Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

As the car's engine started to roar, I didn't know whether I was more angry or upset. Either way I was heartbroken. I knew that if I looked at anyone, I would just cry so I fixed my eyes on the road and watched as we drove through and out of my home town. 

One thing for sure is that Cheryl was right about the screen being up. I couldn't hear them, which put me a little at ease. The windows were tinted so that you could see out but no one could see in. It felt like the whole back cabin of the car was just soundproof and private.

'Are you okay pet?' Cheryl whispered.


'I know you're angry, I would be angry too! In fact I've been there haven't I?'


'Is that all yous can say?' Cheryl said in a caring tone.

'No-- Look Cheryl, I don't wanna talk about it. Please?'

Cheryl looked out of the window chewing her bottom lip nervously, desperately trying to find something else to say.

'Yous look cute in that outfit...' Cheryl said as she looked at me and then quickly turned her head back to the window. 

I was wearing black jog pants with a pink waist band and pink cuffs at the ankles, a slightly over sized white hoodie that had black sleeves and a big black '6' written on the front. On my feet were a brand new pair of black and pink Pastry hi-tops that I had just ordered off the internet the previous week. 

'Why is it that when we're silent, you always break it with a conversation about what I'm wearing..' I smirked.

'I  can't help it if yous always look good can i?!' 

Cheryl shuffled up close to me and clutched onto me tight. I could hear her heart clearly like thunder and my eyes were burning with tears but I held them back. She softly kissed me on the head and whispered 'Everythin' is gonna be alright pet! and no matter what, you've always got us now!' 

Due to the broken sleep I had the night before, I could feel myself relaxing in her arms. My cares slightly drifted away and I was soon to be dozing off perched on her shoulder listening to her heartbeat. 

I woke up few hours later to find Cheryl's jacket bunched up behind my head acting as a pillow and my legs across hers as she was stroking my thighs gently with her thumb. When she glanced over to me and saw I was awake, she smiled softly, showing off her perfect dimples. Oh how I'd love to kiss them! 

'I'm sure I didn't fall asleep like this.'

'Yous fell asleep on my shoulder chick, it was so cute. I didn't want to wake yous cos yous looked peaceful. I knew yous couldn't lay like that for ages so I put yous in a better position...I hope yous don't mind.'

I shook my head gently and glanced down at her hand over my thighs and looked up, slowly getting heated up with her touch. I wanted her. Despite Frankie and everything that had happened a few hours ago, I was in a mad fantasy. I wanted Cheryl, I wanted her now! Did she even know what she was doing to me?  

'You're adorable when yous sleep! Yous make this funny lil noise every so often...In fact I got a picture of yous snugglin' upto us asleep.'

My face blushed as I managed to stutter 'M-make sure it s-st-stays on your phone.' 

She laughed and then glanced over to the window. 'Well this is it. Home sweet home.'

'No way!!!' I shouted loud making Cheryl jump but giggle.

Cheryl's house was a huge three storey house, the kind you would only ever find in America! I knew she wasn't lying because the Audi R8 was sitting perfectly just outside the garage where her driver had carefully returned it earlier that day. What am I on about? Why would she even have any reason to lie anyway! This was Cheryl Cole and this is her house!! 

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