Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I woke up three hours later and the house was silent. As much as what just went on yesterday and this morning, I didn't want Cheryl to think I was ignoring her. After all, she did let me into her house to help me. And thinking back, I did flirt back to be fair. 

My phone buzzed loudly from the desk across the room. I stood up sleepily and stretched wide. It was the first time I had got out of bed today. I felt horrible knowing that, thats one less day to spend with Cheryl. I stumbled over to my phone. I had left it there and not bothered with it. Usually, I keep it on me constantly, to message Frankie. But because there were no more us, Why did I need it on me? The only time I picked up my phone last night was to call my mum to say I had arrived safely. I didn't tell her what happened. I just put on a brave voice, hoping she wouldn't find anything suspicious.

Picking my phone up I saw I had a text from Frankie and strangely enough, one from Cheryl. Why didn't Cheryl just come up to me? Maybe she thought I really did need some space. 

I rolled my eyes as I saw an attempt of an apology off Frankie:

'Babe, I apologise for what I did. Look, I don't know what went through my mind. I know there will never be an us again because you could never trust me again, I don't blame you! Just want you to know I love you so much and hope we can stay in contact! xxx'

Did I really want to stay in touch with her. Maybe in the future, but not right now. I couldn't. So I held my breath as I sent the reply. 

'Look. You are right. I could never trust you again. But because of what we've been through together, I couldn't not have you in my life. At the minute, we need to keep the distance. Just till my heart heals. Then I will let you know how I feel about us getting back in touch.' 

Then I opened Cheryl's:

Chezza: I'm sat in the lounge having a film day on my own, snuggled up with a pot of tea, like a granny. If you wanna join, feel free :) xx

I didn't reply. Instead, I headed for the shower. I knew Cheryl wouldn't mind. After all, I don't think she would want me smelling bad around her.

After my shower, I ran straight to the guest room and put on the first lot of clothes that were lying at the top of my suitcase. These were a pair of navy blue jog pants that had cuffs around the ankles and a men's yellow polo shirt. Sometimes I thought that men's clothes were so comfy to lounge about in, so I had a fair few tops and hoodies that were bought from the men's section online. 

I didn't even dry my hair. I ran the comb loosely through it and put it into a messy ponytail. The shower had washed all my make up off from the previous day, leaving me feeling exposed and probably feeling ashamed next to Cheryl's perfection. But right now, I didn't care. I just wanted to be in her company. 

Before I made it clear to Cheryl that I had joined her, I just watched her snuggled up under her duvet watching some kind of chick flick. I couldn't see what she was wearing below her waist but I could see she had a huge grey wooly jumper on that covered her hands. She had a cuppa tea in one hand and a curly wurly in the other. I noticed she had a little teddy tucked into her, under the duvet, her eyes fixed to the TV. She looked so adorable sitting there. Why the hell did I miss out on this?!

I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders causing her to jump a little.

'I'm sorry Cheryl. I've been so rude..'

Her eyes were forgiving as she turned and whispered 'Come join us pet?'

I didn't hesitate. I wanted to be under that duvet with her so bad, to get a real cuddle off her. It's all I needed right now. 

I shuffled in front of the sofa as she whipped the duvet back, revealing her tanned legs. She was only wearing black shorts made out of the sweatpant material. I sat on the other end of the sofa, I didn't want to invade her personal space. 

I started watching the film intently, not realising that Cheryl hadn't moved. She stared at me, her hand and the duvet still whipped back. The next thing I knew, a curly wurly was flying through the air and hit me on the head!

'Ouchhh! What was that for?'

Cheryl couldn't stop herself from laughing. She was clutching her stomach with both hands and had happy tears spilling out of her eyes. 

After she had calmed down, she pouted. 'Do I smell or somethin'? I didn't ask yous to come join us for yous to sit at the other end of the room!'

'Cheryl, I'm sat next to you.' I smirked.

'Nope! Not close enough...yous know what, ima come to yous instead. Hold on to Benjamin for us?'

I pretended to hold the teddy in my arms like a baby, whilst Cheryl sorted the duvet out, she didn't realise at first, but when she did, she giggled.

'Aww Benji's got a babysitter'

'He's cute, Where did you get him from?'

'Me mam bought me him when I was in hospital with Malaria. Since then I've always had him around when I needed a bit of comfort.' She smiled.

'I'm sorry Cheryl. I heard you crying when you left the room. I should have comforted you.'

Cheryl shrugged her shoulders and smiled, but I knew it wasn't genuine. She crawled in next to me under the duvet leaning her light body against mine. She had her arms wrapped around my waist and her head was resting on my arm. We had benji tucked under the covers with us and I still had the curly wurly clutched in my hand. 

'You are a very special lady Nicole! I never EVER give me curly wurly's out! So I want to see yous eatin' it, not meltin' it!' She giggled. 

I placed it on the arm of the sofa, whilst whispering in her ear. 'Cheryl, I never wanted to hurt you and I still intend not to! I'm really sorry. I over reacted.'

Cheryl hushed me. 'Nic, you can't help that I like yous and yous don't like us!' 

'But I do.'

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