Chapter 52

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‘Uh-oh!’ I gulped as I saw the huge plane coming down the runway through the large panelled windows.

‘What? What’s wrong?!’ I heard the Geordie panic.

‘I’ve only just realised that I don’t like planes. I got way too excited and now I’m shitting it.’

Cheryl chuckled before she knew I was being deadly serious and spoke softly, still with a smirk on her face. ‘Babe, you’ll be fine. If yous get scared, jus’ know that I’ll be with yas. Look into my eyes, grab my hands tightly an’ you’ll know you’ll be alright.’


After boarding the plane, we were shown to our seats by a very attractive young air hostess. She was tall and slim and was supporting blonde hair. She had big brown eyes and her lips looked affectionately soft. She had a very attractive smile and perfectly white teeth. As she was an air hostess, her uniform consisted of a tight blouse and skirt combination, which made her bum and boobs look bigger than they probably were.

After she walked away from us both, I couldn’t take my eyes of her slim shimmering legs which caused me to receive a thump in the arm from Cheryl.

‘You’re such a flirt’ She smirked.

‘Excuse me?’

‘I saw the way you were looking at her. Like you haven’t had sex before. I could always let her know that she’s free to have you.’

My face must have been a picture. ‘Wh-What?!’ I pouted. ‘You wouldn’t do that.’

‘Wouldn’t I?’

‘No. I was actually thinking to myself how ugly she was.’

‘And that’s why you were eyeing her up was it?’ Cheryl raised her eyebrow and pulled a sarcastic smile.

‘I so was not doing that!’ I tried to defend my case

‘You’re a poor liar Nicole.’ Cheryl giggled before she ordered a cup of coffee. ‘Did yous want a drink?’

‘Nah, I’ll be fine thanks babe.’

Of course, Cheryl wouldn’t settle for anything less but for us to be in the first class area of the plane. Where the seats were actually white single miniature beds. There was a small table on the side of you for you to stand your drinks and snacks and your own flat screen television which had built in Netflix. I was in heaven.

 After fifteen minutes of sitting comfortably and relaxing, I had only just realised that we hadn’t even got off the ground yet. We were just about to take off when I looked at Cheryl and she glanced back.

‘Babe, I don’t think I can do this!’ I gulped starting to panic.

Cheryl reached out her hand and squeezed mine gently. ‘Remember what I said baby. Hold onto me tight, get lost in my eyes. You’ll be okay. I’m right beside you.’

When the plane started taking off, I sucked in a deep breath and did exactly what the beautiful Geordie instructed but I couldn’t help myself. The plane had made my tummy go tingly, which made my face screw up and my eyes close tight.

‘Aww babe, we’re nearly up in the air, not long now, jus’ a couple more seconds.’

After hearing the calm voice speak, I started to whisper to myself ‘We’re nearly up. We’re nearly up.’

‘There we go. That wasn’t so bad was it?’ Cheryl grinned.

‘I felt sick to my stomach Chez!’

A couple of hours had passed and me and Cheryl had already talked about the cool stuff we were going to do out in L.A. I had also spent the past two hours getting lost in her gorgeous eyes, getting filled with butterflies by the sound of her voice and melted with her warm and welcoming smile and her deep dimples. God this woman was everything to me.

‘Yous not speaking much babe? Yous alright?’ Cheryl looked at me, raising her right eyebrow in slight confusion.

‘Yeah, I’m incredible thanks Chez?’

‘Nic, what’s with the enthusiasm?’

‘You.’ I smiled.


I got as close as I could to her before I started at least trying to explain how great I felt. ‘You make me feel all excited and happy and giddy. You make me feel like I’m on a high. You’re so beautiful but because you’re so down to earth, you never see it. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your smile, your body.’

Cheryl’s face started to redden as I carried on explaining why she was the most beautiful woman placed on earth.

‘Your heart, your personality, your voice, your-‘

That’s all I could manage. Cheryl grabbed hold of the back of my neck with both hands, leaving tingles down my spine. The blonde kissed my lips so soft yet passionate. She licked my top lip leaving my mouth to switch to autopilot. The feel of her tongue inside my mouth was so warm and soft. I didn’t want her to stop. She must honestly be the best kisser in the world. My heart started beating faster as she moved her right arm down the front of my neck and down to my chest and left it there. Her left hand was still pushed to my neck in indication for me to not move away. Like I would?

Still feeling my chest, she broke away from the kiss and rested her forehead on mine. ‘Your hearts poundin’ really fast.’ The Geordie whispered passionately. ‘Yous still shy an’ nervous about us aren’t yas?’ She smirked slightly.

All I could do was nod. She was right. I was in a relationship with Britain’s hottest star, if not the world’s! How could I not still be nervous whenever she touched or kissed me?

‘That does funny things to us.’ She winked as she leaned in to kiss me for the second time.

I broke away from the kiss. ‘Chez! Stop being so naughty! We’re on a plane!’

‘Well why don’t you come lay with me then no one will notice.’ The blonde winked.

‘No way!’ I protested but after another five minutes, we were squashed up in Cheryl’s miniature bed.

I was laid on my back and she was propped up on her elbow staring at me with a cheeky smile. Suddenly I heard a little pop and after a second or two, I realised Cheryl’s hand was now in my jeans and slowly sliding in between my legs.


The Geordie put her free hand on the side of my cheek. ‘Shhh.’ she winked then moved her index finger down to my lips. ‘It would be embarrassin’ if we got caught.’

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