part -36

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Everyone had breakfast. And sat in hall talking.
Sona:chachu don’t wanna go hospital ..
Arnav:no beta I took leave ..
Both sona and Raj saw him with shocking expression .even servant stopped their work and saw arnav in horrified expression… Raj came and touched his forehead.
Raj:arnav are u OK..
Arnav :han bhai why r u asking me like this?
Raj: Bcz u never took leave even when ur not well then also u go to work that way
Arnav :Bhai…… Actually I wanted to spend some time with my champ and my princess I took leave until they are here I’m not going to hospital… Only if emergency case come then I ll go and attend ..
Raj : I’m happy finally u made some time for ur saelf and ur family. All sat and chit chat for some time and refreshing old memories.. Bt one person is watching some one with full love respect .he is arnav who is stealing glace of shomi which was noticed by our lovely couple swasan and Ayush…
Soon everyone had their lunch went their room to take rest.
In swasan room ..
Swara was sitting on bed in Indian style keeping pillow on her lap and one hand below her chin. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn’t notice her dear husband came after getting fresh and observing her from last 10mins ..finally Sankara could not take long and broke her chain of thought..
San:shona what are u thinking ….
Swa:sanskar havnt u noticed papa he was stealing glance of maa..
San:ya I saw.. Shona I think uncle loves maa.
Swa :yes he do.
San:what Hw u know?
Swa:the day when we came ..we are having small talk ..then papa told that he still love maa. After 5 min silence swara talk with excitement.
San:sanskar I have an idea ..
Swa:u come with me
.she took him to Raj room..
San:swara y u brought me to Raj uncle room..
Swa:jst keep quit and call Ayush here ..saying this she knocked Raj room door. Meanwhile sanskar called Ayush
Raj:come in..both swasan went in ..
Raj:arre doll u…
Swa: sry if we disrubed u.
Raj:are no beta ..even I was getting bored and next u can come inside with full right no need to knock the door ..
Swa:ok .actually I wanted to talk u something..
Raj:han tell beta.. Meanwhile Ayush also came ..raj was confused because of their sudden enter Bt sat silently.. Sanskar and Ayush saw each other face and give I don’t know expression..
Raj:doll u wanted to tell something.. Is everything OK.
Swa:ya everything is OK.. Actually I just came to talk u ant maa and Papa
Raj:what abt shonav(shomi+arnav)
Swara took deep breath and told.
Swa:we should mend their broken heart.
Swa: listen carefully… Maa and Papa need a life partner.. And Papa still love maa ..i saw true love in his eyes… Even they want some one besides them to share something ..ya I know we r thier. Bt some things we can’t able to share with everyone.. We want jst one person who will be with us forever who understands our inside out.. We want the person who is close to our hearts our soul… They need a person with whom they share every secret ..i know I m talking the things which are difficult to do but we can mend thier relation na.. And maa is already divorced and free from that spineless man we should think abt thier future..
Raj:u r right doll Bt they will never accept this…
Swa:bt we will try.. Nothing is impossible.. And may we win.. Who is with me
Raj:im in Bt hw all react after knowing this.
Swa:dont know bt we have to face all situations.
San:even I’m in..
Even we are in..
All four turn and saw ramta sonutt and dida….
Swa:mom dad dida bhabi uttu.. Seriously u all don’t have any problem
Dida:shoru this best I want my daughter settle so I don’t have any problem and beside arnav is a best person
Suj:ya right she is having her full life she can’t survive alone.. We are happy u r thinking abt parents.. All are talking Bt Ayush was silent all the time and was in deep thought Bt this is didn’t got unnoticed by swara.. Ayush left the room.he went to garden area sat on pool end putting his leg in water… He was in deep thought ..he felt a hand on his shoulder ..he very well who is that ..he didn’t turn and sat silently.. The person sat beside him..
Per:dont u like my idea champ. Yes guys it’s swara when Ayush left room she also excused and came behind him…
Ayush:i don’t know
Swa:champ plz open up acccha.. Tears made its way in his eyes.. Swara whipped his tears .
Ay:di I have fear.
Swa:fear of what baccha
Ayu:di I am seeing maa from childhood she is suffering lot… Even u sufferd ..i have saw her crying in late night ..she never share her pain her swarrow with us.. Bt she is totally broken.. When I got to know abt Mr gododia I was happy that maa will get her part of happiness Bt he broke her heart in million pieces.. Maa was broken Bt she stood strong Bcz of us now she is recovering from that betrayal ..if again her heart broken then maa will be shattered.. And this time no one can mend her shattered pieces.. I have fear this time also she have to suffer..
Swa: ayu I know ur fear wnt u trust ur Di..
Ayu:i trust u di Bt can’t trust destiny.. Bcz from childhood happiness dont stay longer in our life.. I always had fear abt marriage when u got married I was so tense Bt maa assured me..and that time maa decision was correct u got best life partner …bt I don’t want to take risk in maa life Bcz she is already sufferd lot this time not..
Swa: OK ayu I wnt force Bt I ll jst tell u take ur time and think… Don’t listen to ur mind just listen what ur heart say… U don’t need to accept this half heardtly… I want u to decide with ur own take ur time no hurry.
Ayu : di if u feel so then I don’t have problem
Swa: ayu take decisions with ur heart don’t jst listen my word ..u see ur pic and then decided and I ll be always with u in ur every decision.. No matter what u choose.. I ll be always beside u.
Swayush sat thier only .watching sunset …ayush recalled all moment when he was in badi mad when he came here he compared both arnav and shekahar ..he recalled every moment with whom they got fatherly love .and all then he broke the silence
Ayu:di I have decided
Swa:so soon.. Are u sure ur going with this choice
Ayu:yes I’m damn sure
Swa: so what u decide
Ayu: I ready to mend maa relation …arnav uncle is nice man I’m seeing from the day when we came he is giving all love which we craved from childhood ..and he left maa for her happiness… What is more important then sacrifing thier own love to just see his love happy.. I jast want to see happy and get all love which she deserve

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