Chapter 64

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After calming down and having a small cuddle with Cheryl, I felt a lot better. She'd reassured me that everything was going to be fine and I knew it was; I believed her. It was just my stupid anxiety playing up, as usual.

We were downstairs preparing the buffet for when our families arrived. We'd covered the dining room table in a Christmassy table cloth and were listening to Christmas music whilst dancing around the kitchen in Christmas jumpers. You could say we were in the Christmas mood.

I was excited to see Cheryl's face as she opened her presents early the next morning. I'd put a lot of thought into her presents and I kept silently praying that she'd like them.

"Stop pinching the food!" Cheryl scolded me as I popped another cocktail sausage into my mouth.

"But I'm staaarving!" I complained.

"I have fed you today" Cheryl raised an eyebrow. "Everyone will be here in an hour so just hang on"

"Fine" I grumped, causing Cheryl to shake her head at me.

It was as though I was a cheeky child and she was my disapproving mother. She looked funny when she told me off, but cute too.

Cheryl's Christmas jumper was red and Rudolph was knitted across the front. He had a big, red, bobbly nose and a cute scarf on. The stunning Geordie woman had curled her hair into thick waves and applied a fair amount of makeup. Her lips and eye shadow were a deep red colour and she looked stunning. She was also wearing black leggings and Ugg boot-style slippers.

Cheryl had practically forced me to wear a knitted Olaf jumper, insisting I looked cute when in reality, I looked like an idiot. I wore it though, just to make my girlfriend happy. Olaf's nose was 3D and flopped around every time I walked, much to Cheryl's amusement.

Just after three o'clock, the doorbell rang and I jumped out of my skin. Slowly approaching the door and peeping through the spy hole, I saw that it was just my parents with my sister, Jade. Behind them stood my cousin Gary with his girlfriend Leanne and their children, Amelia and Josh.

"Come in" I greeted them as I pulled back the heavy front door.

The stepped inside, immediately grateful for the heat coming from the house. It was -3°C outside. There was a thin layer of frost on the path, covering the grass and the cars parked outside. Icicles had formed on every windowsill and there was a slight mist in the air.

My mum pulled me into a hug, happy to see me after so long. I went on to hug my sister and then my dad who was breathless due to the cold air outside. I linked my arm with his and led him to the comfort of the living room, helping him as he slowly sat down on one of the sofas. I helped him take off his coat and passed him his blue inhaler that my mum had taken from her handbag. My frail father took a few puffs and I immediately saw an improvement. Every time he became breathless, I panicked, thinking that any breath could be his last.

"Thanks love" My dad smiled as he passed his inhaler back to me.

"It's alright. Just take it easy, yeah?" I smiled and he nodded.

I took everyone's winter jackets and hung them up on the coat stand in the hallway and took their shoes, placing them neatly on the shoe rack before writing down a list of drinks everybody wanted.

"You okay babe?" Cheryl asked as I headed back into the kitchen.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous still but I'll be fine"

"Let me know if you feel a panic attack coming on and I'll be right by your side"

The blonde softly kissed my forehead before helping me make the drinks and carry them through to the living room. Everyone had appeared to get themselves comfortable either on a sofa or a bean bag placed on the floor nearby. Me and Cheryl brought in our own drinks from the kitchen before sitting on the same sofa as my parents.

Around twenty past three when we were all happily chatting, there was a knock on the front door followed by the sound of it opening. This meant some of Cheryl's family were here as my family wouldn't just walk in.

"Hello?" I heard Joan call from the hallway.

"In the living room mam" Cheryl shouted back.

A few seconds later, a rosy-cheeked Joan entered the living room. She was wearing black leggings and knee high boots with a thick winter coat that reached her knees. Snowflakes covered her jet black hair and the tip of her nose resembled the same one Rudolph had on Cheryl's jumper.

"Hiya mam" Cheryl smiled as she placed her coffee down on the table and stood up.

She went over and gave her mum a hug before helping her struggle out of her coat.

"Mam, this is Nicole's parents" Cheryl smiled, gesturing to my parents.

"Hello" Joan smiled.

"Over there is her sister Jade, cousin Gary and his girlfriend Leanne, and their children; Amelia and Josh" Cheryl continued, pointing everyone out.

"It's so lovely to meet you all" Joan said as she looked at everyone.

"Get off, that's mine!" Came the shout of my cousin Jamie as his brother Jack tried to grab the last sausage roll.

"Fuck off, I saw it first" Jack replied, shoving his brother out of the way.

"Boys!" My auntie Faye scolded. "You can share the sausage roll and Jack, do not swear"

"Sorry mum" The boys said, bowing their heads in shame.

It was seven o'clock and the house was now packed with people from both mine and Cheryl's families. Everyone was getting along and everything was going smoothly. All the food was getting eaten, Christmas music was playing quietly in the background along with a Christmas film on the TV, and everybody was happy. Cheryl had been right, I had nothing to worry about.

There was a knock on the door and I threw Cheryl a confused look.

"Go and answer it" She smiled.

As I opened the door, I was greeted by Lily and her boyfriend Joel, and Kimberley.

"Hey guys" I smiled awkwardly, remembering what had happened the last time I saw the three of them.

"It's alright Nicole, forget about what happened, okay?" Kimberley smiled politely.

"Yeah, we know you were just upset, Chezza has explained everything" Lily added, wrapping her arms around me for a hug.

The three of them came in and we headed into the living room where I introduced them to my family. Everybody shared hugs and the happy atmosphere that filled the room, made me smile like a child with a bag full of sweets. This was going to be the best Christmas ever. 

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