part -23

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Now start..
Both swayush came to CCD ..where 1 girl us already waiting..they went and greeted her
Swayush: hi .
Girl: hey ayush hi di ..
Swa:what happened sneha u look tense?

neha: di I’m tense abt nandu .

Swa:what happened
Sneh:di she behaving wired from some days .no eating anything and even not coming out of her room..she is not talking with anyone is very tense..
Swara saw towards ayush was already staring her …
Swara took her phone and called her
Swa:hi nandu

an:hi di sad voice .

Swa: nandu come to CCD ..
Nan: no di im studying ..and if he get to knw then he will scold..
Swa:nandu u come one will scold u ..I’m waiting ..saying this cut the call.
They talk randomly.. After sometime nandini came with pale face ..she came and sat beside sneha opposite to ayush.
Swa: hw r u
Nandu: fine di ..

Swa: nandu what happened
Nandu : nothing di ..
Swara went near sat beside her .holded her hand turns towards her.
Swa:u started hiding things from me also..

nandu whatever ayu is saying is correct ..u have to study concentrate on study ..he is telling for ur future only.. He wanted to u achieve ur goal ..that’s way he scalded u ..his telling way is wrong bt u have understand na ..seeing u like this hw aunty feel ..ur my good siso ..nandu aunty have hope on ..aunty want to see u success like uncle ..after listing swara nandi brust into tears ..
Nandi: matter is not abt his scolding di one loves me ..
Sne: nandu y ur saying like this baccha we all love u .
Nandu: no di no one loves me u even ayush ..

Swa: nandu what happened .is someone told u anything.
Nandu:no di one told anything ..they talk with me then only na when they get time for me always busy in hospital ..on Sunday also she is always busy in her files ..she never get time ..di also busy in her work after papa’s death I feel lonely ..I used to talk to ayush to less my loneliness bt he also don’t have time for me ..I knw whatever he told is right bt atleast he talk me once bt no he also ignored me even he didn’t allowed me to meet my friends .after listening nandini ..both sneha and ayush feels guilty ..they never thought abt her feeling ..( I think now u understood who’s call is ayush ignoring )
Ayush: im sorry I was very stressed bcz of my exams .so took frustration on u .I promise I ll never scold u again..

Sneha: even me too sry I’ll never ignore u ..plz forgive me ..
Nand: its k .I’m not angry on u jst upset . soon environment went normal .nandu came back to her bubbly nature ..
Swa:so let’s go to shopping ..they done shopping and went back to home …soon it’s evng ..swara got ready ..soon sanskar came .
Sanskar: swara r u ready

Swa: yes ..both took shomi and dida blessing hugged ayu and left to mansion ..( guys sneha and nandini are sisters and Dr rohini malhotra’s daughters.. Nandini and ayush love each other ..and both family knw this )

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