Chapter 69

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After I had finished playing all that I had written for The Vamps to Cheryl, I put down my acoustic guitar and cringed for the all important dreaded response. 

'That's awesome babe!' I heard the excited lady squeal. 'You're so talented, seriously. It fits the boys completely. They are going to be so amazed.' 

'Really?' I gulped hard as the blonde had her arms now wrapped tight around my neck. 

'Yes. You need way more confidence babe.'

I was just about to kiss my adorable girlfriend when her phone disturbed us, vibrating over a dozen times. 

'What the?' I jumped out of my skin, leaving Cheryl to giggle as she reluctantly picked up her phone to see what all the bother was. But her smile had disappeared within seconds and all the colour drained from her beautiful face. 

'What? What's wrong baby?' I got closer to her.

'It's out babe. The secrets out. It's everywhere. 

'Now you're going to tell me you're not ready aren't you?' I gulped. 

'Are you kidding me? No more secrets! I can hold your hand in public. I can take you with me to award ceremonies. I can do whatever I want now, with you by my side. A weight has been lifted. I was a little scared at first. I still am, I guess. But I don't regret it. Not at all.' The Geordie grinned mischievously and I knew she had something particular in mind. 

'I know that look Chez. What are you planning?I raised my left brow in suspicion. 

'Let's run away. Just for the weekend. Leave our phones and just go somewhere.' I almost saw the adventure glistening in her dark brown orbs. 

I didn't want to disappoint her but both me and Cheryl had responsibilities. She was famous and I was meeting up with The Vamps the following afternoon.

'Babe, you know that's not possible.' I uncomfortably rubbed the back of my neck. 

'Why not? Just call Brad, tell him you forgot you had something planned and that you've already been working on the new song. Just tell him that you're free earlier in the week?'

'And what if anything happens to my dad?' 

Cheryl swept towards me and landed her right hand on my cheek. 'When I feel like getting away. I leave my phone here but I have an emergency mobile that my mum literally only has the number for. I'll make sure your mum knows to call this number if anything happens.' Her dark brown orbs now looked persuading and I just couldn't say no. Cheryl needed an escape and I was selfish to deny it. 

'Okay... alright. But you have to do one thing for me.' 

'Anything!' The Geordie started to bounce on her tiptoes cutely. 

'Go back to being a brunette.'

'I thought you liked blondes...' Cheryl stood still. Her face was startled. 

'I love you, okay? Your hair could be green and I'd still love you more than anything or anyone in the world.' This made my beauty giggle. 'I don't want you to feel like you have to change the way you look, just to impress me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you feel so insecure. The truth is, we both know, you prefer to be brunette and it really suits those pretty eyes that I get lost in every time you look at me.' I almost whispered whilst playing with her hair affectionately. 

I could see tears burning her eyes. 'Why didn't I meet you earlier? Why did I have to suffer so much heartache just to find you?' 

'Everything happens for a reason Chez. But all that matters is that you I am here for you now. And I will do nothing but treat you like a princess.' 

'You completely understand me.' Cheryl matched my whispers as her forehead was now pressed against mine and we shared our most romantic kiss yet. 


'Where are we even going?' I questioned my girlfriend as she was driving through the busy streets of London. 

'My secret hideout.' Cheryl now grinned. Could this woman get any cuter?

'But where's that?' 

'You'll see.'

Fifteen minutes later and we pulled up outside a huge mansion. The building looked so perfect. It looked like royalty owned it. Surrounding us was acres of land and its own river running through the grounds. This sight was only something I had ever seen on postcards. 

'So this is it. This is my hideout.' She smiled. 'Beautiful isn't it? So secretive and I don't have to pretend to be anyone. I can just be me. You're the only person who knows about it.' 

At that moment, I knew Cheryl loved me. She shared something with me that meant everything to her. I could tell the trust was there. I had never felt so overwhelmed as I did right then. 

'You're being serious... aren't you?' I stammered staring straight out at the mansion in front of me. 

'Yeah babe. but it's not my secret hideout anymore, its ours.' The Geordie bit her lip nervously whilst taking hold of my now shaking hand. 

'You really mean that?' My voice cracked slightly leaving Cheryl to just nod. 

Upon entering the big house, I felt uncomfortably out of place. It seemed so posh and old fashioned. Paintings that must have been from the 1700's were hanging on the walls. The furnishings were either made out of gold, brass or red velvet. Cheryl was showing me around only some of the rooms as there was too much for me to be shown around. There was a library, a meeting room, breakfast room and several bedrooms before the beauty eventually pulled me into what seemed like her favourite bedroom. 

'Make love to us Nic.' I suddenly heard Cheryl whisper. 

'What? Here?' 

'Yes. Here. In this bed. It has always been my dream to take the love of my life to this house and make love with them in this bed. To just feel like there's only us in the world. And I've picked you. So don't break my heart, please don't break my trust. Just love me. Make love to me.' The seductive Geordie got hold of my collar and dragged me back passionately with her to the bed until I was laid right on top of her. 

'I couldn't break your heart and I never will. Ever.' I sighed heavily between slow kisses. 

I laid the sexy blonde out on the queen sized four poster bed after stripping her down to her lacy underwear. I kissed every inch of her body as her back arched arched and her nails clenched to my skin. I could feel her getting more frustrated as she was trying to free me from my clothes but the way I made her feel must have been to good for her to concentrate on the task at hand. 

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