Chapter 27

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Laying in bed that night, Cheryl was very quiet. I could feel the warmth of her body but she wasn't as close as she usually was. Normally, I could hear her heart loud and clear. Normally I could feel her hot breath on my chest and her heavenly touch across my body. But tonight, I couldn't.

'Gorgeous, what's wrong?' I shuffled up closer till my lips were softly pressed against her ear lobe. 

'Nothin' babe' The brunette flashed me a smile, but it wasn't believable.

'Come on Chez, I wasn't born yesterday, you can tell me anything.'

Cheryl turned to face me. Her dimples had disappeared and once again her beautiful, delicate and now make up free face was taken over by tears.

'Hey baby, don't cry... Come here.' I re-assured her soothingly, putting my free arm around her shoulders.

'Why did I have to be such an idiot and shout at yas? Yous did nothin' wron'.' The geordie sobbed in my arms.

'It's alright now Cheryl, honest.'

'No, it's not though cos yas probably in so much pain reet now.'

I took my arm away from Cheryl's shoulders and hooked my fingers under her chin so our eyes met.

'Babe, I'm okay. It doesn't hurt at all now and I don't want you to be hurting either.'

Before Cheryl could say another word, I pushed my lips onto hers. I could taste the apple lip balm she always used to apply before bed. I wonder if that is why her lips always looked so good. My arms wrapped around her waist like it was a natural reaction. I couldn't physically get enough of her.

'What's it going to take for me to get you to forget about tonight?' I whisper, my lips still pressed against hers. 

'Wipe it out with a better memory.' The sexy brunette whimpered.

I was slightly confused for a moment and I think she could tell. Without another word, Cheryl dragged me on top of her.

'I want yas Nic, Make love to us.'

Instantly, I pulled my lips away and smirked slightly as I pushed my body further onto hers. Her hair was laid down in front of her shoulders in loose chocolate brown curls. Her eyes were warm and welcoming and had a glistened tint that looked like stars in the night sky. 

Playing with her curls in my fingers softly and getting lost in her dark eyes, I whispered slightly. 'Cheryl I... I... I ... Oh it doesn't matter..'

'Babe, tell us... Now am intrigued' Cheryl smiled and her deep dimples had appeared and pierced my heart within an instant. 

'I don't want you to think I'm rushing things.' I started kissing harder down her neck, making Cheryl whine heavenly sounds into my ear. 

'But whatever yas tell us, will it be the truth?' The geordie struggled to say without stumbling over her words. 

'Of course I will!' I frowned back at her. 

'Well then tell us!'

'Cheryl, I love you. You drive me crazy. I need you to know that. I don't expect you to say it back. I don't expect you to love me so soon. But please believe me when I say that I love you.' 

The geordie didn't say a word to me. Her face had a clear expression of shock. The brunette's lips had parted as her jaw started to drop. 

'Babe, please say something?' I whispered, bowing my head and resting it on her shoulder, tightening my eyes as I knew she was going to say something that was going to either make me cringe or cry. 

'Yous are so fuckin' adorable!' 

I sighed with relief, relaxing on my muscles and started to explain myself properly. 'D'you remember when we were sat on that rock and you told me you had fallen for me?'

Cheryl nodded as she was still speechless and didn't even attempt to speak. 

'Well I wanted to tell you then but my emotions got the better of me.'

Cheryl slammed her lips against mine, making me silence and shiver. 

'Yous shoulda told us sooner Nic... And guess what?' The geordie winked playfully.

'What?' I shuddered, squeezing my eyes shut once more. 

'I love yas too.' She smiled so wide like a child on christmas morning.

Again, I couldn't speak. I was lost in her eyes. I don't know how the hell she could do this to me?

'Show us?' Cheryl interupted my thoughts.


Cheryl giggled innocently before speaking again. 'Show us how much yous love us Nic?' 

Her stare was so seductive. I knew exactly what was on her mind.


Waking up earlier than Cheryl the next morning, I had a plan. I wanted to experience another memory like the one we had on the rocks. But this time I wanted to make it perfect.

I was still curled up nect to Cheryl's delicate body. She looked so peaceful and happy. I stroked her arm gently before prising myself away from her. 

Downstairs, I had made some phone calls and had started to cook some breakfast. 

'Morning sweetie.' Cheryl had yawned from behind me making me jump. 

Turning around, I saw that the cute geordie was wearing one of my jumpers.

'I see you found my clothes then?' i raised an eyebrow. 

'Sorry babe but I really like this one and it smells just like yas'. Cheryl grinned. 

'Well I tell you what... You can keep that then.' I smiled whilst placing a bacon and ketchup sandwich on the breakfast bar in front of her. 

'Aw! What did I do that was great to get yous eh?'

'Just being you!' I grinned cheesily whilst pulling a stool out and planting a gentle kiss on Cheryl's soft cheek.

No matter how much I pinched myself, I couldn't believe I was sat in Cheryl's house and she was my girlfriend. Just weeks ago, I was dreaming about this.

'I hope you had a free day Chez cos I have something planned for you.'

'Maybe I could fit yas in me schedule for an hour this afternoon if yas lucky.' The geordie teased. 

'Well it's your loss.' I smirked before turning around and finishing cleaning the kitchen worktops.

'No no, Am sorry. Please do it! Am free all day!' Cheryl stuck her bottom lip out and I couldn't resist.

'Behave then!' I winked.

'When do I not behave?' Cheryl giggled innocently.

'Pfft! Roll the next joke!'

Ignornig what I had just said, she added 'What do I need to wear?

'Anything you want baby, but pack a towel and a bikini.' I smirked again before heading for the shower.

Cheryl's confused eyes followed me to the door.

'I'm going to get ready. Don't be long. I don't want us to be late.'

'Babe, what the hell are you up to?'

I laughed mischeviously before leaving, not even acknowledging her question. 

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