Chapter 63

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The car journey back home was spent in silence. Every so often, I would glance over to Cheryl and see her staring out of her window, into the darkness of the night.

When we arrived home, she hurriedly climbed out of the car, slammed the door shut and stormed up the front path like a moody teenager.

"Thanks Greg" I said to our driver as he opened my door.

"My pleasure, Nicole" He replied politely.

I headed up to the front door which Cheryl had left open in her mood.

Once inside, I realised that Cheryl was nowhere to be found, meaning she'd gone upstairs to sulk.

Deciding to leave her to it, I made myself a strong coffee and took two painkillers for my pounding headache.


The next day, I'd woken up before Cheryl. It was Christmas Eve and I knew I had to make things right between the two of us before our families joined us later in the day.

I cooked Cheryl a full English breakfast and quietly climbed the stairs. When I reached the big wooden door, I could hear Cheryl talking, obviously on the phone. I tapped on the door with difficulty considering I was holding a tray containing Cheryl's food and a glass of fresh apple juice.

I waited a few seconds before pushing the door open, revealing Cheryl who still looked half asleep. Her blonde hair was scraped into a messy bun with strands of hair sticking up everywhere. Her face was completely free from makeup and there wasn't a single spot in sight. She wore cute pyjamas which had paw prints on the bottoms and a picture of a puppy on the top.

"I'm gunna have to go now mam, I've got to go out and buy the food for tonight and tomorrow" Cheryl spoke as I made my way over to the bed.

A minute later, Cheryl said goodbye and hung up. She placed her phone on the bedside cabined before looking at me and giving me a weak smile.

"I'm sorry" We both said at the same time.

"No babe, I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did. I was just stressed and I didn't mean to say what I said. It just slipped out, out of frustration" I rambled.

"But you were right" Cheryl started.

"What do you mean?"

"You'd never expect me to sit down and have a meal with Ashley, or any ex for that matter, so I shouldn't have made you do it"

"But I did it because I love you" I told her.

"That's not the point Nic, it was still wrong of me. I guess I just got over-excited and didn't think"

"It's okay, honest. Let's just forget about it, yeah?" I smiled.

"Yeah" Cheryl sighed as she threw back the bed cover, signalling for me to get in.

Cheryl ate her breakfast and then we laid and cuddled in silence for over half an hour, just enjoying each other's company. Neither of us wanted to move due to the warmth but we both knew that there was food that needed to be bought and decorations that needed to be put up.

"Right, come on" Cheryl demanded as I was starting to drift off.

The petite woman jumped out of bed and came round to my side, pulling the covers off me with an evil grin on her face.

"Move it!" She demanded, folding her arms and attempting to be serious.

"Nope, I refuse" I said playfully, pulling the covers back over me.

"Nicole Ryans, I'm going to count to three and if you're not out of this bed, I'm going to tickle you to death" Cheryl said sternly.

"Ohhh heeell no!" I panicked, throwing back the snugly duvet and flinging myself out of bed before Cheryl could even count to one.

"Good child" Cheryl joked, smiling at me, clearly proud of her work. "Now I expect you to be ready for half past ten and it's now ten past nine" And with that, she went into the en suite bathroom to shower, closing the door behind her, leaving me alone in the bedroom.

Well that's me told. I thought to myself.

Cheryl and me went to the nearest supermarket, which was Asda. We filled up two large trolleys with food. Normally, that amount of food would last the two of us a month, possibly longer. But considering the amount of people coming to stay, it would probably only last three or four days.

One trolley was full of food for meals and buffets, while the other was full of junk; sweets, crisps, chocolate, tins of biscuits, bottles of fizzy pop and packets of nuts. No prizes for guessing which trolley I'd filled!

We crammed the bags of shopping into Cheryl's blue Audi Q7, in the boot and along the back seats.

Cheryl sped home and we quickly put the shopping away and rushed adding the rest of the decorations around the house so we had some time to chill.

"It looks so cute and Christmassy!" Cheryl squealed, admiring the fireplace where she had just added the finishing touches.

"You look cute too" I smiled, slipping my arms around her waist from behind. The small Geordie leaned back into me and I planted a soft kiss just below her ear, causing goosebumps to rise on her tanned skin.

It was one o'clock, meaning we had two hours until everyone arrived. To say I was nervous was a huge understatement. I was scared to meet the rest of Cheryl's family. I was also scared about what they'd think of me and my family. My family weren't well off, which meant no one had expensive clothing or followed the latest fashion trends.

I was on the end of the bed in mine and Cheryl's room, and I could feel a panic attack coming on. My palms filled with pools of sweat, my heart started racing and my breathing quickened. I felt dizzy and my chest was tightening.

As though she could sense something was wrong, Cheryl walked into the room. She didn't speak, she just ran over to me and gently laid me down on the bed. The slim blonde lay next to me and gently massaged my chest and snuggled into me until I'd calmed down.


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