Chapter 37

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'Is she awake?!' I heard a little squeal coming from the big heavy double doors of the ward.

'Yeah, she's awake an' not outta breath.' Cheryl gave out a little chuckle.

As I tried to focus through my blurry vision, I saw the familiar blonde that I had met only a few hours earlier, Lily. But I was so surprised to see another familiar redhead rush to the other side of the hosspital bed.

'Oh thank god Nic!' Nicola Roberts sighed with a little relief. 

'Why are you here?!' I mumbled through my mask but underneath the ugly equipment strapped to my face, I was in complete and utter shock.

'Cheryl got a bit upset so she rang Kimberley, I was having a catch up with Kimba and Frankie and I wanted to be here to support Cheryl and most importantly see if you're alright.' 

'But why do you care?'

'Nicole Ryans!' Cheryl glared at me like I was a little child stepping out of line.

'I didn't mean it like that Chez. I mean... Oh never mind!' I  breathed restlessly. 

'I know what you mean. I'm here because I want to be, Alright?' The redhead scouse smiled.

I just nodded as I brought my head back to the pillow. My ribs were still really sore and my head was starting to ache. I really wanted to just go back to Cheryl's and sleep for a lifetime with her underneath me.

'Yous alright babe?' I felt a hand stroke mine. 'Yas feel cold. Do yous need me to get more blankets or somethin'?'

'Please stop worrying, I'll be alright. I just need to sleep.'

'Alright babe. I'm just gunna go get a coffee with the girls, do yous want anythin'?'

'No thanks Chez.' I smiled softly. 

Cheryl reached over to my paled face and took the mask away with her gentle touch. 'I can't see your beautiful smile through this thing. I can't wait for yous ta get it off.' 

The dark haired beauty laid her left hand on my lap and her right on my mask, still holding it away from my face. Her face twisted and turned with an affectionate look. Her eyes fluttered shut and her mouth curved into a luscious pout just seconds away from mine. My mouth made the same expression. I couldn't believe that I still got butterflies when her lips touched mine. It was like her soft touch and warm breath connected with mine. 

Lifting away from the passionate kiss, I heard her whisper. 'I love yous Nic, get some rest babe so we can get yas home.'

Nodding slowly, I snuggled down into the rock hard bed, trying to get as comfortable as I possibly could get. The rough blanket tucked under my neck. 'You're a cutie.' I heard one more whisper before Cheryl placed the mask carefully to my face and kissed me lightly on the forehead. 'Sweet dreams.' 

'Miss Ryans?' Someone had woken me from my sleep.

When I looked around, I saw that it was dark. I must have slept for hours. Lily wasn't there anymore, just two very sleepy ladies sharing an old armchair in the corner. The person who had woken me was the nurse. 

Cheryl and Nicola had also been woken up and Cheryl stood to her feet, staggered to the bed to clutched my hand tight. 

'Miss Ryans?' The nurse stated again. 

Sitting up slightly, I nodded. My nerves were getting the better of me. 

'With all the examinations done and cleared, I can now tell you what's wrong.' The nurse smiled slightly. She was a very attractive young lady. Blonde hair, bright green eyes and a very bright smile. She was slim and toned and looked after herself very well. 

I couldn't help but stare at her as I watched her come closer towards the bed. 'It's nothing too serious Miss Ryans, you ju-'

'You can call me Nicole, or Nic if you prefer.'

Smiling again, the nurse carried on. 'It's just a case of really bad anxiety. But we have discussed with your GP and he said its okay for you to get an ongoing repeat perscription of inhalers along with a nebuliser to help you when you have a panic attack.'

I looked to my right hoping to see a very relieved and cheerful girlfriend but I was wrong. The brunette was scowling.

'Another good thing is, you're free to go too.' The blonde's eyes lit up before turning on her heels and leaving the ward.


At Cheryl's, I was slouched on the sofa watching a horror film. I was alone. God knows where Cheryl had been but she wasn't happy with me and didn't speak to me ever since the nurse told me what was wrong. Maybe she was angry because she had a day off work for something that wasn't even serious. Then the guilt had risen inside me. Cheryl had been so worried and all I had was a silly little panic attack. So that's when I stood up to find her. 

'Cheryl? Babe? Chez, where are you?' I stood near the front door shouting as loud as I could. A few seconds later, Cheryl came out of nowhere and stormed past me towards the kitchen. She was looking everywhere but my diection. What the fuck had I done now?

'You know what? Just forget it.' I mumbled and dragged myself back to the warm seat I was previously slouching in.

When I had got back into the swing of the film, Cheryl had ceeped into the room and frightened the hell out of me. Her hands were stuck to her hips and she was glaring so hard, I thought she might have hit me. 

'So yous gunna tell us the crack or?' She started.

'What are you on about Cheryl?' 

'Do blondes have more fun? Do yous think blondes are sexier than brunettes?' Cheryl's screams became louder and raising her eyebrow everytime she finished a question waiting a second for me to reply, but when I opened my mouth to, she would shoot me down with another. 'Shall I just go and dye me hair blonde tomorrow, then maybe you'd fancy us? Or maybe I should jack in me job as a singer and get a PHD to become a doctor or a fuckin' nurse?!'

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