Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

In the box was a watch. No. Not any old watch. This one was the exact same watch that I was standing outside of the jewelry shop back in Hull everyday since summer. It was over £3000 and no-one in Hull was ever rich enough to buy it. So it was just sitting alone in the window of the shop. There were only 30 ever made in the world. And now one was in my hands.

The watch was made of nothing but pure gold. It was big and chunky. That's how I loved them. The glass on the face of the watch was crystal glass and had a diamond rim around it. The arms of the watch had small shiny diamonds all the way along. 

I couldn't speak! I didn't even attempt to. My eyes started to swell and could feel little droplets falling onto my cheeks.

Cheryl was grinning even harder than I ever have seen before. 'Look on the back babe!' She whispered.

I did as she instructed, only to see it had my name carved into the back of the face and the product number. The watch was number 22 of 30 in the world.

'It took us forever to try and find that model to match ya age! So now when yous look, you'll never forget that yous got that for your 22nd birthday.' Cheryl smiled.

'I don't think I'd ever forget anyway.' I whispered as I hadn't found my voice yet. My hands were shaky. My heart felt like Cheryl had took it with both of her warm hands just to overwhelm me. 

She gently took the box and removed the watch. 'Come here then, give us ya wrist. Yous not gonna stare at it all day are ya?..Wait, is it not what yous wanted?' She looked sincerely sad.

'Oh my god Cheryl! Are you crazy?! I've been staring at this watch everyday for the past six months!' I choked up and tears were now streaming from my eyes. 

She took me into a tight embrace. 'Well I'm glad I made the right choice then pet!'

When we parted from the hug, Cheryl took my wrist so gently and wrapped the watch around it, carefully clasping it together.

Finally getting my breath back after minutes of looking, watching the arms tick around. I said 'Now, I can have two pretty things on my arm at once.'

Cheryl threw her head back into laughter, lightly hitting my tummy before clutching hers. 'Yous really don't realise how much yous make us laugh!'


Watching Cheryl get ready in bed was either torture or a pleasure, I couldn't work out which. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans, red heels and a plain white vest top, finishing off with a leather jacket. She was sat at her table doing her make up, when she turned her head to look at me, my jaw was pretty much on the bed by this point and my eyes were bulging out of the sockets.

'Yous got me all hot and bothered!' She winked.


'Yous gunna be droolin' soon' Cheryl swiped a flirtacious look towards me and then carried on applying her bright red lipstick. 

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