Chapter 55

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----------------------------------------------------------Cheryl had hopped out of the hummer and ran across to my side of the vehicle before holding the door open and helping me out.

The Geordie giggled when she saw the look of utter amazement as I turned to face the American style diner in front of me.

‘Are you sure we can even afford to eat in here?’ I questioned, causing me to get a playful slap on the arm.

‘Shut up ya geek!’ Cheryl smirked.

The restaurant was a huge modern brick building that was decorated in bright red, blue and white colours. Perched on the top of the building was a red sixties Cadillac. It looked to me like it was a real one. The restaurant had two floors and had a balcony fixed around the middle of the building with huge American flags waving off the corners in the slight breeze.

Cheryl took hold of my hand and I immediately panicked and squirmed out of her tight hold.

‘What’s up babe? Are yas okay?’ The blonde wore a puzzled look upon her perfect face.

Then I realised, we weren’t in the UK anymore and Cheryl could show how much she loved me openly without any jerks with cameras in our faces constantly.

‘Yeah.  I’m sorry Chez. I panicked for a second. I forgot we weren’t in London anymore.’

‘Look around babe? How can you forget?’ The Geordie smiled before she took my hand again, this time tighter before dragging me into the restaurant.

The smell was absolutely incredible. It smelt of ice creams and sodas.

Inside, the restaurant was nothing like I expected. The tables were white and the seats were red padded sofas. There was a huge jukebox stood alone in the corner of the room that was fully loaded with sixties music.

‘This is so cool Chez.’

‘I knew you’d like it.’ She bit her lip as she took me to a table that had a sign on it. ‘Cheryl & Nicole Tweedy.’

‘Well that happened quick!  I thought we were in LA, not Las Vegas.’ I exclaimed.

‘What do yous mean?’

‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?’ I laughed hard.

‘Yous always pick on me. It took us ages to reserve this thing. They couldn’t understand my accent!’


Whilst I and Cheryl were eating our amazingly delicious food, we were talking about our plans for the next day or two.

‘I don’t care where we go or what we do, as long as I spend all my time here with you.’ I smiled whilst taking a sip of my ice cold coca-cola.

When I looked up, I saw Cheryl’s brown orbs fix on me in complete awe.

‘What you looking at me like that for?’

‘Yous are so adorable.’

I blushed tremendously. ‘Shush Cheryl! You know I don’t take these compliments well.’

The blonde ignored my comment before adding. ‘You’re so fucking gorgeous too! How did I manage to pull a girl like you?’ Cheryl then gave one of her famously cheeky winks that made my heart melt.

‘How cheesy are you?!’

After finishing our meal and messing with our all American style sundaes, wiping it all over each other’s faces, we decided to take a little walk along the nearby beach in the sunset.

‘This is beautiful.’ Cheryl sighed as we held hands walking along the shores. We had taken our shoes off so we could feel the soft cool sand in between our toes. The orange sunset was reflecting on all of the Geordie’s perfections.

‘Yeah, it is beautiful! Not as beautiful as you though.’ I whispered as I stopped suddenly and pulled Cheryl’s body to face me effortlessly.

I brushed her long wavy hair from her face before resting my forehead on hers. I could see a smile spreading across her face, making my heart stop at her amazing dimples.

‘I know we are here now and we are having a really good time and creating awesome memories but I need to tell you something.’

‘Okay.’ Cheryl’s smile disappeared and a look of seriousness took its place.

I stood in silence staring into her perfect eyes. I couldn’t bring myself to speak anymore. My control over my speech had been taken away by Cheryl’s beauty.

‘Nic, what is it? What Have I done?’

When I finally got my words back, I smiled. ‘You haven’t done anything wrong. Just, I want you to know that after what you went through with my ex... I know you’re scared now but I won’t let you get hurt. I’m going to protect you.’ Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

‘Shhh baby... its okay. I promise yas.’

‘I know but you didn’t have to go through what you did and knowing you’re such a famous lady, you could have seriously got hurt.’

‘But I did go through it. And I went through it for you. I’m still here. Isn’t that saying something?’ The Geordie smiled again. ‘Now stop being silly and be romantic?’


‘Kiss us... here... in the sunset?’

And so I did. I kissed my girl so soft and delicately, holding her close at the waist. I could feel her smile pressing against my lips and it made me feel so warm. Her arms were tangled around my neck as she was giving her all into the sunlit kiss.

After we pulled away from each other reluctantly, we started to giggle.

‘Maybe we should get back to the hotel before the sun decides to come back up again.’ I smirked sarcastically, causing Cheryl to giggle a little harder.

We decided to just take a cab back to the hotel as we were exhausted and couldn’t deal with much more excitement. Cheryl ordered a bottle of champagne to arrive at our room.

‘Go get in the shower babe? I’ll get the champagne chilled for when yas get out.’ Cheryl called in from out on the balcony,

‘Are you sure babe?’

‘Of course.’

I had spent twenty five minutes in the shower. I felt sticky with all the heat and knew I needed to freshen up. When I finally got out the bathroom, I saw the most perfect view of my life.

Cheryl was sat on the edge of the table with her legs crossed. She was only wearing a silk white robe and had a rose in her hand. The Geordie was perched next to a wine cooler with expensive champagne sat inside and two wine glasses.

‘Yous gunna stand gawping all night or are yas goin’ ta join us?’

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