Chapter 21

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I really didn't know what to say to that? Of course I was falling for her too, but there was something there stopping me from believing she meant it. I mean the way she spoke to me, the way she looked at me, the way she held me...They all seemed genuine... but Frankie seemed so genuine! and the ex before her. I couldn't help but think I was cursed in relationships and Cheryl was just another one of those.

We went to get some fish and chips from this old little cafe place and did a little walk around the resort but it was turning pretty cold so we decided to ring up the driver and head home. Whilst waiting for Cheryl to finish on the phone, I was sat balancing on some high railings thinking about all that she had said to me. Was it really true? I was so confused. 

Cheryl came up from behind me and hugged me tight.

'Come on babe, let's share some body heat?'

I didn't reply, I just sat looking forward staring at the deserted beach in the distance. 

'Nic, you're a bit quiet. Yous alright?' She questioned nervously.

'Yeah, yeah..I'm fine.' I lied, forcing out a slight smile. 

'Okay, Mike's on his way. He said he would be ten minutes.' Cheryl gulped, with a nervousness look upon her face, almost like fear. 

Leaving the beach and heading home in the back of the car, I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't even dare look at Cheryl's expressions, I didn't know if she was angry or upset, or just pure nervous. Either way, I knew I couldn't take any of them and would just confuse the hell out of me even more. 


'Would yous care to tell us what I've done wrong?'

I was sat in the front room, flicking through some old films on Sky. Not even paying attention to any of it. Cheryl was stood at the door with a scolded look on her face and her arms folded across her chest. 

'What? I'm just tired Chez, that's all.' I protested.

'Yeah okay then. Don't lie to us Nicole! I'm done with liars! Yous been quiet since we was on that rock!'

I knew Cheryl was really annoyed now, as that is when she only ever calls me by my full name. Her voice became fierce and her eyes narrowed as she walked towards me. 

'Don't shout at me Cheryl.'

'Well tell us what I've done then?!'

'Well how about you just all of a sudden waltz into my life, sleep with me a few times, claim you're falling for me and then expect me to believe it?' I snapped.

What the hell just came out of my mouth?! Cheryl got closer to me. 

'So yous don't believe us?' She hissed.

'How can I Cheryl? Everyone I've ever been with has fed me lies and made me believe they wanted me forever, then they piss off and leave me for someone else or beat me up and leave me in the rain down a back alley!'

I stormed away from Cheryl, tears burning my eyes. I grabbed the car keys off the kitchen side before heading out to the back garden where the Audi R8 was parked. Cheryl ran after me.

'Where yous goin' Nicole?!'


'Don't be so stupid, Yous will get lost! Yous don't even know London.'

Completely ignoring Cheryl, I got in the car and sped off down the road. 

I don't know how I was feeling. I've never been so confused in my life. All I know is I should have never ever said those things to Cheryl and now I can't take them back. I've just ruined everything. 

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