Chapter 45

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 ‘Chez, what’s wrong?!’ I flung my chair to the other end of the room and ran through the kitchen, throwing my half cigarette into a bowl of hot water filled with dirty dishes.  Skating through to the hallway, I saw Cheryl pinned against the wall with total fear in her eyes.

Cheryl had started to cry as I heard someone hiss. ‘Aw you have to get your girlfriend to defend you?’ I heard the familiar laugh before I heard the unknown female carry on. ‘She won’t defend you, she’s scared of me and she will soon realise how much of a wimp you are and come running back to me. All you have going for you is a fake pair of tits and a lot of cash.’

‘That’s not true! She’s not scared of yous anymore!’ I heard Cheryl cry as she tried to wriggle out of her hand lock.

‘Ey! Get your hands off her now!’ I screamed as my feet stopped before the rest of my body and nearly threw me over.

When I saw who it was, my heart stopped. I instantly saw flashes of old memories that I wanted to quickly forget. It was Alex. I felt fear straight away and I wanted to run and hide but then I flicked back to reality and knew that Cheryl needed me. I knew she was scared and she was hurt. I had to stop thinking about my fears and do what needed to be done.

‘Babe, Please. Do somethin’, Am scared. Am sorry for breakin’ ya phone an’ goin’ off on one. Please?’

I saw one look of Cheryl’s terrified face before glancing at the smug bitch of an ex who was thinking she had the situation in control. I wasn’t having this anymore.

I moved to behind Alex and attempted to put my arm around her neck to pull her back. But as I did so, the twisted ex hurled a punch into Cheryl’s fragile stomach which made the blonde bombshell curl and cry. That’s all it took. All I needed was for her to lash out at someone I really cared about for me to batter the shit out of her.

I dragged Alex back away from Cheryl so she didn’t get hurt again. The ex spun on her feet and as she did so, I threw a punch to her nose causing it to bend and bleed. This made the mental female angry and I saw fury in her eyes. She fisted me in the eye, causing it to crack.

I heard Cheryl wince. ‘Nic don’t fight! Yous gunna get hurt.’

‘No, I won’t! Not as hurt as this faggot!’ As I replied, I had fist in my stomach and a knee to my head.

As I stood up straight, I felt blood trickling from my face and knew I was hurt again. But I couldn’t feel any pain. The adrenaline that was flowing through my body was the only thing I was feeling.

‘You don’t scare me anymore Alex! I’ve had enough of you pushing me around and you have a fucking nerve coming here!’

‘Come home Nic. We don’t need money. I can be good for you, even in bed.’ Alex pleaded with a sick smile spread across her face.

‘You must be fucking mad?! I’m not with Cheryl for her cash. And that’s all you ever think about! Sex! Forcing me to do things, I never wanted to do. That’s not how a relationship fucking works.’ I screamed.

‘I’ve changed now sexy, I promise I have.’

‘Don’t call me girlfriend sexy!’ I heard a protective Cheryl hiss.

‘Chez! Don’t get involved.’ I hissed back.

‘Yeah bitch! Do as your owner tells you!’ Alex laughed.

‘You’ve not changed at all Alex and you’ll never change. I just hope no-one falls for your twisted plans again.’ I replied.

‘Well probably not because no-one can be any thicker than you!’

With those words, I lashed out again. This time I nutted Alex and watched her stumble backwards to the floor. When I glanced down at her I saw she had a whopper bruise the size of my head around her eye and cheek on the left side. I was proud of what I had just done but also disgusted I had stooped to her level. I couldn’t stop myself though. I didn’t want to stop until I was purely satisfied and till the feeling of guilt and disgust faded away.

I kicked the psychotic female in the ribs till she squirmed and winced. But I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. My heart was in my mouth and I could feel it pulsing. I kicked her enough time for blood to trickle from her lips.

I felt a strong grip on my arms and a force pulling me back. ‘That’s enough Nicole! Calm down an’ then get her out of here.’


I hissed slightly and moved my head back when Cheryl had put an ice pack to my cracked eye.

‘Keep still.’ Cheryl sounded annoyed but sympathetic towards me.

‘I can’t. It hurts.’

‘I know it does babe but if yous don’t let us sort ya out, you’ll be back in A&E’

I was perched on a chair at the breakfast bar, with the tiny Geordie stood between my legs. I had my hands pressed on her bum as she was trying to hide her smile.

A few moments had passed before I sighed. ‘I’m sorry Cheryl. It’s my fault.’

‘No it isn’t’

‘It is.’

The blonde rolled her eyes as she took my left hand away from her bum, placed the ice pack into it and raised it to my eye. ‘Hold it there. Am gunna wash ya cut.’

The place was eerie, Cheryl was silent and I knew she was secretly mad at how much damage I had done to Alex.

‘You’re annoyed with me aren’t you?’

‘A little but I know yous were jus’ protectin’ us. It was sweet an’ it was hot.’ She smiled gently pressing her lips to my head. ‘Come on; let’s get yous cleaned up then al order yas a new phone.’



‘Are you hurt?’ I looked genuinely sad.

‘Don’t worry about us sweetie, am a tough cookie. Now keep still.’

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