Chapter 61

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23rd December. Today was the day. Cheryl's mum was coming down. This was the day that Cheryl was going to tell her mum about her... about us.

Cheryl had just come off the phone to her mum before cuddling up with me on the sofa. The woman was incredibly cute, wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a red Christmas jumper.

'Well?' I raised an eyebrow.

'Well what?' The gorgeous Geordie giggled.

'How far away is she?' I stared gormlessly.

'About half an hour and I'm really excited. We're going out for a meal with Lily and her boyfriend, Kimberley and Frankie tonight.'

'Why didn't you tell me this before?'

'Because I knew you would freak out, like you're freaking out now.' Cheryl smirked before she straddled my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck. The gorgeous girl kissed me so slowly and passionately for a good five minutes.

'Babe, I need to go get ready. I need to look my best.' I whispered trying to push her off with no disrespect.

'You always look your best Nic.'

'I have to make a good impression and set a good example.' My breathing started to become irregular.

Cheryl took one close look at me and knew it was the start of one of my anxiety attacks. She bounced up quickly and grabbed my inhaler off the fireplace before jumping back to my side. The blonde laid a light kiss on my temple as she rubbed my back soothingly.

'Remember what the nurse told you baby. You've got to stay calm. My mam will love you to bits. She's excited to see you.'

'WHAT?! You've told her?!' My heart raced. Sweat was physically dripping from my brow.

'No baby. I've just told her that you're a friend. But right now, we have to concentrate on you calming down and breathing properly. Then you can have your inhaler and go get ready.' Cheryl smiled.

A minute or two later and my breathing started to return to normal. I had taken a few puffs on my inhaler before thanking my girlfriend, kissing her on the lips and headed upstairs to get ready.

Once in the spare room where my suitcase was still lying, half unpacked, I had sat on the end of the bed trying to think of what to wear. Then I realised that right at the bottom of my suitcase laid my Rudolph jumper. I still wasn't keen on the idea of Christmas as I felt in my bones that this was most probably my dad's last. But I knew that by wearing that jumper, it would make Cheryl really happy as it was favourite time of the year.

I rummaged through what seemed like the never-ending suitcase and found my best button up shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans.

I took my clothes into the en-suite bathroom and had a quick shower before changing into my jeans, my red chequered shirt and pulling my Rudolph jumper over the top making sure the collar of my shirt was tucked over the top of the woollen material. I then run mouse into my hair, going for the wet crimped look before putting it up in a high ponytail. I slapped on my usual amount of make-up on, which took a good twenty minutes before bathing myself in some musky aftershave. I then found the watch that Cheryl had bought me and clunked it around my wrist before I had chosen a pair of red Adidas hi-tops that I had bought myself when me and Cheryl had a shopping spree two days previous.

Before heading downstairs, I checked my mobile and found that I had two texts from Cheryl. One was from twenty six minutes ago.

'Babe, my mum's here so I'm going to talk to her about us whilst you're getting ready. I don't want you getting panicky again. And don't be looking too sexy. I gotta keep my hands off you remember... ;) xxxxx'

The second text was sent four minutes ago, which read:

'What the bloody hell are you doing? I've told my mum. She's really proud of me and very happy for me. She is eager to see you, hurry. Xxxx'

I was startled at the texts. It had all happened so fast. I didn't know what to feel or think. Nevertheless, Cheryl had told her mum and now she's expecting someone as beautiful as her daughter to walk down the stairs. If that's even possible... Instead, it was me.

I took a deep breath before making my way down to Cheryl and her mum. Once down the stairs and into the doorway of the lounge were the two women were sat, I stuttered.


Suddenly, Cheryl's mum, Joan had stood up with a huge smile on her face and bounced towards me.

'Hey sweetie, you must be Nicole, I'm Joan. I've heard so much about you.' The older woman announced herself.

'A-All good thi-things I hope.' I stuttered again nervously.

'Oh gosh yes! Cheryl can't shut up about you. You poor thing, you're shaking.'

'Nic was so worried about meeting you mam, she had a panic attack.' I heard Cheryl speak sympathetically.

'Aww you don't need to worry about me pet, I'm harmless!' Joan beamed before giving me a tight squeeze and leading the way back to the seat in the lounge.

Cheryl patted the empty seat next to her on the sofa, instructing me to sit. Once I plonked myself , the blonde gave me a reassuring squeeze on the knee before kissing me quickly on the cheek.

'I told you it would be alright didn't I?' She whispered in my ear. All I could do at this point was nod.

'I'm just gonna go put the kettle on and make us all a hot drink. I won't be long.' Cheryl spoke louder this time. I looked at her telling her not to leave with my eyes. But Cheryl stood up anyway before giving me a reassuring smile, leaving me to sit and chat with her mum.

'So what do you do with yourself Nicole?' Joan questioned as soon as her daughter left the lounge.

'Well before I met Cheryl, I had just started my own business in designing leaflets and posters for other businesses' I explained quietly. 'But when Cheryl saw my song writing talents, I guess you can say that, that is my job now.'

'Oh wow!' Joan beamed. 'Well done! Have you written anything big?'

'Well Cheryl came to America with me because I had written 'Diamonds' for Rihanna.'

'That is such a big achievement. Congratulations.'

'Thank-you.' I mumbled just before Cheryl walked in with a tray of hot drinks.

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