part -13

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 Hey guys i want tell u  that no one knws the sanskar is S M and SM means (Sanskar Malik)he changed his address . Only swara family  and some frnds knws he is SM .lucky think he is working in under telling u knw bcz u ll get confuse after reading nxt epi .

Recape: laksh gt to know the truth.
Today epi:
Nxt mrng as usual a our beautiful couple woke and got ready and sat on dinning table.
San:swara today are u free?
Swa:i have 2 cases after that im free.why?
San:i have important wrk with u.can u meet me when u ll free.
Swa:ok .. at lunch time.
San:ok when u ll free call me i ll pick u.
Swa:no i ll come by myself u jst tell me place.
San:ok come hotle pearl at 2..i ll be waiting
Swa:ok..both had their bf and went to there respective wrk.
In mm
Raglak room.ragini trying to talk laksh bt he ignoring her ..
Rag:laksh ji wt happen. Y are u not talking with me .
Lak:ragini dont irritate me …
By telling he came down wer all are present ..havng bf..ragini came and serving food..ap notice both raglak face ..both are dull ..while serving ragin came to serve laksh bt stood and left the place by telling.
Lak: im nt hungry ..
Ap:laksh wt happen .u r looking dull.
Lak:maa wrk pressure ..i ll go now i hv important wrk by telling this he left ..ragini also felt bad and she also left.
In SM office
Sanskar is sitting in his cabin  and Engrossed in laptop.suddendly a stome came in sanskar lift his head and saw the person and again busy in wrk…all staffs are shock to see person entering in sanskar cabin without permission and sanskar is silent..
San: wt happen lucky boy looking upset.
Laksh:upset life turn into hell.
San:what happen?
Lk:ragini is irritating me ..i want to kill her..leave tht nw tell plan
San:wait i m busy . Aftr wrds i ll tell.
Lak:bhai plz  i want to prove swara innocent .after that i ll divorce ragini and live my life with swara…after hearing this sanskar fist is anger and campose .they hear knock on the door.
San:come in dev
Dev:sir meeting will be start in ten mins. cancel my meeting after 2.
Dev:ok sir .
Laksh:bhai ur handing this SM all project and deal .y u cant join our company .sanskar and dev are confuse.
San:what u mean
Lak:i knw bhai u r wrking under this SM ..u are attending all meeting handeling all project and u only prepare presentation ..u do ur hard wrk and credit goes to that bl**dy was double shock and he was looking at sanskar and sanskar smiled looking at him..
Lak:bhai hw much salary u ll get ..i think that chipo give u 30-40thousand only …so do one thing in next project u dnt prepare presentation..when he loss then he ll knw ur value ..wt say.
San:hnmm point…ok lucky i have meeting meet u at 2 in xyz resturent bye.. after bidding bye to laksh sanskar and dev went to meeting and laksh went out..
Screen shift  hospital. Its afternoon.
Swara was sitting in cabin cheking file..she disturb by phone call .she lift call.
Swa:han sanskar.
San:where are u ..
Swa:ya give me 10 i ll come.
San: ok im waiting bye
Swa:bye .a small smile appear thinking abt sanskar. After finishing her work she collected all stuff and left .
In hotel pearl.
Sanlak are sitting .
Lak:bhai y u called me here.and frm whom ur waiting past 20 min.
San:lucky have paitence u ll get to knw.after 5 min swara reach there ..
Swa:i m sorry i made u wait ..
San:its ok come have seat .swara notice laksh her facial expression change ..which is notice by sanskar .
Lak:hi swara.
Swara: hi .
Both sanlak pull the chair for her beside them.
Lak:plz sit .sanskar feel hurt he kept quite ..
Swa:thank u mr telling this she came sat beside sanskar.sanakar was shock and happy ..and laksh was sad ..waiter came.
Waiter:sir order plz.
San:ok guys order somthing .
Laksh order his food ..sanskar gesture swara order ..swara oder sanskar fav food for both.sanskar was beyond happy..swara ignore laksh busy in reading file.laksh staring swara she feeling his gaze feeling uncomforetable..sanskar was busy in checking mail in cell..sanskar observe her discompertness..So change the enviornment..he started conversion.
San:guys we came here for plan.
San: ya swara laksh got to know the ragini truth and we are here to make plan to expose ragini..
Before swara could say lakskh interputed .
Lak:im sorry swara ..i hvnt trust u ..plz forgive me
Sw: its ok laksh ..i dnt gave have any enmity with u ..
Lak:thnk u swara..i m very happy ..i ll prove u innocent and after the we will be..before he complete his word cutted by swara.
Sw:thnks for ur trust  mr maheshwari..i dnt need anything ..sanskar so what u decided..i ll be support u ..sanskar smile  laksh feel bad ..bcz swara not forgive him
Sanskar told his plan which is muted …
Swa: nice mr laksh i want one thing frm u . Laksh happily
Lak:ya tell swara..i ll give u anything.
Swa:i dnt want anything jst promise .
Laks:promise .
Swa: ya after proving me innocient u ll do wt i ll ask u .
Lak:wt u want ask i ll give u .y promise .
Swa:no i want that day only ..promise me
Lak:ok i promise u ..
Sanskar who is listening this got confuse he have faith on swara  .bt fear on heart of lossing her ..his thought broken by waiter who brought thier order ..trio had thier lunch ..
Swa:ok bye i ll go..before sanskar could tell laksh interputed .
Lak:come swara i ll drop u .
Swa:its ok mr maheshwari i ll go bye myself ..
San:swara how u ll go wait i ll come..
Swa:no sanskar i ll go ..u dnt wry.
San:i said i ll drop u ..infact im going home only.
Swa:ok ..laksh feel dejected ..he feel jealous seeing swasan closeness..
Lak: bhai u dnt wry u go home going badi only i ll drop her ..ur flat is in opposite direction na.
Swa:sry mr maheshwari  im nt going badi im going my home . Laksh was confuse and sanskar was nervous if she tell she live with me or abt sm mension bt his shock she told something which he was relived .
Swa:actuly i m living in flat ..ok bye..both swsan left ..laksh was burning in jealousy ..and determine to get swara back..

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