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Let start:
Screen start from mm.
Ap done raglak aarti ..all sat in hall chit chatting with each other ..sujram seeing each other ap notice this and asked .
Ap:sujata what happened ..u want to talk something.
Suj: han jiji actually me ramji and uttra are going out of station for 1 week.
Ap: ya sujata.
Suj: jiju my relatives invited us to the marriage so we are going.
Ap: bt we didn’t got invitation ..
Suj: jiji they invite only my family bcz they are my relatives not ur ..Everyone shock to hear sujata indicating her family separate.
Ap: sujata even we are family only na.
Suj: na jiji ur not my family ..
Dp: sujata what are talking ..ramnu say something.ram nodded and told
Ram: sujhata pack our bags this is even big shock for them..
Dp: ram hw can u do this ..I will nt allow u to if sujata want she can bt I need u ..we have lpys of work in office.
Ram: bhaisa hw can send my wife and daughter alone I ll not send them alone I ll go with them.
ADR: then chacha ji who will Handel office.
Ram: why u both brother are there na .
Lak: bcz of ur careless we are losing need to get project ..hw u ll go leaving us like this .
Ram: dnt u remember laksh that u only told na that ur company is still in high post bcz of ur father and ur brother and urs hard work then y I need now.
Flash back
All maheshwari family is sitting in all and happy bcz they got project.
Sujata cane and given sweet to all and happy feed to ram seeing this adardh told ..
ADR: wah chachi ji we have done hard work and ur feeding chacha..
Lak: leave it bhai let them enjoy .they are leaving on our Money.
Suj: what are u saying.
Lak: that only chachi ji u r husband is good for nothing its our hard work we got this project .bt its ok u celebrate.this hurt sujram lot bt dp and ap kept quite .
Suj: bhaisa jiji u both are sitting quietly they are insulting ram ji bt both are not stopping them.
Dp: what wrong they told ..u 3 are leaving on our hard work money ..
Ap: and uttra also studying on our money only..she joined top college of Kolkata who will give her fees
Suj: jiji my uttra studying on scholarship .not on ur money..
Pari: o common chachi ..we knw she got scholarship bcz maheshwari ..and what need to study more ..
ADR: ya ur right from tmrw u teach her households ..tell her drop her study .ram who was quite told
Ram: my daughter want study further I ll support her and I dnt want ur money daughter will study on scholarship only..saying this he left ( bt uttra is not studying on scholarship .sanskar given her fees sujram and uttra told everyone that uttra studying on scholarship ..bcz they dnt want tell abt sanskar)
Flash back end
Dp: ram ..what is this hw ur talking ..u dnt forget i m the head of family.
Ram: ur head of ur family not mine bhaisa please now stop ur this all drama I fed of this all drama..from the day when laksh got married this house is turning in theater.. Sujata pack our back we ll go for 15 days. Saying this sujram left ..leaving shock family.
Screen shift hospital swara cabin
Swa:mr Singh ur wife case is very complicate ..she is having high blood pressure and diabetic ..we have to cesarean I can’t tell that we could save ur baby .bcz in this only one life can save
Mr Singh: Dr please save my wife ..they were discussing nurse came running.
Nur: ma’am patient got labour pain ..after hearing this swara and mr Singh rushed toward ot.
Swa: sister lovely prepare the or and inform Dr smitha to come asap.
Saying the she went near patient.
Swa: Mrs Singh calm down. …
Mrs Singh: Dr please save my child.
Mr Singh: sweety what are u talking Dr pls save her .
Sweety: no deep .u have wanted child . u always wanted to feel the fatherhood..plz take care of this child ..
Deep: no sweety ..Dr don’t listen her plz save her ..
Swa: I ll try my best ..ayuing she took sweety in ot…
Swa: Dr smitha note bp .lovely note heart beat .and sneha u assist me .
Swara took scissor abt to cut bt her eye caught the bf a rate ..
Swa: Dr smitha what is bp rate .
Smit: mam 80/130(guys its my assumption bt I heard this case so I m taking this )
Swa: we will do normal delivery ..everyone saw her with shock bcz her case is complicated bt they nw swara is best surgeon he never failed any case ( swara is best cardiologists bt she have done MBBS so she do all surgery bt she is master in cardiology).
Swa:Mrs Singh u have to cooperate with us ..plz push the baby ..( I ll not disclose of scenes)
Out side ot mr Singh and his mother and realtives are waiting
After 2 hr they hear loud sound after that baby cry…
Soon swara came out mr Singh ran to her .
Deep: Dr hws sweety .before swara tell nurse came with baby and told.
Nuts: congratulations sir ..its boy Singh saw baby bad things are roaming on his mind he composed himself and asked.
Deep: Dr hw s sweety.
Swa:mr Singh ur wife is fine ..we will shift her to normal ward u can meet her ..
Deep: thank u ma’am..
Mr song mom: god bless u my child happy beta ..swara smiled went to her cabin ..after an hr came to check sweety now she is conscious ..
Swa: hw r u feeling .
Sweety: fine .she checked her and prescribed medicine.
Swa: take care Singh I’m informing u nw this will be her last pregnancy ..bcz her case is complicated so keep that in mind.
Deep: ok doctor and thank u .
Sweety: Dr u given my life and child bcak thank u.
Swa: its my duty.
Sweety: ma’am u have given life yo my baby so can u plz keep his name ..
Swara smiled and nodded.
Swa: aditya .
Mr sing mom: wow nice name ..
Sweety: han maan he is my aditya deep Singh ..swara smiles and left to her cabin soon its evng she cane back to mansion full tired and sat on sofa resting her head and eyes closed .
Some one kept hand on her for head and pressed it ..she feel the touch and recognize it a smile came on her face.
Swa: sanskar when u came .
San: I came afternoon only ..I was on study came to make coffee and saw u . go and get fresh I ll bring coffee ..she nodded and went to room .she got fresh soon Sanskar came with coffee both sat on balcony and had coffee with chit chat.
Swa: let’s go I have to pack the bags .
San: ok .both came inside and started packing ..sanskar got call he went to balcony.and after talking came back.
San: dad called me they will come on night ..
Swa: ok then I ll prepare dinner .
She went down and prepared dinner soon sujram and uttra came to sm mansion even dida ayush and shomi came they chit chat for sometimes had dinner went to respective rooms (in sm mansion sankar made room for all they all have their separate respective rooms)..
Swasan room. Both changed into night wear and slept in each other embrace .
Sunrays fall on our beautiful couple swara sleep disturbed she peck sanskar lips and went to fresh after that sanskar to woke .all get fresh and came to dinning table had their brkfst .all got ready and went ro airport ..sanskar has his private jet ..after long journey they reached goa..
Sanskar man is already waiting for them ..they sat on the cars and drove to resort ..which is brought by sanskar ..all wnt to respective rooms and took rest

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