Chapter 30

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A few hours had passed and I was walking through the hospital to the exit. About to take my phone out of my pocket with my trembling hands when I heard..

'About ta ring us pet?'

When I followed the voice, it led me to a very apprehensive Cheryl.

'How long have you been here?' I grumbled.

'Ever since yas told us ta fuck off.'

'I didn't tell you to fuck off at all, I told you to leave.'

'Same thing.' Cheryl muttered under her breath but I still heard her.

'I have more manners than that!' I glared right at her before heading off to the parked Audi.


When we were back at Cheryl's, I didn't say a word to her. I wasn't upset about anything but the fact she didn't want to be seen with me. I took one look at her sad eyes before slipping my shoes off by the door and storming upstairs.

I heard the sympathetic geordie shout from the bottom of the stairs 'Babe can I jus'...'

I slammed the door of the guest room on her voice, making me cringe as the house fell silent. I didn't want to hear what she had to say, not right now.

Sliding into my pyjamas and crawling into bed, I never felt so alone. I missed my family and friends so much. My dreams had been snatched away from me by one blow at the ribs and to top it all off, my famous girlfriend, didn't even wanna be seen dead around me.

I could feel thick black mascara leaving trails down my cheeks, my own tears were stinging my bloodshot eyes and at that moment, I didn't ever want to stop crying.


I must have fallen asleep because I got woken up by slught knocks on the door. I picked up my phone ... 2:21AM... What the hell?!

'Cheryl, I'm really not in the mood, can you just leave it please?!' I shouted.

'Please babe... I don't like this.' I had never heard Cheryl's plead to be so heartwrenching. Her cry was painful and she genuinly sounded heartbroken. That's when I felt the guilt.


Cheryl opened the door so quietly and carefully before strolling in towards the bed. 

'Nic, jus' let us explain.' I heard soft whispers close to me as she sat on the edge of the bed. 

She went on 'I don't care what's written about us in the papers, I jus' want me family ta know first.I don't want me mam or me dad ta pick up the paper in the mornin'and find out that way. When all me family know and they get ta grips with it, then I'll be more than happy ta let the world know.'

Cheryl sobbed harder into her hands, I couldn't take it anymore. Why the hell had I been so stupid?Why didn't I just sit and think about it first?

I sat up straight in bed and grabbed hold of Cheryl waist firmly. 

'Chez, I'm so sorry. I was caught up in the moment at the hospital.. I just never stopped to think.'

The beautiful tear stained geordie took hold of the back of my neck, leaving goosebumps all over my body. I had mad shivers down my spine. Cheryl's head was perched on my shoulders, sobbing harder and harder.  The lump in my throat felt like it was growing . I didn't dare speak as I didn't want to cry. All I've ever known is to cry alone. For about ten minutes, we were sat cuddling in the dark, the only noises were the deep breaths we took to stop ourselves from crying.

'Nic?' Cheryl spoke gently.

'Hmm?' I was nearly asleep by this point, listening to our hearts beating together.

'Tell us about ya past?'

With those few little words, my whole body tensed. My heart felt like it had frozen and my words siezed up, like I knew that if I was to open up, they would all come out and jumble up together. 

After a few short breaths, I replied. 'Why?'

'Yas know all about my past, through press and stuff. So I wanna know about yous.' Cheryl paused, knowing she had to prodded a sensitive nerve and had to tread carefully.

'There's nothing to know.' I blurted out sharply.

'Everyone has a past Nicole.' The brunette almost questioned, gripping my now slightly wet palm.

'Come with us?' She added after a moment of silence.

The geordie lifted herself away from the bed and held out both of her delicate hands for me to take them. Without saying a word, she led me up up the stairs to the next corridor to a door that was opposite the games room,

When she opened the dark panelled door, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was Cheryl's studio. I scanned every area of the room, at all the decks, mics, instruments. I was in utter amazement. The walls were a dark chocolate brown colour and were covered in plaques and shelves of awards. Stumbling into the middle of the room, I felt the fluffy carpet in between my toes. In the corner of the room sat a large white seated pod.  It was big enough to fit at least three people in and was complete with cushions and blankets.

'This is where I recorded Fight For This Love for the album.' Cheryl gently whispered.

I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined the cute brunette princess singing through the microphone.

'Nic?... Nicole... Babe?'

When I heard Cheryl's voice, I came back to reality. 'Sorry I was miles away.'

'What was yas thinkin' about babe?'

'Nothing, just can imagine you in here that's all.'

Cheryl giggled and strolled in front of me, then stopped in front of the chair.

'Come ta us babe?' The brunette grinned as she pulled her iPod out of her tight jeans pocket. When she pressed a button, the room filled with sound. 

Cheryl had chosen 'Listen' by Beyonce. One of my favourite songs. The geordie beckoned me forward silently by using her hands. 

I was lost in yet another moment with Cheryl. I didn't feel my feet moving but after a few seconds, I was right there in front of her, our noses touching. She pushed me down into the pod, before curling up next to me.

'What happened at the hospital babe?'

Instantly, my mood changed. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to tell anyone, I just wanted to brush it under the carpet and never mention it again. But somehow, I knew Cheryl wasn't going to drop it.

'I don't want to talk about it.'

'Well I thought it would be good news with you coming out without your pot on?' Cheryl stammered.

'Yeah well you thought wrong!'

'Babe what's got inta yas?' The geordie raised her voice in shock.


By this point, I was really angry. I could feel my face burning up whilst my hands clenched up making trembling fists.

Cheryl ran for the door and pressed her back against it. 'Yas can hit us, yas can hit the wall but yous aint leavin', not after last time! Yas can jus' calm down and tell us what happened.'

'Fat chance of that happening.' 

'For fucks sake Nic! Jus' fuckin' tell us!!' Cheryl screamed in my face, ger eyes narrowed and her body language was telling me she was just as angry as I was.

'I can't fuckin' dance anymore! You happy now?!'

I turned away, holding my head in my hands. 

Suddenly, Cheryl had calmed within seconds. 'Aww babe, I'm so sorry.'

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