Chapter 66

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The journey home was silent. I didn't have any words to say to Cheryl as she drove the pair of us back to hers. As soon as Cheryl parked her car on the gravel, I jumped out and rapidly slammed the door behind me. 

'Nicole?' I heard the Geordie call over sternly.


'I know you're going through a rough time but stop slamming things. It isn't going to make things better.'

Once inside, I shrugged my jacket off and kicked my shoes off, leaving them in the middle of the hall. The first thing I realised was that we were alone. The party atmosphere that was was alive less than twenty four hours ago had been killed and there was no one to be seen. 

'Where is everyone?' I muttered.

'They have gone to give us some private time.' Cheryl replied whilst she was tidying the mess that I had just created.

'They didn't have to.' I slugged to the kitchen , opening a glass cabinet to where the endless bottles of vodka and the small glasses were kept, before taking one of each and jumping at the bar stool of the breakfast bar. 

A quarter of an hour had passed  and Cheryl had gone straight upstairs to get a quick shower and changed for bed. In the space of fifteen minutes, most of the contents of the vodka bottle were now swimming in my system and I was a drunken state. Cheryl was going to kill me. 

When Cheryl had wandered into the kitchen, I had seen three of her. She saw the near enough empty bottle and the state I was in before she stormed over and snatched it from my view. 

'Is this a new bottle?' The blonde snapped.

'Not now it isn't.'

'Don't be clever Nicole!' I sighed heavily. 'Yes, I took it out of that cupboard. I'' pay you back.'

'Do you think I could give a fuck about the money? You're wasted! Do you think your dad would want this right now?!' Cheryl's voice bellowed in my ears and the thoughts of my dad possibly dying and me not being there the past few weeks made me feel a mixture of anger, guilt and plain sadness.

I couldn't hold back my actions any longer, I punched the cold marble of the breakfast bar before crying uncontrollably.

I thought that Cheryl was going to be mad with me. I thought she was going to send me away with my one lonely suitcase but she never. In fact, she pulled me into the tightest cuddle ever. This woman never failed to amaze me.

'I know things are hard but a bottle of vodka isn't going to listen to you. It's not going to hold you and put you to bed. And it's definitely not going to be there for you every second of every day, is it?' 

The blonde beauty was of course right again. I looked down at the dent in the breakfast bar before glancing back at my girlfriend. 'You're supposed to be mad. I damaged your home.'

'I'll get it fixed but you're more important.' Cheryl whispered. 'Come on, let's get you to bed.' 

And before I could reply, Cheryl had put one of her arms behind my knees and another at the bottom of my back before sweeping me off of my feet. 

The Geordie started to clamber the stairs whilst I buried my head into her neck to smell her sweet fruity perfume. 

'I love you.' I whispered lightly causing goosebumps to rise on Cheryl's tanned skin. 

'I love you too beautiful.' 

Knowing that I was absolutely drunk, Cheryl had took the easy option to put me into bed in my underwear, rather than her wrestle with my now swaying body. 

'I'm sorry.' I slurred. 

'What for baby?' Cheryl had pulled me onto her before playing with my long soft hair.

'Ruining Christmas.'

'Don't you dare say another word about that. You have not ruined anybody's Christmas. Just waking up next to you on Christmas morning made it perfect.' 

Trying to digest what Cheryl had said to me, I was thinking about here living my dream and being selfish enough to leave my dad behind. My eyes started to weep again. 

'Do you think my dad will forgive me?' 

'Don't be silly Nicole. You've done nothing wrong.' The blonde was now bolted up right in bed, wiping my tears with a concerned look written upon her face. 

'I came here. I left him behind. I left my mum on her own to cope with everything. I'm such a bad person.'

'No no no! Stop talking like that. Your dad was more than happy for you to be here and when he comes out of hospital, he will have a huge change in his lifestyle. You coming here has changed his life. You changed his life. And he wouldn't be able to get any more prouder of you than he is now. Trust me.' Cheryl had spoken truthfully before settling back down again. 'I think you need to try and sleep that alcohol off.' She added.


It had taken me for what seemed like forever to try and get to sleep that night and after several nightmares followed by tossing and turning, I had eventually fallen into a solid sleep. I had been woken up to the sound of my phone ringing. Shit! I must have slept in till really late and Cheryl was nowhere to be seen. 

I turned over to reach for my phone When I had realised it was my mum calling. My heart felt like it had dropped to my gut. I was dreading this phone call. 

'Hello?' I croaked quietly. 

'Hey honey.' My mum sounded chirpy. This was a very odd for the situation we were in. 

'Mum, are you alright?' 

'Yeah. Good news Nic! Your dad's sat up having a cuppa in the ward! Get some grub down you, get dressed and come say hello.'

'Are you sure it's dad?' I asked in shock.

My mum giggled in return. 'I'm married to him Nicole, I know your dad honey.' 

How did this even happen? He was moments from death last night. Now he is drinking tea like nothing happened.

After my mum had explained to me about a nice doctor who was practically a miracle worker came to my dad's rescue. I had ended the call before a rush of excitement ran through my body. I needed to find Cheryl.

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