part -50

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Let's start..
Finally the day came.. Singhania family going bring their grahlaxmi were other hand their princess going to Someones family..
Arnav and raj is sad Bcz their princess leave them... It's not she is staying away but after marriage her priorities change.. Now she daughter when she will get marry she will get more Responsibility,she will be someones wife someone's dil,And someone sister in law... As marriage is evening so Both arnav and raj is sitting in swara room..and Everyone is standing outside her room ..but they are controlling their laugh. why Let's look what's going inside which made everyone laugh..
Swara is sitting on bed beside her arnav is sitting.. And the most funniest part is Raj who is sitting down by keeping head on swara's lap and he is crying since 1 hr.. And full room is filled with tissue paper Bcz he was Continuesly crying and arnav is passing him tissue paper.. He is crying like kid and complaining like a kid.. Which make everyone laugh.. Both swara and arnav trying hard to control their laugh...
Raj:doll plz tell sanskar that u don't want marry him.. Iwill search good girl for him.. Sanskar was shock hearing this..
Arnav : Bhai what are talking...
Raj: u don't talk to me arnav.. You will never listen to.. U knw doll this arnav and sonakshi make team and scold me no one will be in my my team.. ..
Arnav:bhai when did I scolded u.
Raj: u shut ur mouth talking to my doll.. U don't have common sense that when two elders are talking then younger should keep quite.. Arnav dropped his jaws hearing this..
Raj:doll I have one idea..
Swa:what bade papa.
Raj :u know na this arnav is Hitler and even sanskar also same like him.. We will convince them.. And make them marry each other... I will do arnav kanaya daan and do bidai also.. Then u me and Shomi will stay here..
arnav raj and swara saw towards the door everyone is standing.. Sanskar is in shocking face were everyone is controlling their laugh..
Raj:o sanskar u also came.. All come inside me and doll want to share u something. He folded hand in front of ram.
Raj:im sorry raj ji this marriage will not happen..
Ram:what are u saying Raj ji
Raj:i knw ram it's shocking..but my doll don't love sanskar.. But I have one solution.
Raj:instead of my doll arnav will marry sanskar..
Suj:raj bhai sa what are talking.
Raj:i knw sujata ji u like doll very much y not she is so sweet.. but my arnav also good.. He knw all work.. He cook tasty food and even he do all chores.. U don't worry.. Plz accept this alliance... Everyone is seeing arnav and sanskar...both saw each other and made face. sanskar was in deep thinking and suddenly shouted.
Sas:NOOOOO...he ran near swara hided behind her..
San:jaan plz save me ur badepapa gone insane.. He is talking rubbish..
Raj:arnav can't u listen to ur brother.
Arn:bhai what are talking.. I can't marry sanskar.
Arn:bhai how can we marry.. And sanskar is my son in law he is already married to doll .
Raj:we will make him divorce...This is like bomb to everyone.. Till now everyone enjoyed but Raj this sentence dropped a bomb.
Arn:bhai...before he say something swara stopped him.
Swa:papa..she holded raj hand made him sit on bed. Wipped his tears ...
Swa:ayush give a glass water.. Ayush handed glass swara made Raj to drink water....
Swa:badepapa relax.. Calm. After making him calm.. Swara holded his hands gently and spoked softly..
Swa:bade papa look at me.. I knw u r sad Bcz im getting married and going to other home ..but it's our traditional every girl needs to go... If dad also adamant like u that he will not send bhabi or dida also tell that I'm not going send my daughter then would u have got maa or bhabi... No na.. It's our custom every girl have to live their house and go to other house..
Raj:y only girls have to leave house y not boys..
Swa:bcz girls are stronger then boys..boys may be physically strong but girls are mentally and emotionally strong.. God made womens stronger ...and about leaving u not leaving u I ll be always with u whenever u miss me just give a call next moment I'm in front of u..
Raj:pakka u ll not leave me.
Swa:no badepapa.. I'm always with u.
Raj:u kw doll when u born I got attached to u but when Shomi left house with u my world stopped there..i never thought that u Il leave me.. Still whenver I remember that day my heart pain...the matter of ur leaving me gives fear again I ll loose u forever...when Shomi left Aryan and u... I didn't wanted to live but my only reason of living is my brother, sona,and Aryan. I always wished to see u so when sanskar met me he given showed me ur pics I always wanted to touch u and cares ur hair and give u love that all u deserve.. i always prayed God that I want to see u once in my life before my death..
Raj: doll I'm old now I don't know when God will take me.. So till I'm alive I wanted to live my life with my whole family. .
Swa:bade papa plz don't talk like this... U r my strong super hero ..and we will enjoy.. And even u have to do ayu marriage.. And still we need to torture sanskar.. Raj smiled slightly he went near sanskar..
Raj:sanskar I knw sometimes before I talked rubbish.. But what I can do she is my life.. Whenver I see her I see priti face in her.. She is same like her.. Delicate sobber and lovable.. When she is with me I became selfish..i have only one request plz keep my doll happy... He folded his hands infront of sanskar.. Suddenly sanskar holded his hand.
San:bade papa what r u doing.. U don't need to request me plz.. She is my life and I ll never hurt her I promise.. Then Raj went Infront of Sujram.. And folded his hands.
Raj:ramji sujata ji if my doll do any mistakes plz forgive her she is very innocence and small..
Ram:raj ji what are u doing she is our daughter.. And I should thank u.. U loved my daughter as urs.. U never differentiated my childrens..u supported them when they need parents love and helped them to build their identity..
Suj:raj bhaisab Shona is like my sona and uttra don't worry.. I knw my daughter u don't happy and lucky to have her in our life.. Everyone is in tears.. Arnav is side hugging swara...raj came and stood Infront of her holded her face in his palm.. And wipped her tears..
Raj:doll now there is no space for this tears.. Be happy always.. And kissed her forehead... Shomi came and caressed her hairs..
Shomi:maa finally my Shona got her Father's loves.. She got family who loves her unconditionally and respect my all worries gone.... It's very emotional whether to lighten up the mood. Dida told.
Dida:ha Shomi u r right our all worries gone.. Bcz one Hitler will go now no one will prohibit me to eat my chats and sujata u take this tension with u now I can enjoy my tasty food .. Now no one will come in between me and my love..
Utt:dida who is ur love...
Ayu:ofcourse her samosa ,panipuri and vada pav.
Dida: yes now I ll go daily and enjoy and licked her lips dreamingly....everyone laughed seeing her antics ..
Ram: now it's enough.. Today is marriege let's see the arrangement. ..u 4 take rest for sometimes ...ayush beta and sona let's go and check arrangement..
Son: dad relax also go and take rest.. Me ayush and uttra will handle.. And dida and maa u both take Shona and maa and u also take rest.. And buddy u chachu and Papa and dad go in to ur rooms and take rest..
raj: but sona beta how u 3 handle this.let me help u..
Ram: Ya Raj ji is telling correct let us come..
Son: no..u all go if we need any help then I will call u. And u take rest and come after some times to check but now u all go..
Sona strictly told them.. Everyone obeyed as obident child and went to their room before this volcano blast .
Soon it's evening.. Everyone got ready came down to help this youngster and both grooms and brides are still getting ready. All arrangement are done... SWADIYUSH VILLA is decorated as bride..



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# Entrance decorations

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# Entrance decorations

# Entrance decorations

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# Dining area.

Stage (mantap)

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Stage (mantap) ..
Soon wedding rituals started .....

This is sign board Aryan and his friends will hold while swara and Shomi will come

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This is sign board Aryan and his friends will hold while swara and Shomi will come...

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