part -44

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Let's start
After lunch they all came out.
San:so everything is done or anything remained?
Ary:no still one thing is their Mamu.
San:what champ.
Ary:ice cream party..
San:ok u all tell which flavor u like  I ll bring
Ary:no Mamu we will go there only and  eat.
Sona:aryan again we all have go inside  so u better tell which flavor u want Mamu will bring. And if u want u can also go.
Ary: no mamma I don't want ice cream from here.
Ary:there is ice cream parlor near our house it's has very yummy ice.. U know I tried all flavors.
Sona:when u went there 🤨🤨
Raj: are  sonakshi  stop ur investigation  ..he want ice cream from there let him take ..
Sona: wait papa  Aryan  u tell  when u went there.
San:di we are middle in road we will talk about this later now come.. So champ let's go for ice cream party.. All went to the ice cream parlour.. Waiter came and saw  Raj and Aryan..
Waiter : hello sir  hello lil boy.. so  today u brought ur whole family .
Aryan:han .
Waiter :so what u want to take..
Aryan:unlce u know na my and dadu order..
Waitrer:yes I knw so u ll get ur today's special flavour.. And other please give ur order.. Everyone given their order.. Soon their order came and had their ice cream and  came back to home.. And sat in living room.. Everyone is tired..
Sona: Aryan how that Waiter knw u?
Ary:mamma every Sunday I go come here and have ice cream...
Sona :every Sunday.. With whom?
Raj:sonakashi let it be na.. See  everyone is tired  go and take some rest
Arnav :wait Bhai.. Aryan beta with whom u every Sunday
Ary:with dadu.. U know me and dadu tried Every flavors.. I love that ice cream  ..haina  dadu.. .raj was trying to shut his mouth but he is bua's cutie nonstop talk.. How can he stop..
Arnav :beta dadu also eat Ice cream every Sunday.
Raj: no  I only take him there I don't eat.
Ary: haww dadu u r telling lie.. It's very bad.. U also  ice cream and telling lie that u not eat... Very bad..
Arn:so ur dadu also eat ice cream..
Ary:yes u know chote dadu and dadu  taste all flavors...
Sona:all flavors at once?
Ary:no mamma  we take that special flavors  of that day two ..that to two two ice-cream
Arn:two two ice cream..
Ary:han sometime if we like the flavor we will take that flavor again..
Both arnav and sonakshi is seeing Raj angrily.. Raj is seeing everywhere but not them..
Sona:from now no  ice cream and not going out on Sunday
Aryan:but why mamma..
Sona:no more questions Now go to ur room
Ary:but mamma
Sona:aryan I said go to ur room.. Aryan left crying..
Swa:papa bhabi what happened..
Raj:beta it's my fault why are u shouted on him..
Sona:bcz I tried telling u but u ll never listen.. That's way I'm being strict to him..
Suj:sona what is this.. How are u talking to bhaisab ..
Son:then what shall  I do maa.. He  never listens to and chachu tired telling him but he will never listen
Ram: but beta what  wrong he did..
Sona: u know dad papa is diabetic patient  ..he should nt eat sweet but he never listen..
Suj : but is this is the way to talk..
Son:maa u last month his sugar level was high.. Chachu strictly prohibited sweet for him. But see he is eating ice cream with out our knowledge.. We are telling for his betterment only. it's up to him  I ll not tell him anything saying this she left to room...swara came  to her room saw she is sitting in room holding family pic in which  Raj arnav adi and sonakshi is present.. Swara came and sat beside her and holded her hand  sonakshi couldn't take it long she break down.
Sona:after loosing adi papa is my supporter he never made me and Aryan realizel that we are not alone.. He loved Aryan like a father.. He fullfiled all duties which a father do for their children.. He never make us feel that adi is not with us..  He protected me as father supported me as friend.. He never thought me as his daughter in law  ..he always considered me as daughter.. I lost adi  but anything happens to him..i can't imagine my life. After adi death I was so depressed that I didnt cared about Aryan.. But he took care of him.. Even he lost his son but he stood strong for us.. He is  my family  I can't loose him...  Everyone had tears in their eyes who came after swara. .. Raj came and sat Infront of her..
Raj: I'm sorry beta.. I never thought that my stupidity hurt u this much.. I promise  from now I ll  not touch any sweet.. I ll listen  whatever u tell.. Plz forgive much  sonakshi angry on him but she is a daughter who never see a single drop of tears in their fathers eyes.. She hugged him....
Sona: papa  plz never do like this.. If anything happens to u we can't live.. Atleast think about us..
Raj: never Beta.. Ill never repeat this again.. I promise.. It was very emotional lighten the mood dida told.
Dida:dont worry sonakshi now even swara is aware of Raj diabetic now see how she become a strict school teacher.. And raj no one can spare u if u not listen to her.. She is Hitler.
Swa:dida I'm  Hitler..
Dida: no  even Hitler is better then u..
Dida: I'm telling truth  hai na Shomi.
Shomi: yes  Raj bhai  she is very strict in health matter  be aware..
Sans: o my God.. Raj uncle  now u have to be careful with Bcz their see 3 strict teacher..
Shomi: not 3 beta  4..even ayush is their.. He always follow what her sister tell him.. Didi ka chamcha
Ayu :maa ...di  see na maa again said.
Swa: maa  don't tell  chamcha to him...
Shomi :ok meri maa  sorry.. I ll not tell.. But Shona u scolded Aryan.. He isn't upset  go and talk to him.
Sona:ok maa.. I ll go.. Everyone went down and aona went to Aryan room..
In Aryan room he is crying continuously.. Uttra tried to calm him  but he is not stopping.. Soon sona came..
Uttra: thank God di  u came... See he isn't not stopping  u only  handled him..
Sonakshi came an put her hand on his head he shoved her hand and turned his face..
Sona:angry on me.. Aryan didn't respond.. And turn his face.
Sona: Accha bana sorry.. But he didn't replied.
Sona:baby I'm holding mt ears... Plz last time forgive me..
Aryan:i dnt want to talk to u u u shouted on me.
Sona: baby I'm sorry.. What what o can do..
U go every Sunday and had Ice cream without telling me then I should be angry na
Aryan:but I went with dadu na.. I dnt went alone.
Sona:yes but u both hided this thing from me na..
Ary:i didnt told bcz u only told na if I want to go out then I can go with u dadu or chote dadu..
Sona:yes baby  but I didnt told u to eat ice cream that to two two.. u know na  dadu should not eat sweet.. Chote dadu told na  he should avoid sweet bcz he is not well...and u ll  also fall sick if u eat this much ice cream....
Aryan: sorry mamma I ll not repeat this again..
Sona: it's OK my baby.. Plz don't do this again..
Aryan:ok mamma promise..
Sona:ok now go and get fresh... We have lots of work to do..
Aryan : mamma after some time
Sona: no baby go now and get fresh.. U   know na  after coming from out. U should wash ur hands face and legs. Now go. Be a good boy.. Then  I ll  tell  u secret..
Aryan:what mamma
Sona:first go then I ll tell...
Aryan: OK  mamma.. Aryan went and came after freshnup.. Sona changed his dress..
Aryan: mamma now tell what is secret..
Sona: OK listen.. She tell something.. Which is muted.. Which will reveal  letter..
Aryan/uttra: really..
Sona: yes  and it's surprise don't tell this to anyone
Uttra: but di everyone knw na.. Then y are u telling  don't tell  anyone.
Aryan : yes Mamma  u should tell  don't tell to cutie bua.
Sona: OK baba don't tell to  ur cutie bua  and  u don't tell to  ur bhabi .. Now  let's  go.. We  have lots of work ..
Soon trio came down  and saw everyone is sitting in living room .aryan ran and sat on his dadu's  lap.. Sona saw and smiled.. No matter how much she get angry on them  but  their bonding is pure..aryan never saw his father but got fatherly love from both his dadu  he is their heart beat..both raj and Aryan again got busy in their daily work  that is telling whatever happened and plan what they will do  on this day and that day... Soon it's evening everyone having snacks and doing marriage preparation.. Raj and ram are busy contacting decorators and catering.. arnav sanskar and sona and swara busy in inviting guest through calls and  Sujata,shomi and dida  are list of food and all item which are necessary for marriage..ayush, Uttra and Aryan is packing gift for guest.. ..
Soon it's night.. Everyone completed their work.. And went to room to take rest..

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