part -25

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Let's start..
Both swasan are sleeping bt swara sleep got disturbed by movement .she woke up and saw sanskar is shivering in cold ...she off the Ac and coveredhim with blanket.checked his temperature bt it high ...she went out and came with a bowl ..she dipped a cloth and kept cold cloth on his forhead... After some time his fever reduce ..she feel relief.she slept in sitting position taking support of headboard..
Its mrng sun rays came in the room disturbing our lovely couple sleep.due to sun rays sunskar sleep broke and open the eyes ..he saw the most beautiful scene front of face ..his lovely wife sleeping a hair strand is disturbing her sleep ..Sanskar moved the hair saw clear vision ..he smiled and lost in her ..swara woke up and saw him staring her he came to sense when he feel hand on his forhead ..swara checked his fever..

Swa: no better ..u sleep ..I ll get fresh and prepare brkfst..
San: no ..I ll not sleep more and I have to go to office I have imp meeting..
Swa:u r not going anywhere..
San: shona its important
Swa: I said no means no's final got that ..she ordered him ..he was seeing him with open mouth..bcz no one order him till now bt here his wife hi ordering him..he was abt to tell something bt swara glared him .he shut his mouth ..she took his phone and called.
Op: hello sir

Swa: hello mr dev .it's me mrs sm..
Dev: ya mam tell
Swa: mr cancel all meeting for two days ..bcz mr sm will be on leave for two days.. If u need any important sign and all then send that to home ..
Dev: ok mam.
Swa:ok seeing that she disconnected the call and looked to sanskar who is seeing her with shock.. Again she took her phone and called to someone.
Swa: hello Dr malhotra ..
Dr: hi swara.
Swa: Dr I'm not coming to hospital for two days ..u look after my cases and if any emergency came the inform ..and I ll tell sister to hand over my schedule to u
Dr: ok swara.
Swa:thank u .

Dr:its my duty.
Swa: bye
Swara disconnected the call..
Swa: so mr sm take rest dare u do any work got it ..seeing this she is going bt Sanskar stoped her.
San: swara whr r u gng
Swa: washroom..

San: no u havnt slept in night so u take rest ..I lk tell kaki to prepare brkfst ..
Swa: no sanskar I'm ok u sleep and no argument.. Seeing this she got fresh and went down prepaid brkfst ..sanskar also got fresh ..swara brought brkfst and both finished their brkfast this day passed.( guys I ll not stretch the part )
Like this 2 days passed and swara didn't let him do any work ..even shomi dida ayu came to meet them..

Next mrng sanskar is now good ..he got ready and went to office ..his day passed..he came early on evng swara to cane early bcz of no case she was sitting on hall and reading file ..she saw sanskar came
Swa: sanskar today u came early.
San: ya ...bcz my wife ordered me to not work more so came early
Swa: ok go get fresh I ll bring coffee

San:great I need that..
Sanskar went up and swara went to kitchen to prepare coffee ..soon she came with two cup coffee and saw sanskar who is already sitting in balcony and waiting for her.swara handed the coffee and talked randomly. After some silent sanakr spoke..
San: umn swara ..I wanted to tell u something.
Swa: ya sanskar tell.
San: actually u wanted to meet angel na today get ready we will go and meet her .after hearing Angel name swara face fell..
Swa: ok..their silence again ..both are gazing out side ...
Its evng .. Swara was standing near window tears are making there way.. Soon sanskar came ...feeling his presence she wipped her tears ..and looked toward sanskar. He handed her a packet she looked at him confusing.
San: actually I brought dress ..plz wear this..
Swara took and opend the packet it a floor length dress red dress..

Swara took and opend the packet it a floor length dress red dress

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👆Swara dress

            Swara's diamond set 👆

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Swara's diamond set 👆

            Swara's diamond set 👆

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Swara's heels 👠 👆

             Swara's heels 👠 👆

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Sanskar's dress

Swa: sanskar this dress.
San: ya bcz u r going to meet angel..she so beautiful ..I can't describe u in world .so u also should look good in front of her na so plz wear this ..swara noded .bt she was hurt ..bcz her love is going to introduce his love ..

Soon both got ready .. Swara wore red gown left hair open ..simple diamond earing and a locket ..sanskar got ready in red shirt black pant and coat ..swara came down he was mesmerized seeing her ..swara who saw him she lost in his charm .both came to sense when sanskar mobile rang..he received call ..after the call over both and drove .. there was silence no one talk ..swara was gazing out .tears are making there she is reminding there moment..sanakr was seeing her and he very well how she is feeling bt he can't help ..both reached to their destination.

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