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As its night and everyone is sitting in hall talking jst then. Arnav came ..he is wearing blazer and one hand he is holding his bag and other hand mobile on ears. ..he is on call ..he came and saw everyone.. He came to them ..he went near dida and took blessing and hugged ram and Sanskar greeted sujata and uttra. Then he saw swara his eyes are showing happiness he went near her and kept hand on her head and asked.
Arn: hw r u doll
Swa: I’m fine ..and hw r u. She talked hesitantly
Arn:isaw u I’m fine ..and hw r u ayush.
Ayu: I’m good uncle.arnav smiler sadly hearing uncle ..(swayush called raj also uncle)
Arn: hw r u shomi.
Shom: I’m good and u
Arn: good .. They all sat there only silence took place ..raj broke the silence.
Raj:arnav Go and fresh we will have dnr.
Arnav: ok bhai .arnav went and came after 10mins.all sat on table..raj is sitting on head chair ..his left side sujram uttra and sona are sitting right side arnav swasan ayu and shomi sitting dida is sitting opposite to raj Aryan is sitting in sanskar lap ..while eating swara choked the food ..arnav who is sitting beside her given water and rubbed her back.
Arn: doll slow ..drink this water ..swara drank the water
Arn: r u ok..swara nodded her head..soon all finished dinner …sanskar and raj and ram went to raj study for some business talk .arnav gone to attend call.ayush and Aryan went to their room to sleep ..sona and uttra is sona too. Talking and shomi dida and suju also talking… Swara went and sat o n the a swing which is in garden ..taking fresh air …she is sitting alone and gazing sky ..she was in deep thought that she didnt notice arnav who came after attending call came and sat beside her ..feeling some one presence she turned and saw arnav ..he smiled ..even she smiled back …their only silence ..arnav broke the silence..
Arn: I knw Doll ur feeling hesitate to talk with me and u have lot of questions in ur mind .swara who was againg gazing sky saw him ..she is was amazed hw he knw abt her feeling..
Arn: ask what u want to ask
Swara took deep breath ..and talked
Swa: ur my ideal ..I always wanted to meet u bt I didn’t knw that I have a relation with u ..I really happy to meet u uncle I mean uncle
Arn: doll u can call me papa ..
Swara saw him with teary eyes ..and again turned toward sky and talked
Swa: do u still love maa
Arnav: yes I still live her ..more then her I love u …bcz u r my lucky charm bcz of u I felt the feeling of being father …may be ur not my biological daughter bt I considered my own blood ….
Swa: from childhood I tagged as a illegitimate child I didnt had frnds .when I got abt my father ..he humilated me he always insulted me ..he never supported me when I came here u both are showering love on me..i feel scared bcz happiness never live longer for me …I m feeling scared if I get attach to and u also leave me like that then what I ll do.
Arn: no doll ..don’t think like that..this will never happen..ur my lifeline ..being away from u also I kept ur update ..I always watch u through video ..u knw sanskar always sent me ur pics and videos . and u sing very beautiful
Swara saw him shocking
Swa: what when sanskar took my video.and hw u got my signing video
Arnav:he took secretly when u r singing in competition…they talk like this and there formal talk turns into joke they both are back baiting abt sanskar ..there laughing sound is echoing in whole mansion ..everyone saw them and felt happy ..
Arnav: ok doll its late u go and take rest .
Swa:ok good night
Arn:good night doll .he kissed her forehead …tears escaped in her eyes ..bcz she felt true fatherly love ..she for fatherly live from ram bt this feeing is different ..arnav wipped her tears ..
Arn:no more tears …now there is no place for this tears. ..ok now give me a smile.. Swasan smiled with tears ..he put her hand on her shoulder and side hugged her both went went inside like this only ..both went to there room.both slept with peace …
Its a beautiful morning ..birds are chirping and flowers are dancing …we can see 3 members are doing workout laughing and making fun ….soon ayush joined them ..
Ayu: good morning ..
Swa: good mrng baccha.
Ranav: good morning ayu…
Swa:ayu come let’s workout ..its long time we havnt done .
Ayu: seriously di ..I’m feeling heavycamethey all continue their wrk out ..after some time sanskar joined them..
Swa: good morning mr sm had a great sleep.
San: very good morning Mrs sm ..yes I had great sleep .
Swa: if ur beauty sleep is over can we proceed to wrk ..
San: sure why not.
Swa: ok 300push up.
San: what!!!
Swa: yes ..bcz from last one you haven’t gone to jog also .now come fast ..
San: no i m not going to do ..
Swa: u have to .
San: no way .
Swa: ok don’t in my room for 1 week.
San: no shona plz.. Ok not 300 .. ..less plz
Swa:no …start fast other wise I lp increase the no..
San: no shona plz jaan
Swa:ok 400 push up
San: this is not fair yaar.
Swa: 500
San: ok stop ..I ll do ..sanskar started to do push up .all are enjoying Hus situation ..till now all came to garden and watching their argument.. Bt no one have dare ti stop swara bcz everyone knws she is very strict in health matters ..she is very health conscious..sankar have done 250 push up..he have no energy to do more ..swara can’t able to see him ..stopped him and hand over the juice
Swa:sanskar enough for today…take this and drink.
San:thank u jaan ..he took juice and drank ..all went in and got fresh and cane for brkfst …

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now