Chapter 53

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After our little frenzy on the plane, we both laid utterly still and silent. All I could hear was my heart beating so hard and fast, and I was wondering if Cheryl could hear it too. My aching muscles were trembling after my whole body laid stiff while she was playing with me. I knew I couldn’t make a sound and that’s why I had got so hot and bothered. She enjoyed the fact we just had sex in a public place. The glisten of her smile was saying so.

‘Yous make us so happy! I could never have done that with anyone else. They wouldn’t allow it.’ She gulped slightly after around ten minutes of pure silence.

‘You could start touching me anywhere babe, my body wouldn’t have any willpower to push you off.’ I heard myself mumble with such effort, leaving my little blondie to giggle.

‘That’s my favourite sound you know...’ I added.

‘What is?’

‘Your laugh.’

‘Aw baby! Yous so cute!’

I turned red before I near enough pounced on Cheryl. ‘Now is it my turn?’ I bit my lip hard.

‘No! Don’t yous dare! Yous know I can’t keep quiet. Wait till we get to L.A.’ Cheryl protested.

‘Oh yeah! And do it in Rihanna’s guestroom?’ I rolled my eyes.

‘Well who else can say they’ve done it there?’ The naughty blonde smirked sexually.

I was pushed off gently and affectionately before I got up to go back into my own seat next to Cheryl.

‘Where yas goin?’ She pouted incredibly cutely.

‘Just giving you a little bit of space baby, we were a bit cramped and I didn’t want you getting too hot..’

‘Please come back here. I want a cuddle.’

I smiled so wide knowing that this girl was the most beautiful, most adorable and the most incredibly sexiest woman ever and I was lucky enough to be hers which drove my feelings crazy.

I returned to Cheryl’s side where she reclined on top of me, before giving out a little yawn.

‘Let’s try getting some sleep.’ I whispered in her ear. ‘We have a long but exciting couple of days ahead of us.’ I smiled against her head.

‘Okay babe, but I jus’ need to say one thin’ to yous.’

‘What’s that?’

‘I love yous with all me heart. I haven’t loved anyone so much. I get nightmares every night about yous goin’ back home and not returnin’ to us and it kills us. I often wake up cryin’ and starin’ at your beautiful face.’

I didn’t know whether my heart had stopped, froze, or melted at that point. All I know was that this woman I had in my arms was so insecure and I was so angry that people could make her feel this way. I had a lot of proving to do for her to believe that I could never ever walk away from her.

‘It’s going to kill me inside knowing that I have to leave you. But it won’t be for long, not if this with Rihanna goes well. I could afford to move to London and then we can start living our future for real. I love you so much Cheryl, I couldn’t leave you, even if I wanted to.’

‘I’m proud of yous.’ I heard a slight sniffle.

‘Aw babe, thank you. Now you get some sleep. I can’t wait to arrive in L.A. I’ve never been before.’


The plane was landing and me and Cheryl had been awake for a couple of hours. We had spent those hours writing some lyrics together which turned out to be a song that was so silly, she wouldn’t even dream of recording it. We laughed so hard, I was clutching to my sides and Cheryl had tears streaming down her face.

‘We’re here babe!’ The Geordie squealed.

‘Is it really that amazing?’ I raised an eyebrow.

‘You don’t know what you’ve missed out on.’ She smirked.

When we got off the jet, I was mesmerised. Everything in America was so much bigger and better than everything else back at home. There were so many Americans walking around with huge smiles on their faces. I could see the sun was shining even on a December day which must have made everyone feel happy because it was putting me in an even better mood. For the first time in months, I felt warmth on my skin. It wasn’t too hot but I had totally forgotten that it was a week and half before Christmas.

‘Baby, already it’s beautiful.’ I stammered with my mouth wide open.

‘I told you you’d love it.’ Cheryl laughed. ‘And I got a surprise for you later on tonight.’

‘Chez! You shouldn’t be arra-‘ Then she kissed me.

It felt so unusual for Cheryl to kiss me in public. Then I realised that this was going to happen a lot over the next couple of days. Cheryl liked coming here because she could be who she wanted to be without being papped every second. The cute blonde took hold of my hand and my heart raced. My face went bright red and I had instantly gone shy.

‘Come on, let’s go find Rhi Rhi.’

‘Chez it’s not a new Where’s Wally? Book. She’s not going to be stood anywhere around here, she will get mobbed!’

Nevertheless Cheryl tugged me and our trolley full of cases in a random direction. I was proven right. Rihanna was down a quiet back alley stood against a black Bentley with sunshades on, looking up to the sky.

‘Take your time won’t you?’We heard a smooth American accent.

‘Rihanna!’ Cheryl jumped up and hugged her like she hadn’t seen her in years.

‘Hey sweets.’ Rihanna smiled. ‘Right, I need to get straight to the point. I have to work away tonight. I have a concert in New York and my place is all locked up. So I’ve booked you two nights in a hotel. It’s an amazing hotel, five star and everything you want is on me, for the inconvenience. I’ve already told them.’ Rihanna smiled.

‘But how are we gonna get there?’ I started to panic at the fact I had never been in L.A. before and everything seemed five times bigger than in England.

‘Don’t worry, Dave’s going to drive you there. I’ve hired you a BMW with a built in Sat Nav. It’s waiting outside the hotel for you.’ Rihanna handed me a set of keys. ‘I’ll get your number off Cheryl tonight Nic so we can arrange a time to meet up at the studio tomorrow.’ Rihanna gave out another friendly smirk before kissing us both on the cheeks and leaving me to stare in awe at Cheryl.

‘Pinch me, slap me... wake me up!’

Cheryl rolled her eyes before she got into the car that Dave opened up for her. 

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