part -28

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Let start .

Its night both swara and sanskar are sleeping ..
Soon sanskar woke up and went to wash riom for fresh up .
He got fresh and came out his angel sleeping Like  kid ..he went down after 1 hr he came back with tray ..set on the table went near swara and sat beside her and Caresse her hair .
San:shona jaan wake up ..have DNR
swa:sanskar let me sleep me na ..I’m sleepy.
San: baccha eat DNR then sleep ..he forcefully made her sit ..she sat and rubbed her eyes.saw sanskar kissed his cheek and went to washroom came after getting fresh..sanskar was sitting on couch and waiting for her she came and sat on his lap ..sanskar smiled seeing her antics both had there diner making fun of each other and doing romance ..
Both sat in balcony.. Bt every time they sit on different chair bt this time both are sitting on one chair swara on sanskar lap ..his hand is on her waist and her hands around his neck and cover with blanket …and only one cup of coffee ..its mid night 12..there beautiful moment is broken by a call
Swa: who is calling me on this time ..she saw its unknown number..
San: receive may be its from hospital ..she nodded and received.
Swa: hello.
Op: hello swara ..after listing his voice swara blood boiled .
Swa: laksh ..y u called me this time ..listing laksh name sanskar stopped his work and saw swara face who is already seeing his face …( his work is he is kissing swara neck).
Lak: swara I want to meet u nw
Swa: laksh u are drunk u go back to home..
Laksh: no swara I ll go after meeting u only ..I’m waiting out side the badi ..come fast or else I ll come in .and disconnected the call.(poor guy dnt kne she is not their)
Swara anger reached high ..
She called someone .
Swa: hello Ragini.
Rag: swara u ..what happened y u called ne this time are u mad.
Swa: stop ur lecture ragini ..ur husband is drunk and he is out side the badi go and handle him ..saying this she disconnected the call .and anger is showing on her nose tip..
Sanskar kissed her cheek and nose tip.
San: wht happen to my baccha .
Swa: u knw sanskar that chepo jerk basterd laksh cane to badi drunk and want to meet me ..she saw sanskar face who is seeing her with shock ..bcz this is first time he heard bad words from her mouth..
Bt swara thought something seeing his expression.
Swa: sorry sanskar I knw u felt bad I told ur brother that bad word I’m really sorry.
San: shhh shona need sorry in fact I’m happy ..I ll see that laksh he messed with sm .
Swa: sanskar what are u telling u laksh like this..u love him so much ..
San: love ..he laugh sacrifily ..who told I love him.
Swa: sanskar bcz him only u wanted to revenge from me na..
San: I’m sorry shona ..I hurted u lot I was not taking revenge for him..I wanted to save u from that blo*dy man..
Swa: sanskar I m not understanding anything ..
San: wait swara.. Do u remembere out meeting in restaurant when we are planing for ragini truth ..she nodded .I knw u feel something fishy bcz he told my flat ..she nodded ..then listen ..laksh is also with adarsh and his family.
Swa: bt sankar u told he took ur side when all r accusing u .
San:that’s fake ..that time I also thought he is supporting me bt its also part of their plan .
When sona di and baby fake death happened. Then iwent to laksh tell that sona is alive ..bcz he will be sad after hearing her death bt what i saw there his world rooted from his feet ..
Sanskar enter in laksh room by balcony then he saw adarsh laksh and park are celebrating ..he went near and hide behind window to hear their talk after what he heard he feel betrayal.
Adarsh: I m happy our one obstacles is over now only that blo*dy sanskar is remains.
Pari: yes adarshji that sanskar is remains bt it though to take sign from him..
Lak: don’t worry bhabhi ..i have took sanskar under my trust .he trust mr ..nw I ll make him sign him papers .
Adh: I must say laksh u r very talented when u supported sanskar that I was angry in .bt when I got to knw ur drama I m impressed.
Lak: don’t wry bhai .he is trusting me ..I ll make him sign property papers. Maheshwari is under our name only now only that malik property..then we will ne billionaire.. They laughed evilly..sanskar feel betrayal and left that place .
Flash back end ..
San: from that day I also played game with him .. Even he tries to make me sign papee telling his competition paper his CLG papers poor he dnt kne that ..that is not my real sign …
Swara had tears in her eyes listing his life story she hugged him .
San: shona y r u crying.
Swa: hw much u suffered.. Ok tell me who else knw u r sm.
San: only my family and my some close friends
Swara seeing him for more expiations.. He laughed seeing her expression ..
San: ok jaan ,dad ,uttu ,sona di ,raj uncle, arnav Uncle, dida,pleasure..s ..a and nw ayush this are my family… And some my friends.and ur frnds ..he smiled and lift her in his arm ..and took her in room and leid on bed and busy in there love..
Screen shift to badi ..
Here after swara call ragini went out badi hidding and saw laksh was standing there with help of car ..she went near him ..laksh who was full drunk think Ragini as swara ..
Laksh: u knw swara i knw u ll come bcz u love me na ..laksh was blabbering ..ragini is fuming in anger she took laksh inside her room without any one notice ..and made him sleep on bed and was abt to go bt laksh pulled her she fall in him..still laksh thinking Ragini as swara …he leand to her hand kissed her he bitted her lips which start bleeding she was crying bcz of pain bt he was not letting her protest .
Here swara was enjoying kiss with pleasure..sanskar bitted her neck she Mourned in pleasure we’re as laksh bites her neck she crying in pain.both couples are fully naked …sanskar enter in swara ..she gasp in pain bt soon pain turn into pleasure a tear of happiness escaped from her eyes ..her laksh without asking in her she shouted with pain .he no pleasure only lust and anger tears are making there way bcz of pain ..both are busy in love making one side is enjoying with pleasure where the other side satisfying list ..there no love emotions only anger .its forced live ..
Both couples slept hugging each other with satisfied smile other one laksh slept due to alcohol and ragini sleep is far away from her.. She is sitting on corner of room covering with blanket bcz she wanted her husband love not like this ..she is crying bitterly ..bcz her own husband had s*x with her thinking her sister and he was beast ..she is feeling hurt ..more than physical pain she is suffering from mentally pain which her husband had given her ..she slept there only due to continues crying

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