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Let's start...
Next morning in mm. Everyone was having breakfast..pari and Adarsh came.. Ap saw him but ignored them.. They to also ignored them and sat on table.. Pari was serving food to Adarsh..
Dp:ap tell them stop living on our money .. Go and get their food.. Now they are no more out family..and if u both want to stay here u can but u have to pay for that.. Otherwise go and live somewhere else..
Adars:its my home also then y should I pay..
Dp:its my house and I will decide what should do and what not.. And I m Letting u here bcz of society.. Once they again choose me samaj head then I will show who is durga Prasad maheshwari...ap they don't have any rights on anything u take money for every single things..
Lak:bit papa how they will give money.. Bcz Adarsh is jobless and don't have money.. They have to beg for that ..
Dp: I don't care they beg or sell them self only but I need money for the single thing they take or use..
Ap: how can they beg if they beg then our name will be destroyed.. Y not we will make them our servant.. Even we don't have servent may be they are perfect..and we don't need to give them salary
Dp:do what i want ..im leaving on u. And tell ragini talk her dadi about swara..
Paridarsh felt bad....dp and laksh went to office..ap is having breakfast as nothing happened  ..Adarsh left the table went out Pari left to her room...
Now only Ragini and ap left.
Ap: ragini I want to talk to u.
Rag:ji maa
Ap:listen ragini as u knw swara is pregnant  and she is carrying maheshwari heir.. After birth they will come to take property which will be on 1st grandchild name according to will.. I want that property shoud be ur child Name bcz u r dil of this house and it's my grandchild right.. U have to talk to ur Dadi
Rag:what should I talk..
Ap: tell ur Dadi to kill swara child.
Rag: no maa it's Sin.
Ap:o really then u didn't know before trying to kill swara..
Rag :maa i did that in fear of losing laksh.
Ap:now also u have to do for that only.. If u want to stay here then u have to do what I told.. If not then I will tell laksh to leave u.
Rag:no maa plz don't tell laksh. I will tell Dadi..
Ap:i want to hear that good news soon .. Do  fast ..if u want to stay here ..saying this ap went.. Ragini was scared of loosing laksh. She left to badi.. But their talk was heard by Pari..
Pari:u all did very bad with me but I will never let this happened with swara... She is very innocent soul... I need to do something.. She went her room.. And called Adarsh and told everything to him. Told her to inform sanskar about this.. But they don't knw where sanskar live.. And they don't have contact no... Adarsh went to sm office.. Told in Reception he came to meet sanskar but as usual receptionist denied Bcz he didn't had appointments.. He asked receptionist a paper and pen.. He wrote a letter and handed it to her and told give this to sanskar And he left the office..
In badi
Shomi was nitting a sweater and dida is instructing her.. Ragini enterd badi and saw them.. They to saw her but pretended as they didn't saw her and continued their work.. Which insulted ragini she went angrily in her house met her Dadi and told whatever happened in mm. Dadi was furious on swara.. She decided to do what ap told.. Both ragini and Dadi came out and saw Shomi and dida nitting sweater and laughing... Which added more fuel to them..
At that time shekar came he was In very devastated,...his hairs are messy shirt is torn red mark on his cheek.. Ragini and Dadi saw him and ran to him all Badi members stood to watch new drama shomi and dida saw him but didn't reacted..
Dadi:shekar what is this.. What happened.. Shekar didn't talked anything came and sat on steps...
Rag:papa tell na what happened.. Ragini started to cry... Till then  dadaji(DD) came..
Dadi:ji see na what happened to my son.. Tell na what is this all... Dd was angry...
Dd:ur son was in jail..
Dadi:jail why..
Dd: because of eve teasing case..
Dadi: what...
Dd:i m feeling to die due to shame.. Are  Parvati u always insulted shomi and swara  never let single Stone to rise finger on them and their upbringing.. Now what u tell about ur up bringing..
Dadi :no my son can't do like this..
Dd:ur son did this sin..
Shek :no I didn't did anything it's trap..
Shekar was in his shop..one lady came and asked for flowers.. He given that flowers about to fall  shekar holded her hands to save flowers from falling he did it bcz she was taking flowers to temple and fallen flowers can't offerd to God so he holded flowers but he cupped her hands unintentionally . she felt disgusted ..she moved her hands back..shekar saw her then realized what he did he asked sorry.. Again some other lady came to take things but someone punshed him  he dashed to that lady.. He again asked sorry when he was going out someone put leg in his way he lost balance and fell on a lady  ..she got furious and slapped him.. Everyone who present there came and gathered that lady started to shout.
L1:dont u have manners mister..
M:what happened mam..
L1: this cheap man  has fallen on me..
She: no u r  taking me wrong  something stucked in my legs and I lost my balance.
L2: o really then what stucked in ur hands when u holded my hand... Bhai Saab this man is very cheap.  U knw he holded my hand when I was taking flowers...
L2:even he dashed me.. I thought he did by mistakely but I never knw his intentions.. Chii.
M2: chii shekar I always thought u r correct and talked I'll about sharmista bhabi  but all fault is in u only.. We all bad mouthed her due to u.
L1:call the police this type of person should get punshed..otherwise he will be black dot on society.
L2:yes u r correct call the police.. One man called the police ..
Shek:no plz  forgive me.. I didn't did intentionally. Please listen to me.. But no one listened him.. Police came  and asked what happened everyone narrated what happened even some people came and told old incident which happened with them or just heating their hand in fire by putting more fuel.. Police took  him to station... But someone is recording everything.. After police arrested him that person called someone and told. And the person who pushed shekar and put leg in his way also same person who is recording all..
Pr:boss work is done.
Op:good job.. Then he disconnected the call....soon his mobile beeped he got video of incident
Op:now this is only trailer Mr gadodia.. I will take revenge on every single tears which u given to my jaan and maa....now u r my  prey no can save u from me.. he smirked..i think u got to know who is that person..
Flash back end..
Dd:who will trap u...parvati u always blame sharmista for any bad thing happened but today ur son is Infront of u bcz of her only..
Dadi: what do u mean..
Dd: the police officer didn't filed case on him Bcz he is sharmista's husband..
In police station when shekar was arrested dd came to station
Dd: please sir leave my son  he didn't did anything.
In:are we looking mad to arrest him without his fault..
Dd: no there is something misunderstanding.
In: every one present there told ur sons deed.. And 3 members have complained he misbehaved them.. On the age of doing bhajan keertan he was teasing ladies who comes to temple. Constable prepare the charger sheet and write FIR  on them.
Dd: no  sir  please plz forgive him this time..dd joined his hands and bowed his head..
Pc:what is ur name mister.
Sh:shekar gadodia..
Lady constable : what.. Shekar gadodia ..u r ex husband of sharmista Bose na..
Shekar and dd saw constable confusing how they knw sharmista. Shekar nodded his head in agreement
Inspector :Mrs sharmista's husband
LC:yes sir..
In: she is kind lady and u shameless fellow.. I think for ur this character she left u..
Lc: u knw sir he cheated her left alone . And she rise her children alone. She is very strong lady..
In: I knw about her.. Constable.. Leave him  cancel the FIR.
Lc: but y sir.
In: give him last excuse and u Mr this ur last warning we are leaving u bcz of sharmista mam..but if we get any single complaint against u then I will put old charges also.. Mind it.. We respect mam that's way we are giving u last chance Bcz of u her name will be destroyed.. Now get lost from here..
Shekar and dd came to Badi..
Flask back end.
Dd:bcz of sharmista they didn't filed case other wise ur lovely son was in jail Bcz of her he left him this time... Shomi and dida saw each other face at that time Shomi phone ringed she received the call.
Op:how is the environment there.
Sh:u did it..
Op:yes but that idea is not mine..
Op:ur lovely daughter and ur husband idea.
Sh:what Shona.. She did this.
Op:yes maa she wanted to show mr gadodia how it feels when someone rise finger on their character.. And she wanted to punish him so she and Papa given idea..
Sh:i never knw my Shona is this much smart..
Op:maa don't underestimate my wife smartness she is same like arnav papa if she decide to take  revenge ..
Sharm: thank u sanskar for coming my daughter life.. She got meaning to her life.. Now she is living her life and that is only Bcz of u..
San:maa she is my life infact I need to thank u to giving her hand to me.. They talked for sometimes and cut the call at that time samaj members came even dp and rp also present.. All saw them and got confused Bcz of sudden Visit..
Dd:u all here is everything OK
M1:no Mr deendayal gadodia.. We came here to tell our decisions
Dd: which decision..
M1:shekar gadodia we  came here to tell u that u and ur family is no more related to marwari samaj we are removing u.. Ur family did wrong deed back to back but we were quite bcz of sharmista ji and swara  but now when they don't have realtion with u then we will not think about them they are no more part of family anymore.. So we all marwari samaj me decided that u, ur father and mother will be not marwari anymore u can't join us in any marwari functions and Culture activities... U are a dark spot to marwari samaj... As per rules and regulations the person who break the rules of marwari samaj will be blacken thier faces..
Dd:no please don't do like this..dp ji please u stop them .. But they didn't listened  dd and Parvati joined their hands beg for mercy even fell on knees but they listen and blacken his face. put slippers garland on him. . .and left from their ...dd sat holding his head and crying on his fate.. Parvati was shouting to don't take video but everyone busy in talking video.. Shekar stood lifelessly... Ragini was crying seeing his father condition. Dd went inside and came out with bag.. At that time swara  and ayush came they saw thier condition felt bad but their betrayal made them strong they went and stood near Shomi..
Rag:dada ji where are u going..
Par:ji what is this where are u going.
Dd: to hide my face due shame.. See Parvati at what phase ur son brought me.. I spent my whole life getting this respect but ur son didn't took a second to ruin in.. U always insulted sharmista and swara and always badmouthing about them.. But see shoba and sharmista they are standing thier with head high.. Bcz of their well upbringing  and see her I'm bowing my head down bcz of ur upbringing ..u spoiled ragini and shekar u never corrected thier mistakes infact u always covered it with ur lie.. Ur son and granddaughter are didn't let to show my face to anyone.. From now I don't have realtion with u all.. I'm leaving u all and Parvati u ll also cry the way u made sharmista cry by separating her husband ll also feel the pain how a woman feel when his husband leave her alone.. He went near swara and Shomi joined his hands..
Dd:im sorry.. Only this much I can say.. He took his bag and left from their  Parvati try to stop him but he didn't listened he left from their..
Swara and all family felt bad  bcz whatever shekar ragini and Parvati did with them  in that dd is not involved ..at starting he didn't liked shomi and swara but he changed when he learned about ragini killing swara  from then he didn't involved in their matters.. Today bcz of his family he is suffering but it is good to staying away from this peoples.. Parvati saw sharmista and swara angrily.. Even ragini saw them and took shekar in. Here swara and all went inside.. She spent sometime with her family and was complaining about sanskar how he is Restricting her to do anything unknown about that whose complain she is  doing he is standing behind her and listening her complain..shomi dida and ayush are controlling their laugh.. Finally she done with her complain box..
San:my complaines are over or still remaining.. Swara turned back and saw sanskar is standing leaning to door..
Swa:what..u tortured me lot and maa always support u so I'm telling her his son deed..
San: OK go on  ..even I also have ur lots of compliments.. Both started to complain each other and Shomi stuck between them.
Sho:stop...both stopped in middle..
Sho:can u please me some rest.. U both are complaining like a kid.. Grown up now u both are going to be parents.. Maa i don't knw how suju bhabi will handle this both kid.. And Shona whatever sanskar tell follow that Bcz he tell u bcz he cares for u and sanskar don't be too much strict other wise she will be angry and it's not good for her.. She made both understood...then both went to sm mansion..
After reaching sm masion..suju was waiting for them ..they had lunch and after lunch sanskar showed them video which he got morning.. And swara told whatever happened their..
Suj:finally they got what they deserve..
San:still not Mom..they have to go long.. This is only starting and this swara and papa's punishment.. Still urs, mine ,bade papa and dads punishment  remains..
They talked for sometimes and sanskar went to office and ram went to mm company to take his karma and suju and swara sat watching TV...
As soon sanskar reached sm office receptionist given him a letter which Adarsh given..
Rec: sir adarsh maheswari came and told to give u this letter.. Sanskar took letter went to his cabin.. And sat on chair.. He opend letter and read..
MR DP AND MRS DP ARE PLANNING TO KILL UR BABY BCZ AS PER WILL THE PROPERTY WILL BE FIRST GRANDCHILD NAME AND AS U R MAHESHWARI THEN UR CHILD ALSO HAVE RIGHT ON IT.. I KNW U DON'T BELIEVE AFTER WHATEVER I DID WITH U BUT I M TELLING U THIS BCZ THEY BETRY ME ALSO.. AND NOW THEY ARE PLANNING TO TAKE ALL PROPERTY ON THIER NAME.. THEY DISOWED ME AND PARI.. PLZ TAKE CARE OF SWARA AND BABY... AND IM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING... Sanskar read the letter.. He was in tears not Bcz his baby is in tears Bcz finally Adarsh is turning good he already knew dp and ap are behind his child.. He kept letter in his pocket..he went to meeting then in evng went back to home.. He saw his most important 3 ladies are sitting in hall. Sujata is applying oil to uttra ..uttra is telling about her day and Clg.. Swara was listening her ...he came and sat beside swara..
Here In mm company
Ram enterd dp cabin along with his lawyer dp saw him.
Dp:what r u doing here.
Rp: I came here to take karma back.
Dp :u have given it to me now I will not return.
Rp:u have to.. Bcz according to agreement if I need to take my company back then I can ask..
Dp:no there no point like this in agreement..
Law:no sir rp sir is telling truth  ..he have rights to take his company back.. He handed papers to dp.. He saw and showed it to his lawyer..
D. Lw:yes sir they are saying correct  ..u have to give his company back.. Dp handed paper to lawyer.. Signed the papers and closed the agreement.. Rp took his company papers
Rp:one more thing according to agreement karma company employees will now work for karma under me.. So from tomorrow they will not work under u... Rp called his manager and told shift karma employees in karma company.. All are happy bcz rp was kind and he help them lot.. Dp made them work like animals they all wanted to leave job. But now they are happy to work under rp. .he told them that now his thier new boss and left from their. Soon he reached home and saw everyone sitting in hall.
Ram:whats going on.
Swa:nothing dad u tell is ur work done.
Rp: sujju darling bring sweets.. I got my karma back..
Suj:really ..everyone hugged him  .when sujju hugged him trio Teased her.. Suju left from there shying and brought sweet fed all. Then sanskar told about letter and Adarsh.. Ram and sujata was happy to knw Adarsh changing. ..swara got scared of losing her child. She smiled fakely ..but inside she was scared sanskar saw her face.. He got knw seeing her face but didn't told anything.. Ram and sanskar went to study room.. Sujju went in kitchen to prepare food uttra and swara sat in hall only.. Uttra was doing her Clg work and swara was using mobile but she is lost in thought.. Soon it's night sujata called everyone for dinner ..Swara was playing with food.
Suj:shona what happened beta have food na..
Swa:mom I'm not feeling to have.
Ram:beta eat something sleeping empty stomach is not good..
Swa: no U All have.. I'm not hungry.. She stood and was about to go sanskar holded her hand and made her sit.. He fed her forcefully.. Swara ate silenty Bcz she knw sanskar anger.. Soon all finished thier dinner went to room.. Swara was sitting on bed Sanskar came out from wash room and saw swara lost.. He came and sat beside her..
San:jaan what happened.. She didn't reacted. Sanskar cupped her face..her eyes showing fear and full of tears.
San:jaan I ll never anyone to harm my baby.. Swara saw his face.. How he got to knw what she is thinking
San:i knw what ur thinking.. No one can harm our child.. And I will be always there with u.. Don't worry..j ll always protect u..
Swa:if they did something to my baby..
San: no one can do anything jaan..we all are there to protect u and baby u relax don't take tension.. OK. She nodded her head he kissed her forehead took her in his embrace and slept.. She tightly holded his shirt.. Sanskar putted his hand on her tummy and slept hugging her.. She feel protected in his arm... Soon sleep took over her  .both slept hugging each other

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