Chapter 47

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‘Hello chick’ I saw the Barbados beauty smile. Rihanna was wearing an over-sized white blouse, a pair of skinny jeans and huge stilettos to go with the outfit. She had shoulder length wavy blonde hair and minimal make-up but she looked amazing. She was accessorized head to toe and had the sweetest perfume on ever.

‘H-hey.’ I stuttered.

‘Star struck?’ She smirked.

‘Just a bit.’

And with that, the front door flew up and Nicola came storming through leaving Kimberley and Cheryl to lag behind.

‘I’d teach that nasty piece of work a huge lesson if I ever came across her! How dare she come here and do that to you!’ Nicola started snapping and stomping around the kitchen leaving Rihanna to chuckle.

‘Nicola, give it a rest with you, the pair have been through enough.’ Kimberley rolled her eyes before walking over to me and stroking my back lightly. ‘Are you alright hun? Oh my god! That’s huge.’

‘Thanks Kim.’ I said sarcastically before adding much calmer ‘Yeah I’m alright. I didn’t get much sleep though; I couldn’t push my eye together without it hurting.’

Cheryl was faced the other way, retrieving the bacon and sausages out of the fridge until she heard Kimberley’s remark. She spun so quick on her heels, she nearly went around twice. Obviously, I was asleep when Cheryl woke up earlier that morning so she didn’t see my bulging eye socket that well.

When the blonde saw that half of my face was bruised and swollen, she ran towards me and held both of my hands inspecting it closely, with a panicking look upon her face.

‘Oh babe, yous alright? D’yous need anythin’? Yous in pain? Headache?’

‘Whoa Chez, I’m alright.’ I smiled.

‘Yous need to go to the hospital again baby!’

‘No way!’ I stormed off in a mood leaving Cheryl to sigh annoyingly.

I slammed the living room door and slouched into the sofa. The room was dead silent. The TV wasn’t on, the radio wasn’t turned on and I couldn’t even hear Cheryl’s company talking in the other room. I buried my head in my hands and I could feel tears burning. Every tear that dripped out of my swollen eye made me feel such excruciating pain.

Just as I was trying not to cry, I heard the door go and Nicola was stood in the doorway with a slight smile on her face. She looked cute. She had her bright orange curls pushed around the front of her shoulders. The red head was wearing black leggings and a white vest top, complimented with a leather jacket.

‘Hey you.’ She spoke gently.

‘Hi’ I wiped my eyes and causing myself to hiss at the pain as I did so.

‘Aww honey, don’t cry.’

‘I’m scared Nicola. Not for me but for Chez. I’ve been thinking, if I leave her then maybe she will be a lot safer.

Nicola stormed up to me, pulled my arms up so I was stood level with her. ‘Don’t you bloody well dare! You love each other! She’s scared and she needs you! She can’t have you running away.’


‘No. No buts, except Cheryl’s’ She winked causing me to smile. ‘You two need to talk properly about this but if you ever leave Cheryl, I swear I will find you and I will make you regret it.’ She winked again.

And with that, Cheryl walked in with a fried breakfast and a glass of orange juice.

‘I’ll leave you two to it.’ Nicola spoke lightly as she exited the living room.

The blonde bombshell shyly walked up towards me and put my food and drink down on a table at the side of me. She looked beautiful. Her bright waves tucked behind her ears, her make-up was natural and she had her usual sweet perfume following her presence. She wore a pair of black jog pants tucked in Ugg boots and one of my pale blue hoodies.

‘What were yous and Nicola talkin’ about?’ I heard an apprehensive Cheryl say.

‘Ah nothing much really.’ I sighed.

Cheryl laid her delicate fingers on my lap before holding me in one of her memorable stares. ‘Yous can tell us Nic.’

‘I was just being stupid and Nicola just made me see sense, that’s all.’

‘Bein’ stupid about what?’

‘Just... it doesn’t matter, you’ll just kick off at me babe.’

‘No... no I won’t. Jus’ say.’

‘Well, I told Nicola that maybe if we broke up, you would be a lot safer. You wouldn’t get all this and you could go back to living your life the way you were, without me being here and causing trouble every single day, hurting you, making you angry or cry. But Nicola told me not to. She told me you were scared and that you needed me. To be quite honest Cheryl, now that I have you, I can’t live without you. So I don’t know what to do, I’m so confused.’

Once I had finished, I looked over to Cheryl and saw that she had tears brimming at her eyes. ‘Don’t leave us! I’ve had boys. None of them made us feel like yous do.’

‘I’m not leaving you Chez.’

‘Promise me?’

‘I promise. All I’m saying is, I couldn’t bare it if she put you in hospital.’

Cheryl took both of my hands carefully before fixing her stare once more. I could tell she wasn’t thinking about what came out of her mouth next. It just flowed off her tongue, she meant every word.

‘I would risk anythin’ an’ everythin’ for yous. My career, my fans, my life... I realised that I wasn’t livin’ my life before I met yous, I was jus’ survivin’. Since I met yous, I’ve been livin’ my life the way I want to. I don’t want yous to believe that yous are bringin’ us trouble because you’re the one I want to make us feel better when things go wrong. I am scared an’ I do need yous. But this jus’ isn’t about us is it? You’re still scared of her aren’t yous?’

‘Pfft... No! Of course I’m not.’ I lied with arrogance.

‘Baby, it’s alright to be scared.’

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