Chapter 50

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It had been a few hours and I was still hiding in Cheryl’s en-suite bathroom. I kept checking my phone every five minutes but nobody text, nobody called. Not even Cheryl. I stood up and looked at my reflection in a full length mirror and saw the state of myself. I must have cried a million tears whilst sat with my back against the door. I stumbled over to the sink to attempt to wash my face but as I saw a closer view of myself, tears started flowing again. I utterly blamed myself for what happened and now I can’t even get over it for Cheryl’s sake.

Suddenly I heard Cheryl’s bedroom door open slyly and gentle footsteps making their way towards the door to the en-suite bathroom and trying to open the door, but it was still locked.

‘Nicole, let us in?’

I didn’t reply. It was Cheryl and I had really fallen out with her this time. There was no need to go behind my back and tell the police for me. She deceived me and I wanted her to know that. But I also knew that if I took one look at her face, she knew full well that she would instantly be forgiven.

‘I know you’re in there still!’ I heard her add. ‘Babe please open the door. We need to talk.’

‘I have nothing to talk to you about.’

‘Baby, please don’t do this!’

‘It’s you who deceived me, remember! You went behind my fucking back and told the police and now if word gets out, I’m gunna be the one that’s dead... and why? Because all this was my fucking fault. Go on; tell me this is all my doing? Tell me you would be better off without me? I dare you!’ I pushed the blonde Geordie to tell me something I never really wanted to hear but I was just mad.

‘I’m not havin’ this conversation through a door!’

‘Well that’s your choice. The conversation through the door or no fucking conversation at all!’

‘Why don’t yous wanna see us?’ I heard the pain in her teary voice.

‘Because I know I will forgive you as soon as that door opens. And I don’t want to! You’ve really hurt me.’ I started to cry hysterically. ‘And you’re sat here coaxing me out so that the police can jump on me and ask me questions that I’m not even ready to answer.’

‘Nicole, the police left two hours ago. I’ve been spendin’ that time to pluck up the courage to try an’ apologise to yous but I’m not doing it through a door. I hate to hear yas cry babe. I’m truly sorry. I should never have done that. I wasn’t thinkin’ straight this morning. I jus’ want yous to be genuinely happy and move on with us. I care about yous Nic...’

Again, I didn’t reply but she knew that was because I was too busy crying. I was really hurt and she knew it.

‘Look, I’ll tell yous what. I’ll go lay on tha bed an’ yous come out when yas ready.’ Cheryl then added before I heard her footsteps get fainter as she walked towards the bed.



Cheryl had woken me from my sleep. I was laid on the cold bathroom tiles in just the shorts and vest top that I had scrambled for earlier that morning.

‘Babe yas really need ta come out an’ eat somethin’. Yous also need ta take your meds.’ The blonde spoke gently.

‘I’m not hungry.’

‘Don’t lie babe, please. You’ve punished us enough. I know I hurt yous an’ I’ve tried to apologise but doin’ this is makin’ yous feel worse! Come on out chick.’

Just as I was about to answer Cheryl’s plea, I felt something trickling down my head. I cursed in pain as I touch the route of the liquid and realised I was bleeding. I mustn’t have fallen asleep. I must have banged my head and knocked myself unconscious.

‘Shit!’ I blurted out.

‘What? What’s wrong? Nicole...? Babe?!’

‘I’m bleeding.’

‘What do you mean you’re bleeding? Let us in now!!’ She demanded instantly.

I reached for the door and unlocked it slowly, waiting for the blonde bombshell to open it from the outside. When she saw the look of me, I bet she was horrified. My hair was in messy curls flowing down in front of my pale white face. I had bloodshot eyes from all the crying and black bags underneath them and my lips were all shrivelled from not having a drink. I was wearing the vest top and shorts and she could most probably see the goose bumps all over my skin as they stood out by a clear mile. And then to finish off, she must have seen the blood trickling down the left side of my face as she gasped in shock horror.

‘Oh baby, come here! I’m so sorry.’

She filled me up in her strong but delicate arms and I must admit, I had missed the feeling of her skin on mine. Instantly the blonde ran for the blanket that was thrown over the bottom of the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders when she returned before cleaning up the gash on my head.

After Cheryl had looked after me and fed me, we were both snuggled down on the sofa in silence. I was laid on her chest as she was running her pretty little fingers through my hair. No lights, no television, no music. Just the sound of our hearts beating in rhythm.

‘Nic?’ Cheryl broke the silence.


‘What you said in the bathroom, did you mean that?’

‘Which bit?’ I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

‘The bit where you said it’s your fault.’

‘Well yeah... What happened was my fault. I was stupid enough to stay and put up with it.’

‘Baby, you weren’t stupid, you were just naive.’ I heard her whisper as she gently rolled on top of me holding me closer than ever before, if that was possible.

I knew exactly what was on her mind and to be honest, it’s what I needed. I needed to feel special. I needed to feel wanted and that’s what Cheryl did. She made love to me in a way I could never imagine anyone else doing.

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