part -18

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Let start.
After disconnecting call sanskar was in deep thought ..he closed the lappy went in balcony ..wer cool air are making there way ..he took wallet from his pocket ..and starring pic lovingly ..
Sanskar:u knw angel everyone tell me that u r lucky they knw that not u BT I'm lucky to have u ... He went to in room and slept holding pic near his heart ...
Here swara is unknown abt her feeling.. She is missing sanskar ..
Soon sleep take over she slept dreaming abt sanskar.

Morning ..
A sun rays fall on our beauty who's beauty sleep disturbed she woke up and sat on the bed..soon she heard a melodious voice and came out of the room where she find ragini doing Pooja ..she remember old days hw swaragini dose masti and all she become teary ..shomi who came to call her saw her and called.

After hearing her mother voice she wiped her tears and turn ..
SWA:han maa.
Shomi:what happened beta ..

SWA:hw life played cruel game from childhood I thirsty for my father love .I was always wanted to be dad princess.. He should support me in all situations ..when I learn abt Mr gadodia I was happy my dream is going happen I got family baba Dada dadi and sister bt that also no longer ..I lost all ..father who taught me unwanted ..sister whom I was thinking soul she tried to kill me ..all that family pointed on ur upbringing I'm happy that I'm no more part of that family .I knw they will regretting now after after again same situations come then again they leave my hand ..nw I'm happy I got to knw the true colour.I'm happy with my life ..I got world the best mom and bro who loves me more and best dida who always support me .I got my world the best family ..
Suddenly a voice came from back ..and we got world the best and best di/daughter ..

swara turn and saw ayu dida and shomi are smiling with tears ..soon all gave a family hug. ..and Union they ..

WE MAKE THE WORLD THE BEST FAMILY...all smile left from there to there respective room.. Bt all this seen by 3pair of eyes is hurt other is anger and jealous ,another on mix emotions hurt ,and jealous ...that non other then shekar who came out having tea while sitting out side on chair bt his eyes fall in shomi and swara who wer talking he was hurt seeing them ...parvati who came after listings ragini hym ..she saw up she is jealous and angry on them ...another one is Ragini who turn to go in side bt her eyes fall in them she is hurt and jealous bcz swara was happy ...she went crying .

After fresh up all came to dining table .swara was wearing royal blue crop top and black jeans .. Today is first day of CLG as guest lectures ..she was bit nervous l had bf .all about to leave when swara spoke
Swa:ayu when is ur exam
Ayu:after 2 days

Swara:OK wrr r u going
Ayu:di I m going to CLG library ...due to some nonsense drama I couldn't able to study ..If I stay here then I can't able study I knw bcz this drama will never end ..told looking at ragini .
Saying this he went out ..swara took blessing from dida and shomi.
SWA: maa I ll go u take care ..bye
Shomi:shona wait she went in and brought sugar and curd ..
Shomi:have it us ur 1st day at CLG na ..

Swara ate and bidding bye to all .and went out were she saw gadodia family she ignored them went ..she went near her scooty SWA ayush was waiting for her on bike ..
Swara: ayu u still here
Ayu:come di I also going to CLG .I ll drop u

SWA:no u I m taking Scooty ..I have only 2 hr class .matter that I ll Go to hospital ..and u ll stay der until evng na ....
Ayu:OK at least we can go together na ..race ho jaye ...ayush told and wink
Swara:y not baccha .. Even I'm missing our race ...let's see who ll win .she to wink ..both started there bike and race begin

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now