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#Raj singhania :

#Arnav singhania:

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#Arnav singhania:

#Sonakshi and Aditya singhania:

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#Sonakshi and Aditya singhania:

#Sonakshi and Aditya singhania:

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#Aryan Aditya singhania :

#Aryan Aditya singhania :

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Let start....

            Its a new day with new hope ..all boys are waiting for girls in lawn as they are going to roam the city .. Ram is wearing blue t shirt and jeans above that white coat ..saskar is wearing white shirt and blue jeans ..ayu wearing red t shirt and black 3/4 pant .
Sujata dida and shomi came …
Boys jaw drop seeing them ..
Bcz sujata and shomi wearing chudi where as dida wearing top ab knees and jeans and goggles ..they all came near boys ..
Ram:suju ur looking beautiful .
Suj:thnk u ram ji and Shyes
Both boys hoot .
Soon our girls came sanskar was mesmerized seeing his lady love..swara is wearing black and white strip full sleeves top ..and black skirt above her knees hairs lest open and straight.. Uttra is wearing pink tank top and white 3/4pant..sona is wearing grey crop top and knee length red skirt ..(sujram have no prblm with there dress they are broad minded).all came and stood with them.
Ram:wow my daughters are looking like dolls ..
Trio girls:thank u papa.
Swa: papa ur looking handsome.
Ram:o thank u baccha .
All went to restaurant for brkfst ..all settled swasan are sat beside each other ..they are sitting in sequence. Sanskar swara ayush and shomi ..other side sona uttra suju and ram and dida is sitting single chair which beside sanskar sona . and aryan is sitting beside shomi Nd ran chair .its like head the family chair.
Sanskar whisper to swara .
San:looking s*xy ..swara blushed.
San:dnt blush jaan other wise I ll cancel plan end in bedroom only.
Swa:sanskar ..all are here ..they order their food ..soon their order came all are having food except swara ..who is blushing .bcz his romantic hubby holded her hand under the table ..swara was struggling to remove her hand..suju was watching her face.
Suju: swara y r u not eating .
Swa: yes mom I ll eat..swara was glaring sanskar BT it dnt effect him..he is eating as nothing happened.sona and uttra saw each other face ..uttra drop her spoon drop intentionally .and bend to take and saw swasan han ..she sat properly and smiled naughtily ..sona ask her rising her eyebrows.
Uttra whisper.
Utt: bhai is holding her hand ..
Sona saw them .
Sona: swara y u r not eating u dnt like food.
Swa: no Bhabi food is good ..
Sona:then y r u not eating ..
Swa:oo ..she dnt knw what to tell all are seeing her for answer ..
Sona: buddy leave her hand other wise she will starve ..listing this sanskar left her hand immediately ..swara was looking down due embarrassment.. Sanskar look here there ..all giggle.
Sujata saw swara face and divert topic to save her from more embarrassing..
Suj:sanskar where we are going ..
San: mom we will go shopping now after that we will do lunch ..and evng we will go beach ..
Utt:I’m very excited ..
All had brk fast and went out resort ..they are Waiting for car .when someone came and close sanskar eyes from behind ..all are seeing them confusing..
Sanskar: kavita .
Kav: buddy hw u always recognized me..
Bcz no one is childish like u a voice came from back..the man came and hugged sanskar .
Man: hey Buddy ..
San: hey dude ..they man came and sons.
Man:hi di hw r .
Sona: hey sahil I’m fine ..
Guys kavshil are Sanskar friend.. Both are married ..they we’re talking .
Swa:sahil bhai..sahil saw swara and beyond happy.
Sahil: doll
They both hugged each other.
Ayu:u frgt me bhai .
Sah: hw can I forget u choto .ayu and sahil hugged. Went near shomi and dida took blessing
Sah: hw r u ma and dida
Dida/shomi: we r fine ..and hws nikhil.
Sah:he is fine ..he missed u lot
San: sahil u knw them
Sah: han buddy she is my doll and he is my choto ..and my shomi maa and dida..actually nikil and ayu are childhood friend ..on every holiday he come to India and stay with them ..I came here for my graduations then I met u .. . When u left ur home I searched u lot nt no use day I met accident then doll saved me .. From then she is my life lil baby sister ..and side hugged her.
Sah: by the way buddy hw u knw her.
San: she only my angel and my wife swasa sanskar malik.
Sah: what .I m happy finally u got ur love and my doll got best life partner.
Ayu: sahil bhai where is nik.
Sah: he is in cannda soon he will come here ..and he will leave here permanent.
Swa: really..
Sah: yes doll ..actuly i shifted my company here …
Kav : can anybody introduce me.
San: o sry kavi ..all meet my another sis kavita sahil sengupta .
And kav meet my family. .
Kav : hello everyone .she took blessing from sujram dida and shoba ..hugged sona uttra and swara.and side hugged ayu
Kav: I must say bhai ur angel is truly looks like angel.
San: I knw that’s way I call her my angel..all smiled listing him ..swara blushed .
Sona: bt where are others .
San: ya I called them bt they dint came ..
U called us and we will not come here. All turn and saw 2 boys and 2 girls are standing.
San:viren jeevika kavya manav .
All: hey Buddy all came and hugged him he introduced all to his family
San: guys now meet my angel swara sanskar malik.
Jevi:she is adi bhai sister na .
Sona:han jeevu.
(Guys they all studied in same college so they knw sona and Adi)
San:and my lovely family meet my another family.

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now