Chapter 57

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'Wow.' Cheryl gasped when we sprung back to the bed, naked side by side panting for breath. 'That had ta be the best sex ever!'

'I'm glad you approve of my skills in the bedroom.' I giggled as I rolled over lazily and put an arm across Cheryl's petite waste.

I still couldn't believe I was here in this position right now; that I was Cheryl's girlfriend; that I was here in America with her; Pursuing my dream that I would have never gone for in a million years if it wasn't for the nation's sweetheart backing me at every hurdle. And getting to spend Christmas with her, with our families mixed into one. It was beyond explainable to a stranger; they would just point and laugh. But to me, this was everything. And laying there with her in perfect blissful silence, we both knew that this was so crazy but could never feel more right.

'My world's been hurled upside down... I don't think I'll be able to take it when I go back home.' I mumbled over the rippling silence.

'I don't think yous will be goin' home.' I could feel the Geordie's smile through my hair as she kissed my head so gentle.

'WHAT?! No!  I need to get home! My family. My dad!' I sat up in utter panic as my heart and head slapped back down to reality. How the hell could I have been so selfish to not even think about how poorly my dad is and not give a second thought to where either I or he could be within the next year or even within the next few months?

'Nic, it's okay. We will work somethin' out.' Cheryl sat up right next to me, sliding her right hand across my back in attempt to soothe me but it wasn't happening.

I could feel stabbing pains through my chest as it was tightening up. Like someone had just taken thousands of needles and drove them into my chest. My heart was racing and I had palpitations so hard like a giant had hold of it in between his finger and thumb and was squeezing it with such ease.

'Babe, yous need ta calm down otherwise you're goin' ta have one of those anxiety attacks an' yous will have ta go to hospital, here in America.' Cheryl's voice was still calm even though I know she was worrying. I could feel her slight trembles in her body but the only way she could calm me down was by her being calm as well.

I didn't want to end up in hospital, whether it was here in America or back home in London. But I couldn't help it. I was having an attack and I didn't know how to control it. My hands were now shaking tremendously and droplets of sweat were appearing on my brow.

'Babe, calm down.' The Geordie had shot up out of bed and dragged me to the end where she crouched in front of me. When she knew I wasn't anywhere close to calming down, she spoke again. This time sternly. 'Nicole, focus. Look at us!'

I tried to focus my attention on the perfect blonde but my eyesight was now going fuzzy and I could see five of her. Nevertheless, I stared right into the eyes of what I gathered was the real Cheryl.

'Deep breaths, in and out.' Cheryl gave a slight smile when I suddenly did as she instructed. Rubbing my knee slightly, she whispered. 'That's a good girl baby. You're doin' well.'

'I-I'm scared.' I muttered out as I was slightly calming down.

'I know yas are baby, but there's nothing ta be scared of. Look, I'm right here. Where's your inhaler?'

I had to think long and hard about where I had put the damn thing before Cheryl spoke out a second time. 'Yas did remember ta pack it didn't yas?!'

'I don't know, I can't remember Cheryl.' I started to cry in extra panic.

'No no. Don't cry Nic. I'll find it. You've just got ta sit an' take these deep breaths for us. Think yous can do that?' I saw only Cheryl's smile and it inspired me to do as she said.

I nodded frantically before she got up to her knees and kissed me on the forehead. Then she ran for the suitcases and threw everything behind her like a mad cartoon before I heard her shout 'AHA GOT YOU!'

The blonde came bouncing through, still naked with an inhaler in her right hand, smiling at me proudly that I had calmed myself down a lot more than before she had left. Only Cheryl could look sexy and cute at the same time in this crazy situation we were in.

Cheryl sat beside me as she handed me my inhaler and placed her hand on my back where it previously had been before my anxiety flared up.

I took a couple of small breaths before I put the inhaler to my mouth. A few minutes had passed before my breathing was now back to its normal state and I started to feel more comfortable.

'Thank you.' I muttered before I gushed out into tears.

'What yous sayin' thank yous for? Am ya girlfriend an' it's what am here for!' Cheryl spoke softly before pulling me into a tight hold.

'Thank you for everything. I feel so guilty because I never thought about anyone else whilst I've been here with you. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking you for granted.'

'An' how many times have yous thought about yaself before yous even met us?' The blonde questioned and she knew she had me with it.

I couldn't ever think of a time where I had put myself before anyone in my whole life. I sighed triumphantly in her arms as I let her carry on lecturing me.

'Yous haven't an' the pair of us knows yous haven't. Babe, I've been told by so many people, family an' friends, how yous don't think about yaself an' yous only do what makes them happy. Well me bein' here, is ta change that. Not for yous ta be selfish but for yas ta have a nice balance; for yous to care about ya family but think about yaself too. It's not bad ya know.'

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