Chapter 49

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF YOU LOVE THIS STORY THEN GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ONE. ITS CALLED 'ONLY HUMAN -CHERYL SHORT FICS'. I'VE ONLY JUST STARTED WITH ONE CHAPTER BUT IT WILL BE REGULARLY UPDATED LIKE MY OTHERS. HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS AND MY NEW STORY.


A good few hours had passed and I had recorded Rihanna’s song and waved her goodbye. Even though we still had company, I had found myself back in Cheryl’s studio writing another song. I was so excited. This is what I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted to meet famous faces and go visit amazing places. I wanted to feel important for once in my life. It was all starting to happen because of Cheryl. I really couldn’t thank her enough.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat when I heard my smashed phone go off in my pocket. As I rummaged through my joggers to retrieve it, I could just about see that it was Jade, my sister flashing on the screen. With great difficulty through the cracks, I managed to answer the call.

‘Hey sis.’ I smiled, finally hearing a homely voice.

‘Oi you! I got a bone to pick with you?!’

‘Which one?’ Trying to be comical.

‘What happened to you calling me every day missy? I get worried sick!’

‘I’m fine Jade, I’m sorry... excited for Christmas in London?’

‘Oh my god! Are you mental?! How many people can say they’re going to spend Christmas with Chezza?’

‘Quite a few this year.’ I giggled sarcastically.

‘Oh ha ha! Very funny... What you been up to?’

‘You won’t believe me If I told you...’

‘Yes I would.’ My sister sounded shocked.

‘I’ve just written a song for Rihanna, played it in front of her and I’ll be flying to L.A in the next couple of days to help her record it for her next release... and I will be staying in her house!’

‘I don’t fucking believe you!’

It took me another forty five minutes to convince Jade that I was actually telling the truth and then another hour telling her that my first wage wasn’t going to be sent to her in the post. Finally, we finished the call and I could finally get back to writing my next song.

‘Babe, we’ve got company!’ I heard a whining voice and when I spun around on my stool, I saw a very sad Cheryl.

I looked at my watch and realised I had spent nearly three hours alone in the studio. ‘Ah Chez, I’m really sorry. I didn’t realise the time.’

‘I miss you.’ The cute blonde pouted as she stumbled towards me and stroked her hand down my neck to my chest.

‘Mmm I miss you too cutie.’ I whispered as I kissed her lips so gentle and soft. She never failed to give me butterflies, ever.

‘Sarah, Frankie and Nadine are here now. We were going to go up to the cinema room and have a film night. Your new best friend is asking about yous so yas best get your butt moving.’

‘My new best friend?’ I repeated with a confused expression.

‘Nicola.’ Cheryl grinned.


I was sprawled out on a leather sofa in the cinema room with Cheryl laid in between my legs. She looked so adorable. The blonde ended up a little cold so I ran around the house trying to find one of my hoodies that she had thrown off whilst cleaning up earlier in the day.

The room just looked like a huge lounge. Leather sofas were placed randomly around the room, there was a pick ‘n’ mix dispenser in the corner and a bar where soft drinks were on draught. The screen was exactly the same size as a cinema screen and the sound was high definition. Frankie and Kimberley were sat holding hands on one sofa and I still felt really awkward deep down inside, but I couldn’t really say anything as Frankie was most probably feeling the same about me. Nicola, Nadine and Sarah were all bunched up on another sofa, cuddling each other, the set of cuties.

Cheryl made me jump slightly as she worked her way up so she was lying on my chest. Her arms wrapped snug around my waist. I have never felt so content in my whole life.

‘Are you alright baby?’ I whispered into her ear as I stroked a few strands of hair away from her beautiful face.

‘Mhmm.’ The blonde sighed as she locked her big brown eyes onto me, smiling widely and showing off her dimples. Growing more and more confident, I kissed them gently before she added. ‘You make us so happy.’

‘You make me happy too gorgeous.’ I wrapped my arm around her and started running my fingers up and down her back to relax her even more. Her eyes returned to the screen but her body latched onto mine even tighter.


The next morning I was awoken by Cheryl. She looked beautiful. Her blonde curls were flowing down past her shoulders and her make-up was again, perfectly placed on her stunning face. She wore dark blue ripped skinny jeans, a white vest top and a dark blue chequered shirt that was left open.

‘Why do you have to wake me up looking so amazing?!’ I grumbled as I sat up.

Cheryl’s hands were shaky, she started to look really pale and she had her bottom lip tucked into her teeth and not in the way I was used to.

I started to panic. ‘Chez, what’s up babe?’

‘I’ve done something and you’re not going to like it.’

‘What have you done?’

‘Yous need to get dressed. The police are waitin’ to talk to yous.’ Cheryl spoke sternly but apprehensively.


‘Babe, I had to. I knew yous wouldn’t ever go to them yourself. Don’t yous want to be able to move on and start a fresh with us? I worry about yous.’

‘What have you done? Get rid of them. I don’t want to speak to them and I don’t want to speak to you.’ I cursed as I stood up fumbling for some clothes.

‘Nic, I’ve told them it’s serious. They’re not jus’ gunna leave.’

‘Fuck off.’

‘What?’Cheryl’s jaw practically hit the floor.

‘You heard me, just fuck off! I need to be alone!’

‘You can’t keep runnin’ away Nicole!’

‘Just watch me!’ I screamed as I slammed the en-suite door.

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