Chapter 5

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I was in a daze. Everyone there was laughing at how I was reacting. My legs were like jelly and my mascara was running down my pale face like dirt tracks. My mouth went so dry, I could feel my lips sealing together and as for the nerves. I had never felt nerves so intense before. What was happening?

She was right in front of me. My idol was stood right in front of me. 

She wore black leather leggings with Hi-Top wedges on her feet. A plain black vest top that had holes at her waist line showing her jerking hip bones and half of her toned stomach. It was cut quite low and could see the tops of her perfectly round breasts. As Cheryl walked closer to me effortlessly in her high wedged trainers, I could smell her sweet scent of perfume. 

She held her arms out and gave me such a warm tight hug.

"My eyes are up here pet!" she whispered in my ear as I latched onto her even tighter.

"But what...why are you here?"

"Come with us...Somewhere private and I will tell you all about it?"

I nodded in a daze. I was still shocked to know that Cheryl Cole was stood in front of my very eyes. 

"I'm just stealing the birthday girl for a few minutes!" Cheryl shouted down the mic with excitement in her eyes. "I promise I'll bring her back!"

She reached her hand out for me to hold it. When I grasped hold of her small warm hands, she instantly ran down the steps of the stage and through the back of the pub to the staff toilets that she planned to take me earlier that night.

In the cubicle, Cheryl put the toilet lid down and pushed me gently to sit on it. I did just as she instructed. My eyes fell down to the floor nervously. My head bowed down and I cupped it in my hands. Staring at the floor, I was feeling a headache coming on slowly. Not from the amount of alcohol that I had gulped like a fish but because of the fact that everything had come round too quick. I couldn't understand why Cheryl Cole would come down from London which was a five hour drive to come to a small over-populated town that hardly anyone had heard of...for me.

By this time, I was crying again. I had wet splashes on my leggings where my tears had fallen. My eyes were stinging from the mascara and my vision was slightly blurred. Cheryl crouched down in front of me, her hands slowly rubbing my knees gently.

"Awh come on pet, We don't need no tears. We're celebratin' aren't we?" she said reassuringly. 

My speech starting to slur, I whispered "Cheryl, I'm so grateful. You don't understand how much this means to me.. But why me? Why here? Why now?"

She laughed nervously, took my hands away from my head, hooked her fingers under my chin and raised my face slightly so my eyes met hers. "Stop cryin' on us and I might just tell yous" 

Cheryl wiped away my tears and started to explain. "I got a letter a few months ago. It was from your girlfriend. It was lucky because it came on its own. Usually I get bags of 'em that I have to sign for!' She giggled. Cheryl carried on. "Basically it said... oh yous know what? I'm gonna let yous read it yaself"

She slowly stood to her feet and spun around facing the cubicle door so that her perfectly sprung bottom was in my face. When she looked back over her shoulder, she winked at me flirtaciously and started laughing when I looked even more shocked, if that was possible! Cheryl rummaged through her left bottom pocket and pulled out a folded A4 piece of paper. When I finally took it off her, I started to read:

Hey Cheryl!

Look I don't know if you're gonna get this or even read it. I hope you do!!

I know you get this all the time, but this is no ordinary letter.

You see, I'm not informing you that I am your biggest fan, I'm writing to inform you that my girlfriend is.

She has the most biggest crush on you, It's kinda gutting *winks&giggles*

Look she's been through so much. It hurts me to see her this way. She needs a big pick up & the best surprise ever!

I only know full well that you're the only person in the world left to do so!

She's had violent ex's and break ups. She's lost half of her family. She nearly even lost her dad this year.

To be honest, I haven't been so easy on her either.

And even so, she's carried on trying to sort her own business out, as young as she is!

I'm so proud of her. But its thanks to you and your music, that she's still here and fighting!

But she is the most amazing girl in the world & she deserves this.

She's having a party in December for her birthday. She doesn't know it yet. 

She won't know until she actually arrives. 

I was wondering if you could make a surprise appearance, maybe spend a bit of time talking to her.

It would mean more than anything to her. I just know it.

There's an invite in the envelope telling you where the party is. On the back is my mobile number.

Ring off unknown if you need to, I'll pick up.

All my love,



By the time, I had got through the letter, I couldn't physically speak. 

"When I recieved that letter, I got onto the phone to my personal assistant Lily and cancelled everything I had planned out, leading up to tonight" Cheryl spoke gently then giggled. "Hey, I've been livin' outta my suitcase, passing from travel lodges to premier inns stalkin' yous!"

"You.." I whispered. 

"Yupp! Oh and you know that beautiful car you took a ride in?" she grinned mischievously.

All I could do by this point is nod.

"That's my driver. That's my car." She laughed. 

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