u with this hand only u touched her na ..saying this ayush took knife and cuts his hands ..laksh shouted in pain..suju came .
Suj:u want daughter na u wanted to taste her na . my daughter is spicy like chilly . Let me show u ..saying this suju put chilly powder on his cuts laksh crying ..
Shomi came near ap .
Sho:u tried  to kill my sona and her child and now u tried to kill my shona and her baby with this hands  ..now i will show how a mother protect her daughter from evil saying this she took hot rod and kept on her palms ..ap shouted due to pain..sona came and put red chilli powed on her burned palm..ram came near dp.
Rp: i alwsy devoted like a god but u killed my father for property and now behind my family..i will alwsy protect my family like a shield saying this ram took rod and started to bewt him..
San: bade papa,papq and shona dont u want to give them punishment..
Swa: i eanted to give but i dont want my baby get thier shadow and im not in condition to stand and even bade papa also ..so u and papa only give them punishment  from our behalf..
Raj: yes doll is telling correct ..and seeing them in this Conditon my adi soul is getting peace ..arnav go and give them punishment..punishment for killing ur son punishment for sona's tears punishment for making ur  champ orphan..punishment for hurting ur princess. punishment for our doll sleepless nights ..arnav went near dp
Arn: u knw adil was my fav child but u took him away that day only i decided i will not spare his murderer ..the pain my sona my champ got got i will take revenge for every tears my sona got ...saying this arnav open dp rope and trown him a glass tuv which is full of boiling water ..dp shouted but no one showed Mercy ..ram came and poured packet full of salt ..ap and laksh became shock ...aranav turned towards laksh  and moved to him laksh who saw arnav coming he moved back but no use arnav holded his coller and pulled and made him stand.
Arn:u  tried to touch my princess my doll.. She is my everything ..u did grave mistake by eyesing her ..u kike to play with girls dignity na now protect ir dignity saying this arnav took him and pushed him in a dark room which is filled with rats ..laksh was shouting but rat dont understand human talk..theh were enjoying there meal ..that is fresh meat with extra salt and chilli..then arnav turned towards ap ..she gulped her saliva ..he came near her .
Arn:i never rise my voice to women but u r not a women u are a black spot to women .. u r a bitch and bitch need to be on road like a mad dog and people will trough stones on u ...shomi ,sona and sujata do u both want to give her a new makeover ..
Suju: yes bhai saab i want ..
Swa:even i want ..
Arn:ok doll come..
Son: no shona u r weak ur leg will pain if u stand for more time ..u dont need to come here she will only come there .ayu come ..ayush nodded and came near ap ..both sona and ayush opend her rope and drag her and made her sitt in frnt of shona ..and holded her both hands tightly that she cant move and harm shona..
Swa:thank u bhabi ..
Sona:anything for y doll ..
swara smiled and saw ap then told sanskar men to bring Barber set ..she took scissors and cut her hairs in zig zag ..
Suj:oho shona this look is not looking good let me help u ..saying this suju came and took trimmer and trimmed from center living side hairs ..
Swa: wow mom u r super stylish ..then swara took black paint and painted her face.
Shom: even i want to do her makeover ..
Suj: y not shomi come..and u boys u take chairs and sit ..bcz it will take time bcz we are doing her makeover she should look preety na ..untill then u all enjoy  ...then she told saskar men to bring a cot and made ap lie on it .and tied her both hands and legs ...
Shom: wow ap ur nails are so pretty  let me give ur nails nice finishing..
Saying this she took plucker and plucked her nails ..ap shouted in pain.for which swara got scared and left paint can which fell on swara dress..
Swa:ahh mom this oldie spoiled my dress.
Suj: oo ..u olfie cant u shut ur mouth see bcz of u my shona got scared and her dress is spoiled ..saying this pulled her teeth ..blood are coming from her mouth . Swara went and sat with others ..eating popcorn..
Sona: wait mom she always go to parlor for pampering her skin y dont u do her Manicure and pedicure..
Suj: yes  good idea ...swara ,raj sanska,ayush,arnav and ram sat on chair .
.rest ladies started thier work.. Sona took hot wax and did her waxing shomi colour her hair with rainbow colour ..suju is aplying colour on her face ..soon after an hour ap makeover is done...the trio pit viel on hers head and covred her face ..
Son: so dear genys presenting mrs ap with her new look ..shomi and suju broght her holding her both arms ..sona lifted her viel .swara who was eating popcorn jumped from her place shouting  keeping her hand on her chest resulting all popcorn fell on ground..
Swa:aaa mumma ..all gents saw each other face and then ap ..in shock..ap hair was fully colour with neon yellow,neon pink,neon blue,and neon green and kept flowers on her ears ..and black paint around her eyes ..and red paint on her lips.
Her saree is tored from down till her below knees and tgey have put cycle chain on her ankel as anklet..and nut bolts on her finger as finger ring made her wear tire tubbe on her neck as necklace and sona drwan colourfull flowers on lit to make it look pretty they have put cloth clips on her ears as earing and made her wear iron rings in her hand as bangles. She was looking joker ..
Son:see i will tell about her new makeove.
This new hair style given by mom and doll and shomi maa did her hair dye and shomi maa did her  make uo and mom made her wear jwellery bcz mom knw which tyoe of jwellery she wear and i have designed her this necklace ..how is her new makeover
..gents are still in shock they came out of shock hearing sanskar men laugh..sanskar mens are laughing by rolling on geound holdidng thier stomach ..sanskar saw them they all stopped laughing but its enough for all gents..they brust into laugh including sanskar mens.
Ayu: bhabi ,maa, suju darling the makeover is too good .
Arn: relly i never knw my wife is this much good makeup artish .
Ram: and i never knw that my wife is this much good stylish ..again all brust onto laugh..
Raj: wait wait ..evwn her husband and son have right to see her this new look..
Ram: yes raj bhai is coorect they also need to see her beauty....sanskar men toom dp out of the water and brought him there he saw ap and fell down seeing her holding his chest..they brought laksh he to got scred seeing her and fell on ground..dp was not able to stand he saw ap and laksh and then saw ram family joined his hand and left his last breath..ap fell on groung crying ..she was shaking him but he was no more..ram got tears in hisbeyes but he wipped his tears remembering his children condition..even ap to left her life seeing his husband death ..swara came near laksh and put a board on his neck on which written.
IM LAKSH MAHESHEARI ..I HAVE  RAPED SO MANY INNOCENT LIFE AND  PLAYED WITH THIER  DIGNITY NOW IM ASHAMED I WANT TOO DIE PLZ GIVE ME DEATH .. sanskar men took him and thrown on road ..he was life less not able to walk properly ..people whobwas passing by him saw the board and thrown stone on him....he died there only ..trio got punishment for thier deeds...all came back to thier home ..they switched on the tv  and news flashed. .
THE WELL KNWN BUSSINESS MAN. SON LAKSH MAHESHWARI WHO PLAYED WITH GIRLS DIGNITY GOT HIS PUNISHMENT ..PEOPLE GIVEN HIM PUNISHMENT FOR HIS DEED ..EVEEY RAPIST SHOULD GET PUNISHMENT LIKE THIS .... Here in gadodia mansion they saw news ragini sat with thudd..she understood its thier deed which came back to them ... They did laksh ladt ritual ..shekar denied but ragini requested lot and told that she want tobend this chapter forever and start a new life ...  
Next day  ragini ,shekar and dadi came and asked forgiveness..they all forgive them bcz thier crime is not that much big like maheswari only ragini crime was big but she was repenting and she is pregnant and lost her husband she felt bad and forgived her but didn't accepted them..they broke all tie with them even they understood its thier deeds ...
After one month 
Ragini is 8th month pregnantand swara 7tt
One day  Badi head came and told them to vacant the badi as he want to sale that house ..shekar ragini and dadi left the badi and took a small house on rent ..shekhar start to work as security guard in a mall..
Its swara's baby shower along with ayush and nandini Engagment sm mansion is decorated full with lights and flowers ...

Its eveng all guest started to come for swara insist sanskar invited gadodia also .soon everyone came .ragini shekar and dadi vame but no one talked with them..They just stood in the corner .soon sona and uttra brought  swara and made her sitt on chair ..suju did her arti and did all rituals..after rituals .guest came given blessings and gift  after baby shower ayush and nandini engagment ceremony started ..both couple exchanged the ring and engagment completed ..soon youngster danced and everyone enjoyed after function guest had dinner and started to leave one by one soon all guest gone leaving famoly memebers and some close friends..ragini came near swara ...everyone saw her and they came and stood near swara like a shield ragini felt bad but its riggt also bvz she always tried to hurt her for that they never trust her ..
Rag: dontworry i didnt came here to hurt her..i just came to give her gift..she came on stage slowly holding her baby bump and given her gift. And congratulated the couple  ayush didnt reacted seeing swara glare he replied..
Rag :i knw swara my gift is not that much expensive how much i m able to give i have given..swara slowly open gift it is woolen sweater with cap and socks ..swara saw toward ragini..
Swa: ragini u knitted it ..ragini nodded ..
Swa: its beautiful ..thank u
Rag : i m happy u liked it..
Swa: no its really pretty ...did u had dinner..
Rag: no actually im not feeling to have..
Arn: beta raginin if u want to have something then tell i ll tell to bring.
Rag: no uncle thank u really i dont feel to have anything. ...and thank u sanskar for inviting us ..and all the best ..its too late i should leave now ..saying this ragini ,shekar and dadi left ...soon all left ..family members also had dinner and went to room ..they all were tired due to continuous work ..
Its night swara sleep is far away ...she woke up and sat on bed and saw sanskar he was sleeping peacefully she thought to wake him up but he was tired so she didnt wake him ..slowly she stepped down from bed and came iut of the room..she came down and stood in hall  at that time arnav,ram and raj came ..its their daily work at mid night they trio come to swasan room to check if swara need something ..the trio became shock to see her..
Ram:shona beta u here .do u need anything .
Arna: yesvbeta tell what u wantbto eat i will prepare..
Swa: i want to eat aloo chat ..
Arn: ok i will prepare .
Ram:ok i will help him.till then u sit here with raj bhaisab ..bith ram and arnav went to kitchen to prepare aloo chat raj and swara sat on sofa soon they came with aloo chat aling with pani puri,shevpuri ..
Arn: doll do u need anything .
Swa: i want to watch tv .
Ram: ok i will on.. Which movie u want to see
Swa:hum saath saath hai
ram switched on the tv ..the 4 members sat and started to watch movie..
Here in swasan room sanskar tirned and put hand on swara side ..he didntfind swara he sat with jerk ..he went and checked washroom she was not there..he cane out of the room and xame down .while coming he saw light reflecting in hall  at that time suju,sona,shomi and ayush also came .they all came to hall and switched on the light and shock to see Scenery ..swara is crying and the trio consoling her ..sanskar came running ..
San:jaan what happen y are u crying is it paining ..
Swa:no .
San:then y are u crying..papa,dad,badepapa what happend y she is crying..
Swa:sanskar sandna bahu is so nice but y mamta told her to leave the house. .
San: who sadna bahu and whonis mamta .
Swa: mamta ram krishan wife and vivek ,prem,vinod,and sangeeta mother..
San: now who are they..
Swa: papa he dont knw anything  ..she again started to cry ..sanskar saw shomi and suju with helplessy ..
San:maa,mom who are they.who is mamta and sadna bahu..
Shom:sanskar she is talking about movie..sanskar mouth hunged she is crying for a movie he saw swara who is Contineously crying  for a stupid movie and her trio fathers are consoling her and telling her that they will tell mamta to take sadna bahu back ..saskar seeing them shocking ...
He went and switched off the tv ..swara whonwas crying saw towards sanskar angrilly ..
Swa:sanskar y u off it ..on it now .
San:jaan its too late now lets go and sleep and u 3 also go and sleep being with her u also became child keave that both but arnav papa u also .i thought u r sensible but  u too..i tought along with swara maa will do this drama but she is sensible but u trio ..Unbelivable
Swa:sanskar switch on the tv.
San: no ..now come ..he told angrilly she again started to cry he palmed his face ..he cooled himself went near her and sat infront of her.
San: jaan that mama told her sadna bahu to leave house na so she left niw mamta got to knw sadna bahu is good so morning she will go and bring her back ..
Swa:really she will bring sadna bahu back ..
San: han ..now u too come and sleep and watcgh nect tomorrow when sadna bahu will be back.
Swa:ok ..evreryone got relief that sanskar handled her bvz day by day her mood swings are increasing..swara showed him arm he picked her in his arm and went to his room but not before giving glare to trio...eveyone left to thier room to sleep

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