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Let's start..
Dp ,Ap and laksh got arrested... Soon party over everyone left to their home.. Shomi, dida, arnav, ayush, and raj left to badi.. Sawan Sujram and sonutt to sm mansion.. Pari,adarsh and Pari mom went to mm. Shekhar, ragini and Parvati left to badi..
Swara was roaming in her room here any there. She was tenses and holding her tummy.. It's her 4th month and her baby bump is slightly visible..
Sanskar came after attending call saw swara in tense..
San:shona jaan what happened?
Swa:nothing...she went and sat on sofa.. Then went and stood near the window then sat on bed.. Sanskar was observing her every move.. She was restless.. Sanskar knw what's going in her tinny mind.. He came and sat beside her holded her hands..
San: jaan u r still thinking about Pari bhabhi words... Nothing gonna happen like this.. And laksh is in jail..
Swa: I dnt knw sanskar I m feeling very restless..
San:jann trust me nothing will happen to u and baby it's my promise I will always protect u both..
He slept took her in his embrace... Swara was seeing ceiling... Sleep is far away from her.. Sanskar tightened his grip on her shoulder.. Swara saw him he assured her nothing will happen she hugged him tightly and closed her eyes.. Sanskar saw her sleeping.. Coverd her with blanket and slept hugging her..
In badi
As soon Shomi enter in badi.. Everyone smiled seeing her.. Bose family saw each other face and got to knw that they all are now smiling bcz now shomi is billionaire.. Gadodia family also came along with ragini... Ragini was in devasted state.. She directly went inside the home.. Dadi followed her...
Dadi:ladoo wait..
Ragini was crying.
Rag:dadi I want my laksh ji.
Shek:ragini u heard and u knw what happened there .. U still want that man..
Rag:no papa I knw my laksh ji is not like this. It's all sanskar and swara planning..
Shek:but ragini y pareenita will tell lie..
Rag: Bcz she want money and she knw sanskar is sm so he will give money and they can live life lavishly.. But what about me papa.. They are behind my happiness..
Dadi:shekar ladoo have point. And according to will the first grandchild will be hier of Maheshwari.. And parineeta knw she can't be mother and will not get property so she helping them to get money and I m sure they have bribed pareenita so that she have to go against us... Shekar went in deep thought..
Next morning. ..
All Bose family left to SWADIYUSH mansion.. Gadodia were seeing them.. Dida saw her house and became emotional.. Raj side hugged her.. Then they all left badi and shifted permanently in SWADIYUSH mansion.. Swara was happy bcz now her family is with her.. Bcz of her Raj and ram decided to break the center wall... And both mansion is in a same compound and both masion garden is attached so that swara can enjoy large space.. Everyone had breakfast in sm mansion... After breakfast everyone is sitting in garden area.. Today everyone took leave.. They all are enjoying family time at that time ragini came.. Everyone saw her..
Dida:ragini y u came here.. What u want.
Rag:nani maa i came here to talk Swara.
She came near swara joined her hands..
Rag:swara plz release laksh ji .he is innocent plz swara..
Swa:sorry ragini I can't.. He is culprit..
Rag:no swara Laksh ji is not like this.. He has been trapped in papa ji and mummy ji plan..
Son:o really is ur laksh ji is small baby that he don't understand what is right and what is wrong.
Rag:i m not talking to u.. I came here to talk my sister. Who are u to interfere in this.. By hearing this everyone got angry..
Swa:ragini hold ur tongue.. Ur standing in her house talking like this.. U r not my sister and she is my bhabi who treat me like sister who loves me lot ..a word against her then I will cut ur tongue.. If ur drama is over then u can leave..
Rag:swara plz listen to me.
Swa:im not listening anything and leave or I will call guards.. Ragini requested Swara lot.. Swara and Shomi are feeling bad for her but whatever she and laksh  did they can't forget that.. Swara turned her face and wipped her tears.. Sanskar saw her and holded her hand.. Ragini left from there helplessly.. Shomi also had tears ..
Raj:doll ,Shomi I know it's hard to u both to see her in this condition but what u can do it's her karma. U both have to be strong..
Ayu:di ,maa i knw u both are attached to her and wanted to see her like before but now she is changed and she is no more old ragini.. Now she is selfish and she want only her happiness today also she came for herself so don't be sad.
Arn: leave that matter we all took leave to spend time with family then think about this family.. Now smile ..everyone smiled.. .soon it's afternoon everyone had lunch ..gents decided to take all ladies to shopping.. They all went to shopping..
In badi.
Ragini came to home helplessly.
Dadi:ladoo where u went.. Y u didn't picked my calls.
Rag:i went to meet swara.
Shek:swara but y beta.
Rag:i went to request her to release laksh but.
Dadi :but what.
Rag:she insulted me and refused to help.
Dadi:what she insulted u.. How dare she..
Rag:not only she Dadi, maa and everyone.. Yum knw they made me fall on their feet and made me wipe their shoes with my Saree..
Shek : what y u did this all ragu.
Rag: Bcz of laksh ji papa.. I wanted to save my laksh ji.. But she made me servent and at last refused to help.. Ragini told lie so that shekar hate them more. She acted to cry shekar hugged her..
Shek :dont worry ragu they will pay for this.. And left from there.. Ragini wipped her fake tears and smirked..  and left to room Dadi saw her face and found something fishy she followed her to her room and closed the door
Dadi:ragu u r hiding something from me.
Rag:no Dadi.
Dadi:dont lie I  knw u very well. Now tell the truth.. Ragini told what happened there
Dadi: then y u lied to  shekar.
Rag:Rag :i knw papa iswill do anything for me...he is  expert in emotional blackmailing..now he will convince maa and she can't refuse Bcz she loves him..soon my laksh ji will out she smirked..dadi smiled listening her.. After sometimes shekar went to sm mansion but they all already left for shopping.. He asked  security guard abut them but he refused to tell which irked him.. He went from there and decided to meet next day.
Ragini and Dadi are waiting for him.he came back and told what happened ragini stamped her foot and went inside..
Dadi:see shekar how our ladoo is sad.. She didn't had anything since yesterday.. She told she will eat when jamaisa will come..
Shekar left from there..
Here all are doing shopping after shopping it's night all had dinner and went to home back.. It was tiring day.. Everyone slept..
Next morning everyone left to their respective work. Arnav and ayush in one car. Raj, sonakshi and ram in one car. Swasan in one car.. Sanskar dropped swara and went to office.. Swara got busy in her duty arnav was proud to see swara dedication towards her work..
Arn:ayu  if u don't mind can i say u something .
Ayu: ya papa don't ask me permission u can say anything and I really don't mind free to tell.
Arn:when I was young I was so energetic and love to serve the people. I wanted to treat them cure them.. I had only one wish when my son will born I will make doctor and let him serve the people.. I want that spirit and dedication in u... U knw what when u were born we sent u with shomi bcz we have fear without mother u ll spoil bcz we both get busy in work and no one to look after u.. We have fear u will be spoil.. And we trust only shomi  and u r attached to her lot thats way.. And our decision was correct.. When I see doll I see myself in her.. The way she dedicated to work the way she serve the people I want same in u.. I m not forcing u but u have future when u get married u have to look after ur family.. And I knw u will be same like doll.. I only want u also follow ur di.. And I m sure u will also same like ur di..
Ayu:papa I promise I ll become the person u wanted I will never make ur head down ... Trust me..
Arn:i trust u beta.. Arnav hugged ayush.. Swara saw both and smiled again got busy in work.
Shomi was sitting on sofa knitting sweater for swara's baby.. At that time door bell rang.. Maid opend the door Shomi saw towards enterence there shekar was standing.
Shmi:why u came here
Shek:shomi I need to talk with u.. Shomi saw him. he was very tensed..she allowed him inside
Shomi :come and sit.. Kanta bring water ...yes tell Mr gadodia what u want to talk.
She:shomi plz tell Shona to take complaint back... Ragini is crying since yesterday she haven't ate anything since yesterday ..her health is Detoring it's not good for her and her baby plz Shomi tell swara.
Shm:im sorry Mr gadodia I can't help Bcz the complaint given by neither me nor my daughter.. And about ur daughter I knw how much she is suffering.. She is expert in acting.. I must say she should get award for best acting.
Shek:what are I talking she is not acting and she is ur daughter also.. She is also like swara only na. If swara was in her place then also u will do like this no na then y u r hard with ragini.. She is also ur daughter then y this differentiation .plz Shomi help me..
Shomi :my Shona will never hurt anyone. She is pure hearted not like ur daughter ragini.. Who do only planning and plotting.. And if in case my Shona also in this situation I would have never helped her I would have disowed her.. But I knw my Shona will not do like this..may be I can do this mistake but not my Shona Bcz she knw the value of love,trust and relationships.
Shek:u trust swara then y not ragini.. She is brought up Infront of u and she has given her mother place to u.. Plz Shomi.
Shom:she never accepted me mother and swara as her sister.. She only think about herself.. U knw what it's her mistake..its urs and ur mother mistak who spoiled a innocent girl. U r the reason for her suffering u r the reason for her sadness.. Don't u dare to involve my daughter in this..
Shek: ragini also ur daughter na.
Shom:no ..i have only 1 daughter that is my Shona u only saw ur daughter suffering did u ever thought about Shona.. U always cared for ragini loved her but what my Shona got only pain..now I will not trust u blindly.. If I do I will loss my daughter which I never think in my dream.. If ur talk is over then u may live..
Shek:shomi plz listen to me.
Shomi :  I said u may leave And if u want money then I can give bcz charity is good work and we help needy persons..shekar felt insulted he left from their.. Shomi sat on sofa closed her eyes.. Tears are coming from her eyes.. Someone wipped her tears she saw the person and hugged..
Shom:im very bad mother arnav I m very bad..
Arn: who told u r bad.. U r best mother.
Sho:no arnav I always thought about my self never thought about my children that's way today I m seeing this day.. If starting only I cared about Shona and ayush then my both children would have suffered this much.. Today also this man using my emotions for his daughter..But not more now I will be strong.. I will be strong for my all childrens I will never let anything happend to them.. Now my priorities are only my children now I will change my self.. Now everyone see new avtar of Mrs sharmista singhania who can do anything for her children.. People should get fear before eyeing my children. Now my all time only for my children that is.. Sona, swasan, ayus and uttra and my Aryan.. Only this are my children.. And I will become shield for them now only their happiness matter me.. I will become good mother..
Arn:and I will be always with u.. And u r, and u will be good mother.. I ll always support u in this matter..
even we too.. Both shomrav turned and saw raj,and Sujram are standing.. They came and sat.
Suj:shomi mother can do anything for her children happiness.. Now we both show mother power.. And who told u r bad mother.. U r best mother in this world.. My children loves u more than me and y not Bcz u love them lot..so now stop crying and smile anytime ur childrens scodd will come and if they see u crying then they will also become sad  ..now smile.. Shomi wipped her tears.. At that time all youngsters came they already heard whatever happened but pretended that they don't knw other wise again shomi get emotional.. They all sat ayush came and sat on floor Infront. Of suju keeping head on her lap.. Sanskar came and sat beside Shomi.. Swara sat beside ram by hugging his hand and keeping head on his shoulder.. Sona sat on floor keeping head on shomi and Aryan sat sanskar lap uttra sat beside Raj .. Ram was seeing ayush angrily....but our ayush is enjoying it..
Ayu:sujju darling something is burning na..
Suj:yes handsome.. Smell is coming to me also.. What is that..
Ram: I'm not jealous.
Ayu:did we told it's u.. It's u only who accepted  both sujata and ayush laughed and given hi-fi.... Everyone is enjoying their nok jok.. .
Ayu : guys from today we do resolution what say....
Sona:thats great idea.
Sho:what resolution..
San: maa resolution means changing some of our habits from now.. Or changing our attitude.. Shomi saw their face and thought may be they heard shomi and arnav talk.. Swara understood shomi thought and talked.
Swa:ayu that's great idea but y this sudden plan..
Ayu:bcz today I promise papa that I will become the way he want ...
Sona:and what's ur resolution.
Ayu: so my resolution is I will be responsible and good person and help needy people like di..i will follow  di's path.. And make my parents proud like she did.. Swara saw ayush with tears and smile.. Ram side hugged swara..
Ram:u r absolutely correct ayush.. My Shona is gem.. And I also have resolution ..i will always support my children and give them freedom to enjoy thier life.. Uttu after study u can do job or If u want u can do World Tour if u like any boy then I will make u marry him.... I will never stop u.. And I will give time to my family ..
San: even my resolution is jaan I will never get angry on u and never restrict u from doing anything but u should also be careful. I will give maximum time to family and I will support my sibling in their decision..
Suj:my resolution from now I will treat my all children equal.. I will never stop them from doing anything and I will not fear from society..
Sona:my resolution is I will become strong and make my son strong that no one can rise finger on him...
Raj:my resolution is I will listen arnav and avoid eating sweets but only I will eat on occasions ..everyone laughed.
Arn:well my  resolution is I will give time to family and every weekend off from work only family..
Raj:wow finally ayush  idea is working good.. OK now doll and Shomi urs resolution..
Swa:my resolution.. She starts to think what should it be..i don't knw Everyone is watching her with excitement..
Ayu: di no need for resolution.. Bcz u r perfect..
Arn:ya true doll u no need resolution..
San: no she need resolution  and it must important ..
Suj:what change she need  she is perfect.
San:no mom she need.. And jaan ur resolution is u will be selfish and think about u. And take care about ur health and give rest to ur tiny mind..
Raj: Ya  sansakar is correct.. I'm agreed with him..
Son:ya Shona ur resolution will be this only.
Swa: OK my resolution is I will think about my self and take care of my health and will not take stress..
San: that's my girl.. Sanskar kissed her cheeks.. She glared him.. Everyone given them teasing smile..
Swa:ok now last maa ur turn..
Shomi saw arnav.. He assured her with his eyes... Sujata holded her hand and assured her..
Shom:my resolution is  I will always support my children and will become their shied.. I will never let anything to harm them..  From now My children will be my first priority I will never become selfish and never let my children to sacrifice their happiness for me...i will become good mother for them.. She told this both swayush hugged her...
Swa:u were never selfish maa it's just that u  trusted that person and loved him blindly..
Ayu: u r best mother in the world.. Even sanutt and sonakshi hugged her..
Son:yes ur best mother... Everyone enjoyed family timing.. Soon everyone had dinner and went to room to take rest

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