Chapter 71

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'What's that?' I heard an annoyed tone come from behind me. 

I know I shouldn't have but secretly, I had switched my phone off and quickly stashed it in my jacket pocket before setting off to Cheryl's secret location the previous night. I had woken up earlier than Cheryl that morning and it gave me a good chance to sneak off into one of the lounges on the same floor and browse my social media. I don't know why I even had my phone on me. I guess I was just so new to all this fame, I was just excited, eager and scared for what we were heading back into when we leave here. I just wanted to know what kind of reaction I was going to have once back in the public eye. Cheryl strictly wanted it to be just us though. To feel like we were the only people in the world. She just wanted to live normal for a weekend and I had felt guilty that I already failed at doing that for her. 

'Nothing... it's nothing....' I hurriedly hid the phone behind a cushion before standing up and smiling widely at the annoyed but stunning blonde now in front of me.

'Don't lie to me Nicole!' Cheryl hissed as she barged past me, fished behind the cushion where I had just hid my phone and retrieved the device. 'I knew it.' 


'Save it Nicole! Do you know how much this hurt me?!' The blonde was now starting to screech. 

'Babe, calm down... please.' I had never heard the beauty be so annoyed since Frankie and Kimberley shared a kiss in her driveway. 

'Calm down? Calm the fuck down?! Do you have any idea what you have just done?! I took you to my safe place, no one had ever been here with me. Not Ashley, not my mam, not even my dogs. I told you about my fears, I opened up to you and told you why I brought you here. I told you not to break my trust! And all along you had your phone with you in your fucking pocket!'

'Cheryl, seriously... its just a phone!' 

'You think this is just over the fact you brought your phone?' The Geordie laughed sarcastically, probably to stop herself from getting agitated with the anger. 

'Well why else would you be flying off the handle like you are?' I stared at her dumbly. 

A tear fell from Cheryl's left eye and trickled down her soft cheek. 'You broke my trust Nicole. I didn't think you would do that to me. I thought you were different... I want to go home.'

'Cheryl babe, it's not what you think and you're not letting me explain. I brought my phone for a very good reason.' I pleaded for her reasoning. 

The blonde strolled towards me before gently laying my phone into my chest. 'I hope that the very good reason was enough to risk breaking my heart and losing me.' Her painful whispers wrenched at my insides, before she stumbled away from me. As she reached the doorway, she then spoke a little louder. 'I never thought this weekend would end this way. I want you to pack your things here and I'll run you to your parents house on the way home. You can stay there till I figure out what to do with this mess.' Cheryl closed the door quietly, leaving me to fall into the armchair and sob into my hands. 

The ride to my parents house was silent. It was strange  and I didn't like it. Cheryl usually stroked my thigh as she was driving. She would have had her head kicked back and giggling at my silly jokes. She would have had music blasting and I would always hear her angelic voice singing away. But now all that had gone. It felt cold, and empty. I glanced over at the side profile of Cheryl's tear stained face. She never looked at me once. She never spoke. 

We pulled up outside the bungalow that she had bought my parents, and I was about to get out of the car. But I wasn't prepared to leave, until I made Cheryl understand why I did what I did. 

'Babe, you know I love you. And I would never want to hurt you. I was scared of coming back into the public eye and not knowing what we were heading into. I just wanted a slight indication. I didn't want to get attacked when we got back or anything like that. You know what I've just been through. I'm scared of being physically attacked, more than you know.' 

The blonde didn't take her eyes off the view in front of her but spoke carefully and softly for the first time since our argument. 'Do you honestly think I would let anyone hurt you?'

'No... but...'

'I'll call you in a few days or something.'


'Nicole, please... just go.' 

'Well are we still together?' I started to bite my lip hard dreading for the answer and promising myself not to cry. 

She sighed heavily. 'Yes... no, I don't know. I need time to think.' 


A grouling few weeks had passed. and I had spent New Year alone in bed feeling sorry for myself. I made myself get to sleep before midnight so I wasn't thinking about going into the next year without the girl of my dreams. I hadn't heard from the beauty at all. She never called when she said she was going to but she wasn't seen on any social media, there wasn't any snaps of her leaving the house or attending work. Maybe she was feeling like me. Or maybe she was just embarrassed that she had announced to the world that what she had with another woman was a fling that was over in what seemed like just a heartbeat.

I had spent the past three nights perfecting a song that I wanted Cheryl to hear. It needed to be special, apologetic and from the heart. It wasn't easy as I was never that great at opening up, even in writing lyrics. I didn't even think about how Cheryl would hear it. I was just so desperate to make a move to fight for her, so she knew how much I loved her.

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