part -15

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In badi

All mm and gm are standing with guilt.all badi member came and ask forgiveness to shomi.she forgive all..ragini was crying vergoiusly .shomi came to her and cares her hair
Sh:ragu. by hearing shomi sound with love ragini looked at her she see only love in her eyes.
Rag:maa im sorry.

Sho:its ok ragu..if u tell early only that u love laksh the i ll never accept swlak marrige and i tell swara to keep distance with laksh.once u should tell swara can give her life to u now stop crying.she make her sit on stairs .
Sho:ayu bring glass water
.ayush nodded and brought water.shomi made her drink water and calm her down.everyone one is shock with shomi behaviour.shomi went to dp.
Sho:dp ji whatever she did jst bcz of her love plz forgive her this time.i promise nxt time she will nt do like this.
She:misti hw could u do this.dont belive that girl.

Sho(angry):mr gadodia hw many time i should tell u dnt call me that name ..and that girl is my daughter ..u may diffrentied with daughters bt i ll never she is my daughter and she will be so.if dnt want her then dnt worry she will stay with me in my home.
Dadi:aye bangalan she is my ladoo ..she ll stay in her law house.

Lak:papa i want divorce gng now .
Dp :we need time to think.we will nt take her now .we take leave .all mm bid bye..
Shek:she will not stay in my house. shekhar took dadi dada inside and close the door .shomi took ragini in dida house..ayush angrily went in his room.ragini was sitting living room and crying.
Sho:ragu beta stop crying ..go and fresh i ll bring lunch ..ragini hugged her .
Rag:im sorry maa ..i hve done sin then also ur talking me shame on my self
Sho:shhh now stop im happy u rectify ur mistak ..beta u and shona are both same for me . Nw go and fresh ok ..
Rag:maa ayu and nani hates me.

Sho:no beta they are angry ..they will forgive u ..ok now go ..ragini went to swara room which full of swaragini pics and swayush pic ..she sat on bed and cried her heart out.
Rag:im sorry ..i have done mistak ..then also u and maa talking with me nicely..i promise now i ll be honest and truth .i ll become old ragini .will be swaragini for ever.she wiped her tears and went to wash room.this is all seen by 2 pairs of is shomi who is happy for old ragini one is ayu who is in mix emotion angry, sad,happy.

Screen shif to SM mantion .
Both swasan reached mansion .aftrr getting fresh both had lunch their pin drop silence ...both sat in living..silence was brken by swara..

Swa:sanskar thank u.
San:its my duty swara ..and in friendship no sorry no thank u.
Swa:sanskar do u remmeber condition.

Swa:so now complete that.
San(in mind):i knw swara u want divorce i will give u ..ur happinies in more important.his thought jerk by swara voice.
Swa:sankar wt are thinking.
San:nothing .i know swara u want divorce..
Swara feel pain
Swa(in mind): i knw sanskar u dnt love me i will give u divorce bt i want to know the truth after that u lk be free..
Swa:i will give u divorce letter .first i want something.
San:ya tell

Swa:i want to knw the truth.and abt ur revenge.
San:ok i ll bt after coming .
Swa:ok bt atleast i want to meet ur someone speacial.
Swa:ur angel.
San(shocked): hw u knw abt her .

Swa:i saw once ur talking with her photo..ur waiting fr her frm 7 years ..she is lucky who gt love like u ..
San:bt she dsnt love me
Swa:dnt wry after seeing ur love she also love u ..while telling this she feel hurt and pain.
Swa(mono):y im feeling hurt when i told she will accept him.wt happening to me.
San:wht are u thinking.
Swa:nothing when ur leaving.
San:tomrw evening.

Swa:ok.sanskar i want to tell u somthing
San:actuly i gt invitation frm Xyz medical clg as guest lecturer.
San:ok y ur asking permission u can go.
Swa:u only told na without ur permission i should no go out.
San(guilt):im sorry swara i behaved bad with u.
Swa:its ok sanskar..u hv done bcz of brother love.
San:thnk u .
Swa:u frgrt rule.frienship me no sorry no thnk u.

San:ok swara y called u ..i mean ur new and expirence needed .u just completed clg and join hospital..
Swara laughed after listenig this.sanskar confused.
Swa:sanskar u have taken all my details fr revenge.
Swa:ok tell me what details u knw..

San(confude):that ur doctor wrk in sanjeevani hospital.ur brother is mbbs student national medical clg and mom wrk in jwerelly shop .thats it.
Swa:sanskar i dnt wrk in sanjeevani hospital bcz that hospital is mine only.
San:bt that hospital head is doctor SB asian top most cardiologist.
Swa:sanskar im only doctor SB..sanskar was shocked.
San:wt u dr whome people are dieing to see.
Swa:ya..and ayu completed his mbbs .his doing master degree.and no one knows im Dr SB .only maa dida ayu..and now ..and in hospital only doctor malhotra knw me.
San:what ur qualification.
Swa:mbbs ,ms

San:bt hw u are head i mean.
Swa:i knw ur r confuse hw im owner then sanjeevani is my grand maa name and that hospital was built by my baba.
San(confuse):shekhar gadodia?
Swa:no maa 1st husband mr arnav singhania...maa told he love me more so he wanted me to become doctor so.he built hospital on his maa name after completing my medical he transfer that hospital on my name.
San:did u met him.
Swa:no i want to meet him.

San:swara i think i should tell u the truth.
Swa:which truth.
San:do u knw who is aditya.

Swa:no maa told he is my brother and ur bil.
San:han swara he is ur brother ..aditya singhania..and my sister husband.
Swa:bt u have only one sister na that is uttra.
San:no i had one more sister.. sonakshi ramprasad maheshwari urf sonakshi aditya singhania.
Swa(shock): what.

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